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Everything posted by just2manylures

  1. BBR you almost gave me a heart attack I thought you were leaving the board as well. Great words to your friend and mine the bass, on this the last day of the bass season. When are the new shows coming out? my 2 cents 2many
  2. Driving in to work today looking at the pumps.....92.1. Wasn't it just last week I paid 79.9. I guess they are trying to make the presents under the tree non-existant this year. I just hope carrot prices don't go up otherwise the reindeer won't have any fuel either. my 2 cents 2many
  3. I don't get much of a chance to go nail some 'bows myself, But I have found that Cookslav mentioned. When they shut down.....THEY SHUT DOWN my 2 cents 2many
  4. neat my 2 cents 2many
  5. I try to surf at off peak hours my 2 cents 2many
  6. Looks like BOQ still produces some slabs my 2 cents 2many
  7. I just talked to Splitshot. Sounds like he has been lurking the board but undecided about whether to re-join or not. I just hope you can make a decision that is best for you old pal. I know you will make the right one, I just hope we can get you back on here. We miss you my 2 cents 2many
  8. Hello....Splitshot.....are you out there? Since the board change I haven't see you around. You will have to re-register if you haven't already. Anyone out there heard from Splitshot? Old buddy, old pal we need you back on here. Your the voice of reason. my 2 cents 2many PS you can have the board admin add your post count to your new account once you re-register. I know I was really worried about that.
  9. Wait you don't have an OFC hat. If it weren't for OFC clothing I would be naked 6 out of 7 days a week. my 2 cents 2many
  10. A GPS would be a great safty gizmo to get you back to shore in the fog. Remeber Christmas is just around the corner my 2 cents 2many
  11. Hold on I find something wrong with the title. Miss UNIVERSE Canada? I thought only the yanks thought they were the centre of the universe? my 2 cents 2many
  12. Mine is right, check your gerbal to see if he is still working my 2 cents 2many
  13. Thanks for the pic Lew, my family has a lot of history from that region and that brings back memories of going to gramps house and him bringing out his old pics of the bay God rest his soul. my 2 cents 2many
  14. Mulit Species is tough to find. I like to buy 1 or 2 species specific mags a year and they are usually packed with so much info that I can't try it all out in the short summer we have...not to mention the fact that my wife makes my summer even shorter. By the lack of response to this post would it be safe to say that mags are out and internet in? Do you hear the "Technology Train" rolling by? my 2 cents 2many
  15. that is deserving of a standing ovation. clap clap, clap clap, clap clap....well done my old chum my 2 cents 2many
  16. Rockies are one of my personal fav's in the pan. A twist of lemon and a pinch of salt. Keep it simple and your taste buds will thank you my 2 cents 2many
  17. Welcome aboard to our board...lol my 2 cents 2many
  18. If it was a rock bass BBR I wouldn't forgive you, but since It was a brown I will let it slide. You'll always be BBR to me my 2 cents 2many
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