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Everything posted by phatpelkey

  1. got me my first musky

  2. well spent another 2 hours casting today, still nothing, oh well will wait til next week for my next chance
  3. they reel on the rod im borrowing rigth now has and abu (record i believe) on it as i like it other then its the wrong hand lol
  4. i will say the area is narrow and like others have said some casters do cast close to try and get the next boater to move a bit more, i actually seen a guy aim for a newer ranger boat and it land on the seat, luckily the boat owner seen it in time to rip it off the seat before it snagged, but i see alot of boaters run rigth against the pair(within 25 feet or so just to piss the casters off and doing so while staring at you with a smirk), so no one is really better then the other here, but as a guy who does not have a boat and is stuck to shore it does get a little frustrating when the boat guys try and ruin your fun when they have the abiiity of fishing any part of the water
  5. iv decided on a rod i want, its a 7'6' shimano compre 1 peice, as for reel havent decided yet, but still have to save enough money to buy the rod and reel
  6. i fish from shore, in spots i know there is musky, just hasnt been my time yet, gotta work all weekend so it will have to wait until next week for my next shot at it
  7. spent another couple hours last night casting, still no musky, so i will keep trucking along, i will eventually get my musky!!!
  8. well that just plain old sucks, i started casting there this year and have met some great people there, but there is always the one in the bunch that tend to ruin it for everyone
  9. are you trying to say somone purposely put a screw in your side wall becuase you caught a fish, i dont believe that
  10. spent a few hours casting yesterday, still havent got my first musky, but its not from the lack or trying i will tell you that much, may go out again today, but still undecided
  11. well spent a bunch of time this weekend chucking baits with no luck, but i did manage to buy my first lures and a smaller lure bag, there is always next weekend
  12. 5-6 years ago i got a guide, i freaking loved it , but found it to small for 2 adults so i sold it and bought a new clam yukon 2 years ago, and i hate it (compared to the older guide), quality isnt there no more, wish i woulda keep my smaller 2 man or got a frabill or otter, oh well i guess you live and you learn!!
  13. i tried to get some lures, but wasnt happening lol
  14. well thanks to a good neighbour of mine he is letting me use his back up rod and reel for now till i can find a good used one or a good deal on a new one!! being so close to xmas i cant afford a whole lot right now, espically when i only plan on using it maybe 5-6 times a year, i did get offered a sweet deal on a st croix, but just cant afford that much for just a rod rigth now, has anybody ever tried a okuma akena? any feedback on that reel?
  15. ok im new to musky and i dont know what rod and reel i should get for a starter set up, i will be chucking bulldawgs from shore, could you guys please suggest a cheap but yet reliable set up for a beginner thank you in advance if someone would have a used set-up forsale please let me know
  16. i believe salus is canadian http://www.salusmarine.com/
  17. i have a 2009 yamaha grizzly 550 and i love it, i use it mostly in the winter time for ice fishing, i have no complaints, im sure you would be hapy with one!!
  18. i would have to say a few winters ago, i was perch fishing and has 50 nice ones on the ice in under 30 mins, 3 days in a row!!
  19. i just donated 2 different fishing items tonigth, please stop in and bid!!!
  20. iv thrown down a few bids already, most likly a few more coming also lol
  21. your lucky my ct store sucks, i aksed the parts guy where the pully pullers were one day he said whats that? then for what year car lol ended up finding them myself, in the fishing department its hard to find any single person there that knows a single dam thing about fishing, usually you just get a funny look and we dont have that or i dont know what that is, i dont even bother going there anymore, i go to the mom and pop stores now
  22. if your worried about thenm not fixing it mark the part of somthing they have to remove to get to the part so u can tell if it has been replaced
  23. i didnt make the jigs but got a steal of a deal on them i couldnt say no
  24. i got 2 spools of 10lb power pro ice today, so add that to the list lol, if i wasnt buying a house im shure my list would be longer
  25. you reminded me i got a bunhc of macho minnows and forage minnows also lol is all your gear new this year? or all of what you have all together? i could start a new list of my othert gear lol would take me a while to write up tho lol
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