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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Not sure Dan. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that with the odd notable exception, Algonquin is stocked with fry. Good luck to you. I think the 27th is optimistic but you never know.
  2. Do you put the barrel swivel on the lure Marvin? I neglected to mention earlier when I'm fishing with Rooster Tails as mentioned I tie the line directly to the lure but usually run a barrel swivel inline about a foot and a half above the spinner. Side note, check your pm's.
  3. If you have an Algonquin park canoe routes map you should have no problem finding the lakes on the stocking lists. Good luck on your trip. I'm slated to head into the park May 4th and I'm worried myself about ice out.
  4. Too much fun?? Your fingerprints are still embedded on my gunnels. Nothing like riding out The Perfect Storm in a Langford Prospector.
  5. I doubt your trip this weekend will be of any benefit, other than enjoying a day in Algonquin. The lakes are and will still be locked up tight this weekend. On the east side of the park check the Algonquin park stocking lists. Look especially close for lakes in Stratton township that are stocked heavily. Fish these lakes and you will catch fish. http://www.algonkinflyfishers.com/downloads/AlgonquinStocking20042009.pdf
  6. Sure. A gas outboard is much heavier clamped onto a side bracket than an electric (the battery for the electric is in the canoe...obviously). This unbalances the canoe and forces you to constantly compensate with your own weight. A gas motor is also much faster than an electric and on a side bracket can be very dangerous at high speed. The boat is more difficult to steer and awkwardly unbalanced. Not a good combination. On an open lake in waves the motor can and will almost be submerged at times as well. As I said I've used a side bracket and gas motor on a standard canoe many times in the past. It's never been a comfortable experience for me and has always been nothing more than a means to an end. (Get my canoe and gear to the trailhead where I ditch the motor and begin a paddle/portage canoe trip). I would never consider using a gas motor on a side bracket for everyday general use.
  7. As gil noted in his post a 2hp gas engine is FAR lighter than an electric plus deep cycle. Gil to answer your questions yes, you'll go way faster with a 2hp gas outboard. A side mounted motor is however not the greatest application for a gas outboard. I've done it at times and it works but it's awkward and somewhat unstable. A squareback or Y stern canoe is a MUCH better choice for a gas powered outboard. I've been using a 16' flatback sportspal and 2hp Honda for a few years now and love it to death. Moves along at a good clip with 2 hvy guys and gear. Plus can run almost all day on one tank of gas. The gas outboard, even a 4 stroke, is however much noisier. That's about the only drawback. If you do buy a gas outboard I'd highly recommend an older 2 stroke in good shape. They're not any noisier than my Honda, they're lighter and you don't have to worry about oil leaking all over the place when you're carrying them through the bush.
  8. Bill, running a long lead under your float and ticking bottom is not bottom bouncing. Rock I think we need to get out together again soon. Easy on the platitudes.
  9. I'm not disagreeing with you. Everyone who picks up a centrepin these days is an instant hero. It's just another tool in the box for me. I bottom bounce and throw hardware all the time. Whatever conditions dictate. I have taught you well grasshopper.
  10. Jacques my camp is in zone 13 west. No slot implemented there unfortunately. Limit is still 6 but they've upped the minimum size by 2cm. An absolute joke and a very dissapointing decision in what's a very heavily fished area. At least I still have my back lakes.
  11. Dude you're doing it again. Pin is just a short form of pinner.
  12. The only thing you need to apologise for is using the word "pinner". Every time I hear it I barf in my mouth a little bit.
  13. Don't think about it too hard, you'll hurt your head.
  14. A mix of dropbacks and loose fish actually. Havn't seen a tight fish in a while. Yeah I definitely don't baby my equipment. It gets clogged with grit all the time. Assuming it's not below zero a quick dunk and spin in the river takes care of it. So many guys lay their reel down on a velvet pillow streamside, makes me laugh.
  15. Cool Tyler, rainbows through the ice aren't all that common. I've seen Elk a couple times S/W of Sudbury while fishing the Bad River area. I think there's a release site in that general vicinity. Nice to see they're gaining a foothold.
  16. Fished all over the map recently fishing Wed, Fri and Sat last week. From 3 hours north to 2 hours south in waters ranging from muddy to glass water clear. Fish were caught in good numbers everywhere. They're on the prod right now, get out if you can! Here's a handful of the best pic's: Cheers
  17. Awesome Fidel, glad to see you've been fishing!
  18. IMO that's a common problem with that blade style. One of my favourite spinners for trout, I've got tons of them, but you really have to give them a sharp tug to get the blade spinning. I've found not using a snap swivel helps immensly for whatever reason.
  19. Very few succeed their first time out. Well done bud!
  20. There's a niche there for someone to fill locally I can tell you that. Or anywhere in Canada for that matter! There is NO real good source to buy components (at least the ones I need) in Canada. I'm constantly ordering stuff online. Either Mudhole, Jann's Netcraft, Anglers Workshop or Schoff. Angling Specialties should have the basics (epoxy finish, guides, maybe some cork..)
  21. I only use a bulk shot pattern in the Niagara and even then only when using a slip float. Most of my shotting patterns are more staggered.
  22. I cut a piece of pvc pipe and tie it to the bow of the canoe making a yoke for two guys. That's definitely the only way to do it.
  23. Great stuff Craig! Have it bookmarked.
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