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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. You got that right boss... especially in older wiring jobs, or " weekend" electricians work. I can remember at least 2 occasions that I've found the neutral thru the switch to a light and not the hot!
  2. Dang... knew I had something else I had to build before heading north....
  3. Put a leather glove on or a good heavy rag around it and try to turn it out. Make sure the power is off. If it breaks.. let it. Then use a pair of pliers or side cutters to get a hold of the base and turn it out.
  4. It's a car on Temagami.. to the bottom.. and I've got two stories so far.. they got out in the water and they got out just before it went down. So far I've been told it's "in front of my place"... but I don't know if that means cottage or the point of land I own further up the NE arm. Edit.. Okay.. just my neighbour trying to raise my blood pressure... car went thru near Bear Island.. to the bottom... and it happened the very end of December because they ventured off the marked road to the island. Looks like you may be goin swimmin Matt... the lads are probably building a tripod as I type! lol This one won't be as easy as slapping the cable into a pintal hitch!
  5. Yes Bernie stated Dually with plow! Just can't get thru to people about the wave under the ice... and then they rag that the access is blown apart so early in the spring.. or how the hole suddenly opened in front of them. Ice road on Temagami in 2005.. plowed 90 feet wide and I was almost run down by guys doing at least 100 KPH pulling a trailer no less. 18KPH is my speed to my dock.
  6. Make Barry go down this time while you watch !! Haven't heard on Temagami and talked with my neighbour this morning. Doesn't mean it hasn't happened! lol Bernie mentioned the dually that went down on Nip in a post yesteday.
  7. I hear ya Billy Bob... I guess you'd really hate the $1100 a month I'm forking out for property tax here in Penetang....on a gravel road! That reminds me.. I've got some appeals to write to MPAC... The cheapest gas I saw in my travels on the weekend... Smiths Falls was only 60.7 cents a litre !!
  8. Yah if you can call 22 to 52% income taxation Free ! Some get it free.. but we won't go there....
  9. Well.... lol.. the only thing I can tell you is that my neighbour has my ice road and parking lot plowed right to my dock ! Heard the ice is 12 inches thick in the hub and over around Island 985 (that's towards Hebert lake from Bear Island and just east of Wingfoot Island). Suspect it's a bit thinner up the North Arm. Northeast arm near town (my place) ice is 14" +. I'm sure the lake is safe for sleds everywhere other than inlet/outlet areas and narrows. Haven't heard any fishing reports and don't give them much thought anyhow. Pick your spots.. drill some holes and find what you can. Most of all HAVE FUN! Guess Rick hasn't found a buyer yet centerpin...
  10. Holy Crap... a Dano Post! LOL. Good to see you out bud... what ya doing tomorrow? lol Oh.. making up for slacking off today.. to bad! Remember... you're last outing was hook setting Larry 'skis. Gotta cut back on the back swing for these fellas! lol
  11. Describes most of them fella ! lol Here's what mine looks like from below. Paint scheme is one of a kind to my knowledge..
  12. Innisfil Bait and tackle sells them for $110. Looks like the original is a 6"... now the "NEW" FIn-bore micro III is available in 4.5/6 and 8 inch http://www.livebaitandtackle.com/products.php?cat=344
  13. They had them last year... but I just did an on-line search of CTC ice fishing and it's not there. $83.94 at Lebarons on-line catalogue $89.95 at the fishin hole https://www.thefishinhole.com/index.cfm?pro...791&siteMap
  14. Great report... I would have had a heart attack 1/2 way thru day 2 !! LOL
  15. Yah I heard Bruce out in his Northstar... many times the police come to him or myself to help do an aerial search for stuff as both our airplanes can fly slower than most. We both looked for Jake Just.
  16. As long as it's not a laker lake... they'll probably consider it. I think they have pretty much stopped giving out LUP's (Licenced Use Permits) but they are still selling crown land... at "fair market value". I'll dig for my links and add them... as I'm dealing with the MNR right now on purchasing a shore allowance. Pulling up my old link didn't work so I searched. New website says MNR not actively selling crown land anymore etc... Still leasing... http://crownlanduseatlas.mnr.gov.on.ca/clupa.html http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/Crown...L02_176761.html http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/Crown...L02_176757.html
  17. Yah.. but it's coming out in console next year to keep the ice chips out of your eyes.....
  18. Jwayne.com concures Terry! Jed... what's goin on?
  19. All land sales of Crown land, on any natural reproducing lake trout lake, are currently frozen in Ontario. You can still purchase shore allowances for your existing property... but they will not sell any crown land on natural laker lakes to ANYONE... including municipalities... right now.
  20. Unreal.. wide open water clearly visible on a sunny day. Hope the outcome is good ! The whole bay is open and the path barely skimmed with ice.
  21. Yah.. okay, you can be my crash test dummy !!!
  22. Don't worry.. your daughter will get it all blurted out before you get a chance!!
  23. Hey Terry !!! Guess what??? TWO out of the three remaining studs BROKE when they went to remove the wheel this morning. Now you were with me when my F150 broke... then my Sierra... you'd better bring your own sled for the next trip as you're not riding on mine!!!!
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