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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. So sorry to hear this. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. Please keep everyone updated.
  2. That's great Chris. Man I love that river!
  3. Dave unfortunately is right. Although in my case it's flaming and abuse from other boards. I know it shouldn't matter but everyone has a breaking point. I'm still going to post steelhead reports, just more selectively.
  4. Can't speak for anyone else, but I havn't been reporting much this fall. Why? I dunno maybe I'm lazy. Pier salmon were a blast this year Steelheading has been even better.
  5. I love my Ticats. As far as I'm concerned the talent level is the same. The problem is the CFL players are mostly too small to play in the NFL, especially on D. Skill positions that's a different story though. There's lots of great CFL players who'd do just as well in the no fun league.
  6. You may be right, maybe not. Tell you one thing though, I wouldn't trade the entire Leafs team straight up for your Habs. Not in a million years. I like where we're at a lot better.
  7. Delicious. I'd walk a mile for one.
  8. I was thinking the same thing LOL! He's great on the PK though. I think we're 3rd best in the league at the moment.
  9. Y'know I think you're right, it was made by Grizzly.
  10. When I was 12 years old I bought a Mitchell 300 and in the box was a card to fill out and send in for a contest. Top prize was a trip with Red Fisher to Great Bear lake. So I filled it out and a few months later I get a phone call from Mitchell Canada saying I had won a prize and had to answer a skill testing question in 1 minute to claim it. I was practically hyperventilating as it was a math problem which wasn't my strong suit. My mother was at my side with a calculator more flustered than I was LOL! I was figuring out the answer on paper and came up with a different solution than my frazzled mom with the calculator. Time was up and I had to make a choice. With my mother yelling in my ear I chose my answer and got it right. So I'm waiting, practically ready to faint...totally expecting to win this trip with Red. The Mitchell rep says congrat's you've won a trolling speed indicator . Can't ever remember feeling quite that crushed. It was basically a plastic factory version of what you just drew. I still have the thing somewhere.
  11. I hate you! (These old bones apparantly have a limit, who knew? )
  12. Nice fish and on the fly as well.
  13. Pretty sure I fished the same general area on Sunday. Agreed there's a few decent fish kicking around. Nice job.
  14. Yeah well if the dad had come over after the fact, apologized to you and offered to make things right would you have told the man what your intentions were? I'm guessing you would've told him "the police are going to be called" Which would have been the right hing to do. In this case the police were called after pressure from the OP's wife. After the neighbour came over to apologize. Considering the circumstances I would never have called the police in the first place. But everyone's entitled to their opinion.
  15. They played with intensity. Was proud of their comeback late in the 3rd. 5 game point streak still intact.
  16. It's already been mentioned, but you do have to live with these people as neighbours. If you intended to call the police you should have told the man when he came over to talk with you. People need to handle stuff like this themselves rather than call the police, complain to the OFC mod's or whatever. I think Roy expressed my sentiments a little more eloquently.
  17. I like the concept of people taking responsibility for their own actions. Or in this case for those who they're guardians of. I would have at least given the father the opportunity to set his kid straight. After all it's up to us as parents to raise them properly. Nobody else is going to do it.
  18. That was my thought as well. If I was going to call the cops I would have been upfront with the dad about it.
  19. I put in a long day Stateside on Sat then headed north to fish the Notty on Sun..Was in bed by 8pm on Sat. It did cross my mind to join you guys but I was too bagged. Problem is this time of year I'm always fishing. We'd have to have a GTG on the river somewhere.
  20. Yes but every river clears at a different rate and you can now tell exactly when each river will be prime from the comfort of your home. Takes all the guesswork out.
  21. That's a completely ridiculous comparison. Sure Tucker was an agitator but Avery is in a class by himself when it comes to being universally despised. Avery, many many times has attempted to injure an opposing player. I can't think of one similar example with Tucker. Tucker had respect, Avery doesn't. The ONLY comparison I can make to Avery is Ken Linsemen back in the day and even that's a stretch. You've got to be a Sen's fan. That's the only explanation for a post like that.
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