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Everything posted by lifeisfun

  1. I don't know, but since they were circular and many of them on her back already healed I thought lampreys. In the area where I fish it's very unusual to catch fish fithout lamprey attached this time of the year. Some of them are up to 10 inches long
  2. You can also try to find some pictures of your stuff and if purchased using CC there shouldn't be problem find copies of statements.
  3. Nice fish and some great advice. Practice will make it perfect!
  4. That sucks Insurance?
  5. I sure did, thanks guys Good luck on the water everyone!
  6. We had great 2011 fall with Mike (fordson) and we got spoiled by the numbers caught late last year. This spring was tough for me, got new dog and I did not spent nearly enough time on the water as I would like. Managed to make some friends happy getting theres personal best this year but me.... ehhhh... I sucked. Luck started to change 2 weeks ago when I lost nice fish at the boat side since my fishing buddy was traveling with his family to visit mom and dad so he just left me hanging and couple days ago I was so frustrated that I did not set the hook enough Well, this morning I took wifey for "boat ride" and after 20 minutes of boring trolling finally musky gods decided to make my day! Started casting and not too long in to it this nice fish visited my net. This fish was recently caught by another angler (CATCH AND RELEASE WORKS!) and had bunch of lamprey marks on its body. By 9am was gettin very hot so we decided to go back home and that sure made the dog happy :mrgreen:
  7. They should concentrate on reliability and not adding gadgets like tft cluster ...
  8. I'll second that advice
  9. Congratulations to the winner and thanks for the great contest Mike P. !
  10. I like to enter Mike's Moira fish that he caught couple weeks ago. It was rainy weekend so he worked for this fish really hard
  11. Yesterday evening my 1st time ( in my boat) fishing buddie Mark scored his PB Ottawa River beauty After quick lamprey cleanup and pictures she was released in to the wild again. In my case only nice size walleye but other than that this year I still suck
  12. I was just about to make the same point
  13. Balcony plywood would be also good choice.
  14. Lucky guy! That sure would be nice job
  15. Hmmm, I still think it probably happened while in transport or perhaps The leader was thin enough to be reeled in. How is the other rod you gave away?
  16. I have to say that I never heard of this problem before, I know many people who own themand my self use them exclusively 200-300 hours a year. My friend had cracked one of them on his St.croix tournament rod and it fried his line but that's about it. This actually happened while fishing or transporting the rod?
  17. WOW, lucky you guys!
  18. Great rods, using 5 of them for the past 3-4 years. Always ordered directly from TackleIndustries or you can order from MTO but would be nice to see them in stock at eTackle - great retailer ... and here is the proof they work ( you can see two split grip TI rods in the bacground )
  19. I used this method and it works great !
  20. Sweet,.... this just makes me horny for
  21. waiting for spring ....

  22. Is it the one with new improved screen like the 1197?
  23. I actually like the built in screen protector
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