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Posts posted by skinny

  1. for those that don't know every Friday 13 Port Dover is warmed by Motorcycles it is unbelivable one day event (might even have the record)

    the town is shut down for all trafic but bikes and they line the streets 3 fold or more. and the people flood in from all over


    here is a link to a live cam feed

  2. well since so far my fishing season has been a bit of a bust creeks to brown ,port dover is brown, and my day out on long point bay in guess what brown water. I'm kinda guessing this might be the cause of the little to no action.


    I have been thinking of going to a near by pond that is supose to have crappie in it to try for them. but I have never fished for them either what do you use for bait/tackle.

  3. ok so I decided I didn't like the racks at CTC . I found some (6) old oven racks. I also got all the guts for a old gas stove (partly my brothers Idea) if the gas thing is a bust I will make sure i can always go electric.


    So the next part is wood I see others have used cedar. Is this the wood of choice ? why? was it tounge and grove i think it will end up about 6ft tall.

  4. So I was just down at the local creek. there is a dam there and a wire just below that clearly sates not to fish from the wire up (towards the dam)

    well I get there and see a kid fishing the restricted area . I say to my self should I go over or not and let him know. well I did and I get a pile of abuse back like who am I and such. I Let the kid know if a CO ccomes he will be in trouble. I then took off to look about the river. I was gone from the area for about 20 min and returned because I parked there. Well Guess what there was a CO there talking with the guy and pointing I saw some arms moving about and heard some more of the disrespectfull kid then saw the CO with rods in hand. I was in my truck and leaving at this point so I'm hoping the kid learned something but I'm sure he didn't

  5. Hey I'm starting to gather items I would like to use for a smoker. This is kindof new to me but I remember as a kid having smoked meat all the time.


    I'm curently trying to gather either old fridge racks or oven racks I figure 6 should be lots.

    I'm also looking for the guts from a old pilot type water heater like a super flu.


    the idea is that with the old water heater parts I will be able to get the right temp going and it will maintain it much like it maintains the temp in the water heater.


    this whole thing is just a dream right now but looking for clues and info.

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