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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Cool looking fish, looks kind of like an amberjack. I'll guess "salmon" is a local name for them.
  2. Very nice pictures. I had no idea there were any salmon down under. Do they ascend any rivers?
  3. One can only hope. If that were the case there would be no debate.
  4. Interesting. No doubt related to this crazed rodent: http://richlabonte.net/exonews/xtra4/crazed_beaver.htm
  5. Yeah yeah I know . But when even Choronzey calls himself Cronzy I think that's what I'll call him.
  6. Gotcha. Thanks for the explanation, "Man lift" is kind of vague and could have several different meanings.
  7. Except for the last line I don't have a clue what you just said there. Translation anyone?
  8. Troll? Sure, there's a divey little bar there with some kinda interesting local talent if you want to go trolling.
  9. No problemo, you can buy a license at the marina on my lake.
  10. Hey that sounds like fun. Kind of Cronzy-like. As long as it's not a "fireside chat" I'm in.
  11. Really? I disagree. First off as mentioned steelhead and stream bred trout get along just fine elsewhere....what makes the Credit special? Second how are smolts going to compete with trout for food?. By the time they're ready to migrate downstream to the lake they're still only inches long and subsist mostly on zooplankton. Also as mentioned they provide an unexpected source of food for the stream trout.
  12. Sweet! As far as I know you were right Wayne, you've got to buy the license in person..
  13. Rowboats? How about float tubes? Now that's a tournament blast off worth seeing LOL!
  14. Really? I'd be happy to give you the gps co-ordinates of my place if you'd like to swing by for a visit.
  15. Interesting article. I find it amazing that the people from Trout Unlimited and Izaak Walton could be so shortsighted. How would adult steelhead ever be a threat? They'd only be in the headwaters a short time while spawning before retreating back to the lake. If anything when the eggs hatch the fry would be a huge new food source for the browns.. Even they wouldn't be in the river long before smolting out and heading for the lake. There's hundreds of examples in the great lakes where steelhead co-habitate successfully with stream bread trout.. The Ganny is an excellent example. Once above the dam in Port Hope the steelhead have access to miles and miles of prime spawning water that's home to a booming population of native stream bred browns. There's never been any problem there... Louis you've got to make them see the light!
  16. Sounds rough but more like flu not salmonella.
  17. Pike are delicious, I eat lots of them every year.
  18. Both myself and my 5 year old daughter have been hugging the toilet since Friday night. My little one threw up 15 times between Fri evening and Sat morning... Not a fun weekend especially with my wife away visiting her sister. I brought her to emerg Sat morning as she was pretty dehydrated.. Wasn't much they could do, however they did speculate that we were victems of this viral outbreak. Thank God my 2 year old son is okay, don't think I could've handled that as well.. Seems to be better this morning thankfully.
  19. The new Mountain Equipment Co op in Burlington is where I'd look. http://www.mec.ca/Main/content_text.jsp?FO...D=1240224113135
  20. If you're talking about the original Aurora lakes, Whitepine & Whirlygig I have no idea. Truly hope they havn't been acidified again... The MNR stocked lakes that are open to fishing on a rotational basis are all healthy.. Sadly there's never been any documented natural reproduction in any of those lakes (at least that's what I was told). Entirely put and take... Perhaps if you've had a hand in the original lakes rehab the MNR would be willing to answer your questions about the lakes. That's where I'd go looking for answers.
  21. Was north of Armstrong on Whitewater Lake in my canoe when suddenly a storm came from nowhere. I knew it would be bad when a water spout appeared about 300yds to my left. I paddled as fast as I could for the nearest shore but before I made it the gentle swells turned to raging whitecaps and I was pelted with quarter sized hailstones. Lightning hit so numerously all around me that the smell of the ozone was almost overpowering.. Still amazes me I managed to escape unscathed.
  22. Nice fish bud, how's your eye? Are you regaining your vision?
  23. Hey cool you're around, didn't think you'd be near a computer anytime soon. Hopefully you and the boys are busy pounding big lakers.
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