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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. I'd just looked at the radar 10 minutes ago... rain is so intense it goes beyond their colour scale that ends at Red... it's purple inplaces and headed this way. Not what I need to see... I have 8 acres of neglected grass to get cut by noon tomorrow.
  2. There's no strength involved in posting here Paul.. no heroism. It's just a big shoulder for me to share it with fine folks here. I'd lose it otherwise and would have already booked into the Penthouse suite around the corner at the "Penetang Hilton".
  3. Well as many know.. chemo #10 is in the books as of Saturday and was hopefully the last ever. This Monday Jen had an MRI at 6:30 am.. waited to see the surgeon at 9:30 (ended up being 10:30) with, disappointingly, no date given for surgery. Then a pre-op appointment at 11 to see if she's fit for surgery, which in her current condition with 78/55 blood pressure is not. Hopefully a couple weeks of fluids and good meals will have her up closer to 95/60 or so and surgery is ball parked between last week of June and first week of July at this point. The great news is the massive soft tissue tumor has been shrunk pretty much right back to the bone from where it came. The bad news is the entire right pelvic bone and a good portion of her sacrum still have to come out, as chemo doesn't kill bone tumors. Nothing gets replaced, expected of scar tissue and existing muscles to hold her leg on and make it work. Gonna be a LONG haul after surgery. Gonna share a few pictures here to show just how much spunk some of these "kids" have in the Sarcoma unit. We see many that never get out of bed, never smile and recovery/prognosis seems to go hand in hand with that unfortunately. Now these two should live for ever. Ewing's sarcoma is one of the rarest forms of cancer. Only 40 cases a year diagnosed, so what's the chances of these two having not only Ewing's in common.. but the same right pelvic bone??! Jen knew it was "B's" birthday on Monday (poor bugger turning 18 while sitting in the sarcoma unit ), so Sunday night we had to hit the dollar store for some presents. Jen got him a big bag of toys for $10 + tax and they proceeded to ring them all out on Monday, shortly after they had their chemo drips hooked up. Friday we thought we should get Jen a graduation present... like they say, it's the thought that counts! lol Our younger daughter Kristal finally got to throw "spa night" for Jen on Friday night. I'm sure it broke a million hospital rules, but ask us if we care!
  4. GOOD... don't leave Jack high and dry like my old man did to me when I was 24 ! Give that some thought and those cravings should go away...
  5. Worst part was I could have gone... the week ended up fitting in between the chemo appointments, but I had no way to know in advance.
  6. Always someone on a trip that has to be the center of attention! A great recount of the events. Thanks for taking the time and posting the porn!
  7. I wish you'd stop with these "I wish I'd gone" posts !!!
  8. THANKS Tony !! Thanks again Ron. <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/NvlyaSX5LcI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  9. Bernie! I was surprised to see that they dropped the 150 Merc from the "normal" 4 stroke line... as my F-in-law has one on the back of his pontoon boat.
  10. I think I just heard someone say Crestliner.....
  11. Simon, I remember my father always saying "when they hit a $1 a pack I'm quitting". Now the 6 feet of soil sitting on top of him, since 1986, doesn't allow him to spend $10+ a pack. If cancer hadn't killed him he'd probably still be doing so!
  12. A great park... but I'm a little biased, my brother was one of the Scout Ventures that helped put it in during the 70's.
  13. Thanks Albert... it should be there when we bring her back on Sat night or Sun am for her walk ! I'll let you know otherwise....
  14. You're livin the life Simon... don't stop !
  15. Amazing the friends you can make hanging out in cyber space... and most of them aren't pedophiles...
  16. Erik.. she lives near the Lansdowne subway station.
  17. Two rod ends and a piece of threaded rod Keith... I'll try to remember to take a picture for you tomorrow.
  18. Not a fun day for sure! I'm thinking a trimmed up motor could have put a lot of water on that fire.... or someone with a power washer.
  19. Oh.. and sorry Phil... she's tooooo young for you !!! (thanks for putting some laughs to the week lads and Geoff again thanks for the wheel chair!!)
  20. I don't know Don.. it was fine when I read it earlier.. you did something editing it I guess!
  21. Absolutely untrue! They can fish alone... allowed a Sport limit!
  22. It's in hand Kelvin and will be turned in next Sunday for the Toronto walk. Good thing she didn't do the walk yesterday.. BP was 79/58 today when taken for her pre-op screening....
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