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Everything posted by MrSimon

  1. To be totally honest, Musky or Specks, your post in that thread did sound a bit whiny. I think you had a valid point, but it came across as cranky and whiny. But, that's kind of the norm for this board .... hands down it's the crankiest fishing forum I've ever been a part of .... it's also one of the most amusing and the users genuinely love fishing. Everyone's passion for the sport, and the outdoors in general, is what keeps me reading. Crankiness on the internet is pretty dang low on my list of things to worry about.
  2. I kind of doubt a local tackle shop will loose a noticeable amount of business to a couple kids selling worms off their front porch? My guess is that a cranky person in the kids neighborhood didn't like the signs, so they called it in.
  3. Why do you do that? Most depreciation charts say vehicles loose close to half of their value in the first 4 years. From a purely economical perspective, that's pretty much the worst car buying approach out there.
  4. There will always be people willing to pay through the nose for shiny new vehicles. Like the saying goes, "a fool and his money are soon parted".
  5. UPDATE City Councilor Justin Towndale issued a statement on the subject: “Earlier today I was made aware of an issue in which a By-Law notice was served to a local family advising that their three children could no longer sell worms from their property. I’ve since met with the family, have reached out to our By-Law supervisor, and contacted my Council colleagues. I’ve been advised that in the past, this same By-Law provision has been used to shut down lemonade stands that were also run by children. My goal is to remedy the current issue and fix it for all going forward. We should let kids be kids.“ Thanks, Justin
  6. These new diesel trucks and SUVs are really nice. But they are so expensive that it doesn't make economical sense to buy one. Interest on long loans and depreciation of a new vehicle will MORE than offset any savings from mileage. Over a 16 year period, buying TWO used pickups will still be $25k cheaper than buying a brand new Ram diesel.
  7. Don't forget to read all the way down in the article .... it looks like this is being taken care of and the kids will be allowed to sell their worms.
  8. I recently upgraded and had to choose between the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6+. I liked the huge screen on the 6+, but it was too difficult to use with one hand and too big to put in my pocket. I went with the iPhone 6 and love it. It's screen is still quite large, the cameras are great, everything works smoothly and I didn't have to read any manuals. I really like the thumb reader. No more passwords.
  9. It's really all about preference and what you plan to do. My personal recommendation based on your situation is to go with the fifth wheel and a nice 3/4 ton diesel truck. It sounds like you'll want to camp in different spots for decent chunks of time - not bouncing around every week or so. The big campers are a LOT cheaper than big motor homes, and they are larger inside and have better layouts (no cab area to eat up space). A nice diesel pickup will hold its value really well, and the campers hold value better than motorhomes (from my experience). One thing for sure, you can save a TON of money by buying both the truck and camper a few years old. There is no reason to buy brand new. Lastly, if its just the two of you, you should at least look at the big bumper pull campers. Some of the newer ones have two or three slideouts and are super nice. They will be cheaper than a big fifth wheel and will be easier to tow around and sell later. Plus, it frees up the bed of your truck, which is incredibly useful.
  10. I guess that's a matter of preference. I absolutely love to jig deep structure for smallies and walleye. I don't like casting all that much - probably because it hurts my back more and more as I get older.
  11. I wonder if any of the dropshot guys hook into some nice walleye. I'd be surprised if they didn't.
  12. It also depends on what kind of cooler you have. A good high quality cooler can hold ice for four or five days if you do it right, but it always helps to drain out the water and add fresh ice once a day. Keeping the fish dry is important. If it gets wet, or comes in direct contact with the ice ... things get nasty. I tend to agree that three days or less is best ... but 5 days is doable if you take all the right precautions.
  13. You are a riot! You don't care if strangers do dumb stuff and die. And you say things like "to each his own". Yet you are in favor of a rule that forces everyone to wear a PFD at ALL times in any boats shorter than 24'. I actually applaud you for wearing your inflatable at all times. That is a very responsible and safe thing to do. More of us probably should do the same and it's good of you to encourage us to do so. BUT, supporting a law or regulation that FORCES us to wear them at all times is what puts our hackles up. Forced government regulation doesn't sit well with most folks.
