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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. For some reason you cant use messaging system fisherman.That what it said when I tried.Oh and chat was out as well yesterday.
  2. It works fine,watch!
  3. A similiar topic on another forum has brought up my curiosity. If we enter U S waters for bass fishing,keep whatever is allowed,then return to canada with said fish. Can we be charged?do they need to be declared? I dont know the regs for buffulo area,but Im sure its c & r in the U S, till bass opener here. Any input would be great for future reference. Thanks in advance V
  4. My sincere condolences, dan and lew. In the past month or so I lost 2 friends,and almost another childhood friend around christmass time.Really makes you think!All were young as well! Hug your mother!Give your best friend a hug as well!
  5. Fished it once and caught a bass,but the nice gents at the restaurant across the street let me camp out back for a night.Met up with pals the next day,camped and fished fishhog lake.Some big bass were caught,I might add. Oh and beware of the motel,can be addictive with the entertainment and hooch!
  6. Triple dog dare ya dave mercer, with a gulp alive minnow! Id like to see the out come of that Raoulph!
  7. See what gets me is that there is no evedince of it chowing down or stress at all.Unless I saw the later part of a good meal. But if he had something down his throat,why did he look like he was in search for something?
  8. No John,he was actually doing a breast stroke and no mates around.
  9. I see pike swim along the surface on many ocassions.But this was plain weird.For over five minutes plus his entire head out of water including gills.Ive seen them stressed and have the tip of their mouth sticking out and swimming slowly. This one was swimming like it was in search of something,back and forth.Possibly young geese.I noticed that the geese were on shore and in a couple of inchs of water. Just friggen weird to me.
  10. He may have been thinking the same as the pic,seeing as he lives in the bay.
  11. I caught one like that where pigeon lake meets buckhorn,and wondered myself.Mine looked more like a sunfish weighing in at just over 1 1/2 pnds.
  12. Any fish biologists on board?
  13. It was really weird, from a distance it looked like two turtles,one piggy back.But it was swimming too fast.The it looked like a huge snake,but I didnt see any wave action behind it. It was possibly stressed and I spooked it. No jewelery attached, and it was a monster.About the same size as my pb in that spot.18pnds.
  14. Nope! nothing dangling at all, and swimming gracefully. Maybe, looking for donald duck?
  15. From a distance I figured it was 2 turtles,but it was swimming faster than usuall.After 5 minutes and actually seeing what it was,I ran to the truck for the camera,ooooops!left it at home. It was huge, a monster pike! and swimming gracefully with its entire head out of the water.So I casted towards him and he wasnt interested at all,just spooked him after 2 casts.I figured him to be over the 15 pounds easy. Anyway his entire head was out of the water and he was opening and closing his mouth frequently,looking very healthy as well,and very responsive as well. Has anyone come across this behavior as well? I wish I brought the camera,left it in the other tackle bag,Darn! I caught a small pike shortly after.
  16. SHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
  17. Exactly!And your right as well!
  18. Welcome aboard!And diddo that one Rooster tails from shore before bass opener should get you an eye at bruce NP.mpb 12 lb eye.
  19. It was once worn by Speedy Gonzales
  20. We got to the marina and set up the boat around 530 am.We noticed a car in a laneway(prob fishing).A guy aproached us and asked for assistance with his vehicle,We took a closer look and figured he broke an axle.We couldnt help him( no chains and ground was soft).Any way we launched the boat,as we came around the corner we saw exactly what this guy was up against.Good thing we didnt help, it would of pulled us in the river as well.I truelly felt bad for not helping him out. Pics are from river view,oooooouch!I hope he got out of it ok!
  21. Thanks guys! Another question: After I fix it,should I go with a 21 pitch prop?I have a 17 on it now. Will it reduce the rpms at higher speeds and possibly prevent this from happening again? Like I said everything has been done,some professionally as well. Ive done a few total engine rebuilds and never an issue,just this one. Before I forget, A big thanks to thejay for his help. And the day wasnt a waste, a few fish were caught as well.Couple sheep head,one gobie and a bunch of kitties.Biggest was 4 lbs or so.And a nice day to be out as well.
  22. Well this has happened once again,Dang.Camgear has failed for the second time.It is a composite fibre gear.As I was told, its to save the valve train just in case. Just to give you the ins and outs,everything has been done,you name it,its been done. Heres a list New crank bearings,crank turned as well New cam shaft and bearings 2 pistons heads,wrist pins and connecting rods replaced New rings,head was plained as well All valves ground,seated and seals replaced Cam and crank gear replaced New lifters and push rods New starter,coil,ign wires 2 new batteies mech fuel pump tested, excellent new fuel filters and high end fuel lines Shall I go on? My problem is that this composite cam gear fails at high rpm under load,arfter a while. Mind you that the oil pressure is fine,I watch for it constantlly.At idle 35 psi,full out i think its 60 plus. Anyway, I know its a fail safe cam gear for the valve train.Is there something Im missing for this to gear to fail once again? Any suggestions would be appreciated Keep note that some of the work has been proffesionally done. Thanks in advance V BTW 1985 honda 7.5 4 stroke kicker is awesome.
  23. You should be able to use your debit card on line.Thats how I did it.
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