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Posts posted by skinny

  1. ok I just aquired a bow mount (actually 3) trolling motor foot pedle type


    these are johnson torlling motors and my boat is a 16 ft starcraft tiller

    I sure I will have to cut plywood to mount to but my questions got to do whit how to angle the trolling motor or not to angle it if I send it right off the front it may fit under my storage cover

    but I see most angled


    just looking for pointers i'm mounting it in morn

  2. well I got the tip off and have in my pocket with hopes of going by a shop that will have the tip . I'm now working for a company doing service work so I end up all over Ontario. The Boss is a good guy and usally if I ask he stops at stores and such as long as it's not to long.

  3. ok i was getting everything ready to go out on Sunday and when I put my one rod in the boat the line whent limp and the jig head fell. I picked it up and retied it to the braid and had same thing happen this is with braid. I then noticed that the top eye had a broken insert in it so I figure it must be sharp and cutting the line .

    I thought about just buying new rod but then wondered if I could get this fix close by and resonable.

  4. Ok so My buddy and I go out on long point bay today to get some fish. we head out of Old cut and towards EC10 and I stop. The water is clear and flat we toss in some minnows . we see bass all over but we wanted some perch. So we head out to pottahawk as i was told the perch were out there. got out to pottahawk and didn't find any perch got a pike . So we head back around the point and start looking for bass. the wind had started and the bass were few and far. We did manage to get few odd perch few bass and pike.

    well it was time to head in I fired up the motor and started then the motor quit ran out of fuel I switched tanks and then tried to start the motor key word is tried

    it would start run for few min and quit. it wouldn't keep going finally I killed the battery (I think, might be the starter)


    So I put a call out for Elevatorman and he came to tow me in

  5. Ok I'm looking for someone that is into web develpment to help me out a bit. I started a new job about a week ago and my boss has paid a guy to be a sales man and develop a web site. well I think my bossis being taken for a ride and I would like to talk to someone more on websites and how to get traffic.

    if you would pm me or contacked skinny @ kwic.com (remove spaces and put website in subject)

  6. here is a trick I have used many times on old Volkswagens all you need is heat a candle and prob in your case a easy out. heat it up and run the candle around where the thrads match. this will wick the wax into the thread. Then you need a method to turn the plug protion out be it a easy out gently taped in as to not expand it or tap the out side with a chisel. might sound od but I have used this method several times with great luck.


    Tobad we are not closer I have the Left drill bit too and extra long easy outs also a long helicoil install kit for spark plugs (got it to do VW's without pulling tin off

  7. ok so I have a buddy he lives on the reserve close to me. He use to fish all the time but gave it up. He buys a licience to fish still but kinda knows he has some rights to fish out side of the regs. He curently doesn't because he is not sure of the wording. I havn't read it but he said something about a region.


    he also wondered if his staus would cover those fishing with him. I said that isi'm sure a no.


    is there a simple way to clear up what he can and can't do and where

    He is the type that probably would never go around the regs anyway but would like to know

  8. i'm thinking of moving the axel on my trailer from below the leaf spring to ontop of the spring. this will lower my trailer by 2-3" I have a couple of shallow launches I have used in the past and one of them last year by the time the boat floated the door of my truck was over the water so i had to step out into the water


    anyone tell me why I shouldn't do this


    I always have my motor tipped when I trailer so it hitting shoudn't be a issue

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