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Everything posted by steelhead197

  1. Well boys and girls....was fishing an Ontario Trib on the weekend and caught about 4 or 5 nice steelhead.....when this one hit!! What a fight!!! What a fish.32 by 22inch....will remember this day for the rest of my life!! Enjoy! Shayno
  2. Olympus Stylus SW1030.......Mint!
  3. Watch classifieds!!
  4. I build rod's and my advice is "Leave it the way it is"!!! Looks good now and Its alot of work!! My 2
  5. Jos pushes anything he has ton's of....and is making $ off. Great guy,very informative, great shop, just tries to get you into stuff that's not necessarily the best, but he got a deal on 250 units and wants to move them......Just buisness I guess! My 2
  6. I think we all appreciate your honesty........Sometimes people forget how long it takes to become a "better than average steelheader". I had alot of days catching nothing when my buddy's were doing well! The most important thing to remember is to keep an open mind and not be stubborn. If something is working....utilize it!! It takes years to become a good steelheader...so be patient and hang in there!! It will come! I think your wasting your time trying to float fish with a 6 foot rod.....Someone suggested getting a 10.5 convergence.....Thats what I started with some 15 years ago. Actually it was a 10.6 Browning and spinning reel!! A set up like this will get you into some fish, until you want to jump in feet first, with a 13 footer and a float reel!! Good luck!!
  7. What an embarassment to Kingpin!!!!!!! Bet there happy river rat is a "rep"!!! lol lol lol
  8. No wonder you get banned from website's!!
  9. Please don't name creeks and spots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What's wrong with saying "Lake Erie trib"????? People wonder why the traffic is rediculous at their fishin hole????? Thanks !!!! Shayne
  10. I have an Islander......you might want to look at something with a little larger diameter spool.....eg 4.5 to 5". If you plan on fishing larger water! My 2 cents!! Shayne
  11. Done!!!! Come on guys and gals......She needs all the help she can get!!! Do it for your Country!!!! Shayne
  12. Just recieved a G Loomis GLX 1562 13 foot float rod, on warranty........Had the rod for 15 minutes and traded it for a 3 piece Loomis GL3 13'6(amazing rod).....What a piece of junk(GLX)!!(in my opinion) Talk about a wet noodle!! Just goes to show, price tag doesn't mean everything! (GLX $690 with taxes!!) In my opinion stay away from Streamside, they cant make a pair of wading boots that hold up to vigorous fishing....A couple of my friends bought them(Streamside float rods) because they liked the price point, and were not happy with action and or strength! Watch the classifieds and you will find a good deal on something to start with!! Would not recommend spending too much $ on your first 13 footer, you may perfer the shorter rods? My 2 cents!!
  13. The Bow took a worm, and the others we hit holding back cleo's & spinners.
  14. No shot of the "HO" highdrifter, I was by myself at that point.....and just wanted to get it back in the water!! Next time!! Shayne
  15. Thanks guys!!! I use the Olympus Stylus 1030 SW......Love it!! I don't have a flash underwater do I Ryan? Yeah its tough when the water is stained!!! Fun though!! Shayne
  16. Hit Lake 'O" trib yesterday, with a buddy......felt like wetting some floats. Got a bunch of Chinnies, a Nice Koho, and this "Bonus"!! Also got a few release shots, but need some work on those!!!
  17. I think the general rule is "no fishing 25 meter's or 75 feet from any dam, fishway, eg obstruction. Finally some snaggers got "popped"!!! Redemtion!! Shayne By the way......Co's don't work on weekends??? "WHAT" What a joke!
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