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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. I wont make jokes about loosing key guys weather it be Montreal, Ottawa or any other team. Karma is a you know what.Hockey gods think alot like the fishing gods...Sure sucks that the Sens aren't all that competitive this year.. I was looking forward to that rivalry.. This season isint over yet..Go Leafs Go Tampa tonight..Big Ben starts again..Its been a day over a week and still no word on Reimer..Perhaps its time the media call his Mom ike they did with his head injury...lol
  2. Go Leafs go , but ya Habs are looking good..Still wont beat our beloved Leafs....
  3. Leafs just won 6 of 7 including 3 shutouts Orr on the 3rd line for 2 games in a row..Whats going on with this team..Im loving it..
  4. Ding, Macarthur..all 3 leafs goals tonight have hit metal..Ding!
  5. Good first.. Big Ben has been stellar in his moment to shine..Yikes.
  6. Great game. What more can I say Big Ben with the no no
  7. Im ready , but ill only be watching the first, then switching over to the Race! Go Leafs and 78 Go!
  8. Musky Matt your dreaming if you think he meant to do that...lol Your above comments made me laugh thou..Thanks for that..I hate to see a skilled player go down like that but it is what it is..Crying foul when there is nothing to cry about only makes you look like a Sens fan, oh wail....Yup the shoe fits.. Perhaps your crying foul would be better received here http://fans.senators.nhl.com/community/forum/24-sens-talk/ We will see ya bums tomorrow night..Were beat to Hell too so this should be interesting.....
  9. Were in Campbellford on the Trent river we pay $2500 that includes a 3 way hookup a second fridge and our own maintained private dock ..Cant go wrong at that price.
  10. Can you post it here? I cant seem to find it..Is it hte one of the in car dash cam? This is Crazy stuff
  11. anyone have a better link then the one above its not working worth a crap...
  12. Say what..This is awesome..What, is this run by Musky Matt.. I as a leaf fan take this as a compliment..Ya baby wait till the23rd Those ignorant Leaf fans will be twice as loud..GO LEAFS GO....Alfie sucks......
  13. Ouch just seen the Karlson- Cooke incident..Wow Im not a Sens fan but I do feel bad for them. Its been a season of hard knocks for that team...
  14. Ya thats going to be a good night for sure! Go Leafs Go ! I would also like to see the 78 Furniture Row car win!
  15. Actually I went from a BB bold to this phone and have no issues with the typing at all. I did at first but it only took a day to get used to it
  16. Yes Edited using the Story Maker app that comes installed
  17. Well I finally went and picked up a new phone.. Decided to go with the Z10, wow what a phone considering my last was a BlackBerry curve..I have nothing but positive things to say, and Go Canada! Here is video I shot and edited with the z10 using the story maker App.. anyone else? Lets see your vids! <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/eVh_HyEnWhA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  18. Wow thats great news! Only a week is only 3 games..2 weeks is 7....
  19. No Loungo please.. if we need a guy to fill the hole short term get dayne rolison and ride scrivens or somthing like that..
  20. Great kill boys!! This is the loudest I have heard the ACC in a long time
  21. Philly is fishing for a goal this Power Play..Had to use a fishing term to keep this thread legit on OFC tonight...lol
  22. yes sir it is..Big glove save Ben...wow
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