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About canuckjack

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    Seaway Valley

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Almost a Guide (5/10)



  1. Comment from a guy who is definitely not a mechanic. I had a similar issue with the priming bulb not staying firm with my 2 stroke 30 HP Johnson resulting in stall-outs and tough restarts. Replaced the line and bulb, same issue, replaced the molex connectors at both ends of the line and the problem went away. I assume there are o-rings in there that eventually wear out. Just something to try if you didn't get new connectors when you did the fuel line change.
  2. Huh, shows you what I know...LOL, ah well like my sig says "so much to learn". She put up a great little fight Rod Caster, lots of fun.
  3. Did not know that, thanks Woodsman, didn't realize we had those around here.
  4. Hey all, I know it's been an awfully long time since I've posted here but I had an interesting catch last week and no one I've shown it to has been able to tell me what it is. I just know someone here has the answer. At first I thought maybe Sheepshead but there were no teeth, my best guess is a drum which has the same slopped face and nostrils but the pictures I'm seeing online don't quite match. Anyway, she was caught in the St. Lawrence near Long Sault in about 15 feet of water in an area with lots of current on a simple black jig with a worm. Canuck
  5. Well there's your problem, you're on the wrong side of the dam.
  6. Very nice catch can't wait for the opener up here
  7. Very nice fish, sounds like a great way to spend part of your Easter
  8. Awesome, his smile says it all
  9. Wow, now that's persistence, nice catch. Nice to see The Bear lost it's virginity again...
  10. LOL what a bunch of
  11. You guys are far too hardcore I tried to go out Monday and the wind and cold sent me packing before the line even got wet and that was nothing compared to what you guys were fishing in.
  12. Short report, sorry no pics but ya'll have seen perch before so use your imagination I was planning to spend the whole morning out for Perch, but had to make a slight change in plans as the young lad decided he wanted to come to dad's a day early this weekend So we headed out around 11 once things had warmed up a bit and I have to say I was really proud of him, he was right into the fishing for a little over an hour which beats his previous record by about an hour He's 7 now so I expect this will just keep getting better. The bite is definitely heating up, the water is up to 6C, and we managed to land a bunch of perch in our hour out there, with 6 of those being healthy keepers over 10". We were hanging out in about 30' of water using worm bits on a drop shot setup. The young lad caught his biggest Perch yet a fat 11" female and was suitably grossed out by the eggs spilling out I had picked up a light Daiwa rod and real at BPS over the winter and spooled it with 4# flouro and I have to say it is absolutely the perfect setup for these little panfish. I was super impressed with how sensitive that setup is. Anyways, we have some nice little fillets just begging for a frying pan.
  13. Last year I turned on every light in the house, ran a load of laundry, the dishwasher, and for good measure smoked a cigar while running the snowblower....gonna be hard to top that this year
  14. A few things to do yet, got the motor fixed up yesterday and gave her a test run in a garbage can...ran really nicely considering she's 22 yrs old. Started rebuilding the transom today, but there's still a lot of ice in front of my place and the Guindon park launch isn't ice free yet... Mike, did you launch at the RCAF? Haven't wet a line since my trailer issues last fall so I've got the itch real bad.
  15. I'm heading down to Bass Pro in Syracuse this weekend, the Mrs wanted a weekend away so I'm taking the chance to stock up for the spring Wondering if anyone has experience with the Bass Pro Prowler trolling motors. The Cabin fever flyer has a 50# bow mount prowler at what seems to be a great price, but I'm having a hard time finding any reviews on this unit. I'll be using it on a 16' tinnie, it probably won't be used too hard, I want it mostly just to steer the boat as I drift or for hugging the shoreline in calmer water. Any advice would be appreciated. On a side note, anyone getting or giving BP gift cards be sure to keep the receipt. I checked the balance online for a few that I got at Christmas and one shows $0 so I called the 1-800 number and they told me that the retailer didn't activate it properly and the only way I can get that done is to bring it back with the receipt. A receipt that of course no longer exists...
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