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Everything posted by rippinlipsfishingteam

  1. I saw this thing in person and I am glad I had the opportunity !! Honestly, the pics and even the video do not do it justice !... this thing was a beeeeeeast !! I knew something was up when I got the frantic phonecall...."hey can you please come down here to take some pictures for me" ...lol... I am glad I got to see it in person ! Congrats on your fish PC and clients !
  2. Thanks guys... I blew one up by accident the other day cleaning the vest .... stuuuuuupid hahaha
  3. I need to 're-arm' my pfd. They take a 33 gram c02 cylinder. Just curious on the best place to get these and ...can they be refilled or do I just have to buy new ones ? Thanks !
  4. Well, after a tough loss/start to the season having blown a motor we kind of got a little stir crazy .... so we decided to sharpen the skills for 2011. I was lucky enough to borrow a boat for the opener so it wasn't a complete right off. Its gonna be a good season ! Good luck bassin'this year guys ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h17SLsTK8SA Lots of Erie info and reports to come this season
  5. Was out with the dogs in the yard and happened to look down. I thought I was imagining what I was seeing but I wasn't.... It was the smallest turtle I have ever seen .... Nice little painted turtle... cute little guy. Took a few photos and put him back in a safe place..... good luck little buddy !
  6. Hahaha...thanks guys... working on part 2 as we speak... its gonna be gooood! haha ...and we are now filming in HD !
  7. For most of us poor Canadians, winter is a lonnnnng bass'less time ... gotta stay sharp boys ! hahaha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByAYFcfbFrE
  8. Fantastic rod....reel seat is real nice, never comes loose, lots of power. For the price you cant beat it !
  9. Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!! I won something in my life !! hahahahahaaha Thanks TJ ! ....oh and its pronounced 'rippin lips fishing team' hahahahahaa
  10. Sad to say its over....weeeee suck hahahaha....at least we have Mercer ! hahahaha...good show guys ! Awesome stuff guys ! Pete, get down here to the Niagara river so we can find the next Ontario record lurking around !!
  11. Sorry for your loss. It kills me when I see these posts.....my dog is only a year out and I cant imagine.
  12. Hahaha...I know, I took my life in my hands that day. I was sweating so bad by the time we got out to the spot because I was holding on for dear life hahahaha. Caught lots of perch though so I guess it was worth it
  13. Nice largies ! Got a few smallies over 6. Here is one from Erie. 6.1 Lbs(weighed)....terrible picture, doesn't do it justice. I want a 5 LB largie next year !....I will flip till my arms fall off if I have to haha
  14. Thanks ...I have a ton of footage from the year but I tried to keep it short. Whoever PM'd me....(sorry, deleted it before I could reply)...yes, all of the footage was taken from Niagara. Upper and lower Niagara river, and Erie. Gotta love Southern Ontario
  15. Hopefully next year will be even better ! ...a few 60 inch Niagara muskies will help http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSnqwobOxhg
  16. Trout are aggressive fish make no mistake about it. We get them on crankbaits all the time so it doesn't suprise me that they will chase a tube down and smash it ! Nice fish
  17. My costume...(if anyone touches my boat
  18. My little fishin buddy ! I never wanted a small dog but this guy is just awesome....2 LBS...doesn't bark...and loves the boat ..what else can you ask for
  19. Awesome fish ! Im jealous no doubt ! Those beasts almost resemble a laker. Float fishing without 80 other guys shoulder to shoulder down a shoreline ....whats that ??????
  20. Jeff, looks like the same deer ! hahaha.....maybe its the safest spot considering hunting season is coming up !
  21. This shows how tough these animals really are ! Anyone who has fished the lower niagara river knows that it would almost be certain death if someone tried to swim across it, especially up near the glen or whirlpool. While shore fishing we noticed something out in the middle...and it seemed to be coming towards us, making its way around the steady flow of boats drifting down the river. Next thing you know a whitetail pops up out of the river and goes straight up the steep bank behind us. Not something you see everyday that is for sure. I wonder if customs stopped it to check its passport ??
  22. Nice pics !
  23. Wow...cant wait to hear the story. What was he actually fishing for when he caught that thing ??
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