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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. I'm amazed you've got the nerve to take a shot a subtle as it may be. Keep it up.
  2. I've been fishing like mad the last 3 weeks. Havn't had much time to post proper reports as beyond being busy my compter has been down for a while. In any case I figured I'd combine a few of my recent trips into one report. Walleye/Pike And A Mans Love For A Woman Thanksgiving weekend I closed the cottage and managed to squeeze in a days fishing with my dad and uncle on my favourite back lake. Fishing with 3-4" live shiners on a simple Lindy rig in 30' of water we scratched out a bunch of decent fish: We kept 3 of them and enjoyed a perfect shore lunch: Doesn't get any better than that and it was a perfect capper to the cottage season. On the way back across my uncles lake he told us an interesting tale. Apparantly back in the late 40's, early 50's a gentleman from southern ON aquired a lease and built a cottage on an island. His wife was crippled and loved to swim but because of the rocky nature of the shoreline was unable to. Not wanting his better half to suffer the man built a concrete swimming pool on the island. Even more amazing was how he supplied it with water. A km up on the hill across from his camp is a tiny spring fed lake. He ran a water line all the way from the lake, down the hillside, under the water over to his island. Need clean, cold water? No problem, just turn on the tap! We went over to the island to investigate. Supposedly his better half passed away in the late 60's. The lease expired and the mnr went in and tore the camp down. The old dock pilings and path to the cottage are still visible: There were no signs of the camp but the concrete pool was still in great shape. There were trees growing up through it, but it was still quite intact: I thought it was a great story... The Fall Steelhead Season Begins With conditions being prime almost everywhere, both north and south, I've been racking up the miles on the truck. Here's a handful of pic's from a variety of locations including some scenery shots from what I consider to be steelhead paradise. My Favourite October Moment My son just turned 3 this month. His entire interests revolve around fishing. Me? I'm amazed and cautiously optimistic. My wife Joanne just rolls her eyes. LOL! When asked what kind of birthday party he wanted he said "Fishing party!" What kind of cake? "Fishing cake!" What kind of presents? "Fishing!!" What do you want to be for Halloween? "A Fisherman!!" Every night at bedtime he runs into my room and grabs one of my fishing mag's from a stack. That's what he insists I read to him for a bedtime story. If I'm not around he forces Jo to do the same much to her amusement. I've had him out a couple of times without much success. Recently however we launched the boat locally and tried our hands at some browns. He picked out the lure himself and did a pretty fair job helping to reel the fish in: That's my boy! Things are swinging into high gear now, the next month should be as good as it gets. Cheers, Mike
  3. Pretty much. I like to call floatfishing the great equalizer.
  4. I wouldn't exactly say centrepins are overrated, they're deadly in the hands of one who knows how to use them properly. But...everything you say about the baitcasters is 100% true, you make a good point.
  5. Sinker, if you have any further suggestions for future poses, please let me know
  6. You were recently banned from Float Fishing.net for similar outbursts. I blocked you from PM'ing me on OFC last spring because of your threats and Bull. As you stated to me on Float Fishing.net you are the problem and you are not welcome here. Take your own advice and get lost.
  7. Seneca One Stop right in Irving for the license, open 24hrs. As far as where, walk the river and fish it. If you can read water you'll do okay.
  8. Yeah I know, I know. George and Tom say a lot of things to a lot of people. There's only one 13/6 D-back though.. They are however rated differently in the U.S. I bought both the Sage and D-back blanks straight from Tom.
  9. You're right the 13'6 CTS is sweet. Just to clarify though for Fidels benefit I believe you had the first generation CTS built (forest green blank). John came out with a new one mid August this year that's even lighter and still has tons of power... Have you called J.C. yet? You should. Yeah that was an epic battle dude. Pretty much any rod is gonna take a beating though when you're forced to fight a 12lb chromer from an anchored boat. Agreed the Raven IM8 is a very decent stick for the money, but it's definitely not a big water rod. Under a full load it'll bend right into the butt. Head and shoulders above the Raven IM6 though.. Also I completely 100% disagree with your comment on the Diamondback. I've owned and fished both the Sage and the D-back and there's no comparison. The Sage has waaay more power and is waaay crisper than the Diamondback. The Diamonback is an old school soft rod, mushy to the max.
  10. Dave, Dave, Dave. Roy wasn't talking about the fish.
  11. Agreed. There seems to be an awful lot of uneducated rednecks wreaking havoc north of the French.
  12. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery Dave. It's a 12 step program you need to follow to ween you off the chromers. You start with the Kenai then fish the Notty, the 'Geen, the Bighead, the Sauble, the Beaver, the Maitland, the Ganny, then the Shwa. (all on a busy weekend) The last 3 will cure you. Walnut creek at the manchester hole on a Sat. Burt Dam (anytime). Then finish things off at Bronte just above Rebbecca. The stench of rotting carcasses and the three pronged attack of the local bank mutants will clinch the deal. You will never again want to catch chromers.
  13. Lake trout that subsist on baitfish have white meat. Most large bodies of water and many small inland lakes harbour white fleshed namaycush. However many if not most of the lakers found in small infertile shield lakes are planktiverous in nature. Their diet is almost exclusively composed of crustaceons, shrimp, and bug larvae. These fish generally top out at 3-5lb's and their flesh is so orange it's almost red. Their red flesh is entirely due to their planktiverous diet.
  14. I didn't realize that comment was directed at me! Okay Lois now I'm really ticked!!
  15. It has been known to happen. Has it happened since? Not likely. Are all fishing personalities guilty of this? Not a chance.
  16. (Actually the man does have his moments. )
  17. Many of the fresh chrome specimens straight from the lake also have white meat. The colour of the meat is entirely due to diet. Now pretty much every chinny in Bronte this late in the season will be decaying. Mmmmm....white meat from Bronte. I think I just barfed a little inside my mouth.
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