  14. Oh I hope not. That's right where I'll be fishing.
  15. You think it's common sense to not care when people die, AND to joke about it?
  16. That is a horrible thing to say.
  17. A rule like that would piss off almost every single angler in the province of Ontario. And aren't the rules already be pretty cut and dry?
  18. They made Lake Ontario off-limits this year. I'm guessing since the winner last year made the run every day, that tons of guys would have done the same this year. Having half the competitors spending more time running than actually fishing doesn't make for a very exciting event.
  19. This is what I did to keep a bunch of walleye fresh for three days in a cooler. Fillet the fish (leave some skin on) Rinse in clean water, pat dry with paper towels Store in gallon Ziploc freezer bags - only a few fillets per bag - you want it to lay flat - squeeze out the air Fill bottom half of cooler with ice Lay towel on top of ice Lay bags of fillets neatly on top of towel Lay a second towel on top of fish Put two or three freezer bags full of ice on top of second towel Close lid and don't open it After three days the fish was nice and chilled, but not frozen, and still in excellent shape.
  20. Is anyone going to watch any of the festivities in a few weeks? Coincidentally, I will be up in the area for a long weekend of fishing during the tournament. I'm kind of excited to see some of the pros buzzing around, and I think I'll try and go see the final weigh in on Sunday. I just hope the areas I fish didn't get pounded during pre-fishing .... or worse yet, have a couple $100k bass boats bobbing around the shoals when I show up on Friday. Either way, I like the energy that these tournaments bring to an area and I look forward to seeing it up close and personal.
  21. I am really enjoying following your progress. Thanks for posting and keep up the good work!
  22. The charter captain told me that in the Spring the eyes stack up around the islands and other parts of the Western Basin. People often jig for them during that period and do very well. He likes to use big hair jigs. Then, as the water warms, the fish move out to the Central and Eastern basins to suspend in deep water and follow the bait. Then they start to move back West in the Fall. Pretty much just like Ohiofisherman said. We were maybe seven miles out of Vermilion and we were catching fish about 20' down over 40' of water. The school of walleye we were on was at least a few miles across in each direction. There were a lot of boats following that school, but not all that many were catching fish. Even though I'm not a huge fan of trolling like that, there are a lot of small variables that you have to get just right to catch fish. Boat speed, weight size, leader length, depth control, lure/color choice etc. When I was calling around to different charter captains, I was amazed that none of them would run bass charters. When I mentioned it you would have thought I asked them to clean toilets at a truck stop.
  23. Don't get me wrong ... I liked my charter captain a lot. Great guy, knew his business, and I'd totally recommend him to anyone looking to fish Erie. And I did have an absolute great time! I just don't think I'd go out of my way to do that style of fishing again.
  24. It definitely was an amazing day, but there are still two things about it that kind of nag at me. 1) It was hard for me to swallow my catch and release attitude and watch all those nice fish go in the cooler. I'm certainly grateful and happy to now have a year's worth of fish in my freezer, but I couldn't help but cringe every time we tossed a giant walleye in the box. I know Erie is an amazing fish factory, but still. All those charter captains keeping up to eight limits day after day after day. That's got to impact the fishery. 2) Open water trolling is boring. I really enjoyed catching world class fish over and over, but it's still a boring way to fish. The charter captain rigged everything up and we just trolled along until one hit. He would take the rod out of the holder and hand it to me. Then I would just slowly crank away until he netted the fish. Plus, trolling rods and heavy line don't make for a great fight, especially when you are pulling in a planar board for half the fight. Not to mention the lake is boring as all get out. No islands to look at, no pretty pine trees along the shoreline, not rocky shores to explore. In short, it ain't Canada (well, I guess some of it is, but you know what I mean). Again, I loved the experience .... but it truly PALES in comparison to catching a big Canadian smallmouth on six pound test .... or setting the hook on a heavy walleye and feeling it not move .... or having a big northern bump your spoon then come back and crush it.
  25. I finally got a chance to fish Lake Erie, and it did not disappoint.
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