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Posts posted by skinny

  1. Ok so I have mainly a plano softside with 43 or 4 trays in it. then I have a soft bait bag and a specialmates box of lures. I recently bought a bunch of lures from an ad on Kijji and have put them into the mates box. but to do so ment I had to remove the spinnerbaits and buzzbaits I had in it (they didn't fit well).

    so right now I have a pile of spinner and buzz baits all over my bench.

    I need to figure out a simple way to house them as I already have my hands full loading up all I have now.

    so looking for ideas

    I used the little plastic boxes for a bit but found them to be a pain to carry around too

  2. ok my buddy is looking at a used boat he found for sale. He says the price is not bad and the boat is only a few years old. His question was how does he find out if there is loans agaist the boat or that it is clear of owing monies. From the sounds of it he not so long ago purchased an item and next thing he knew they were knocking on his door for payment or they were taking the item. He's in the once bitten twice shy mode

  3. Well looks like I may be getting light at the end of the tunnel. As some of you know since April 2010 when I finished college I have been in and out of work. Some of the work I have done was really just to get cash it didn’t pay my bills (my fault for running up bills and still need to deal with it )

    I have had a few jobs I thought were going to be good ones but for reasons beyond me they didn’t last.


    Tomorrow I start a job in a company that has been around for years and doesn’t sound like they are going anyplace in the future. For the first time in ages when I sat in the interview I felt they had actually read my resume and absorbed the info. They also seemed to treat me as a human in the interview very on the level. It took 2 interviews and both seemed very calm and relaxed no tension in the room.


    As I have found out the wages they are offering to start and the increase after probation seem to be ok for what is going on out there in the economic world (better than I have seen in last year)


    The company stressed that they were looking for a long term employee and that they had survived from having long term dedicated people. It also sounded like the hours were pretty carved in stone it’s only day shift and they work 4 long days and Friday is short and not past noon .


    The position I have taken is Maintenance Assistant . To start I’m to get the place sort of caught up on their PM system so basically machine oil changes and grease jobs. I’m hoping that most of my probation time is used up doing this as it should be fairly simple work.


    I’m currently looking for a new mode of transportation will need to be able to tow the boat in spring my truck has seen better days and have some concerns with driving it the 40 min drive one way every day . I will need to try to but some money aside quickly so I can find another set of wheels.


    I Also need to find a tool cabinet . I’m required to bring my own tools which for the most part I have but I do not have a cabinet to put them into . For the first part of my job I think I will be able to get away with a carry box (I have one) but future I will need larger.I informed the company of this and I got the reply of lets get you through the probation period and we will see what can be done.


    Well People thanks for letting me talk about a feel good story


    The good news is I it all works out I will have from Friday noon (by time I’m home) to Suday night to get out fishing

  4. well I go to the wifes every year and wouldn't miss it it's basicly just a meal but it is where it is


    the Eire Beach in Port Dover


    food spread is


    cocktail shrimp to start and they are huge

    chese and crackers


    then in no real order

    eire beach salads

    buffalo shrimp (breaded shrimp with wing sauce)


    pickeral (walleye for some of you )



    mashed potatoes






    the above is basically all you can eat



    hard to say no

  5. hey check with the girls see how truly attached they are to the cat. You may find it's not supper deep. AlsoI agree that if it's kept because they want it it should be their job to care for it.


    if it is to leave maybe try to find a friend close by to take the cat so it could be visited


    I bet in short time if it's not in the house they won't be bothered with visits but I think the girls need to make the decision

  6. a while back I built benches in my basement for my wife and I. Her's for scrapbooking mine for Rc car repair and what ever else. I built them for working when standing (now would like stools) I used 2x4 frame and plywood top then covered the plywood with masonite so I had a smooth surface that can be replaced. I wired plugs all around the front so cords hang down in front instead of laying all over the bench area.





  7. ok so was nice day and I really had the itch to fish. The issue was I had a a job fair to go to in Brantford.So as I sat and looked at job posting sites and facebook I see Rich on and I bugg him about fishing. Then the light bulb goes off. Rich knows some spots in Brantford on the grand. So we talk I'm going to pick him up and go. So get ready and go. I pick up Rich and off to the hole. I fish for about an hour then off to Job fair. I hang out in line for 45 min till job fair opens at 1:00 get in fill out papers do small interview and out the door by 1:10. Back to the grand to find Rich still tossing stuff in the water for a good washing. I fish some more and wash up all my stuff till it's shinny. It was time to go (cause I had kids to pick up) so we had to call it a day SKUNKED.

    Here's the good news I got home with Kids and check Messages the place that had the fair had called and wants to set up a interview. I have to call in the morning as per message.

  8. well the boat will be next on the list to sell along with lots of other stuff the car has been looking for new owner for some time

    Oh don't you guys think for a minute I haven't been thinking about tons of stuff and trying to get all my ducks lined up.


    but working on other projects around home also helps me to not completely freak out.


    managed to land few yard keeping jobs in the area for the next couple of days hope the weather sort of holds out.

  9. ok so work has me on call baisis now (should have seen that one ) the place I was is related to fresh food processing so now harvest is over so am I more or less.

    So I'm back to having time on my hands while looking for work.


    here are some things I would like to do if some cash comes in and bills are paid

    sell my car (this generates cash for other stuff too)

    Fish is on top of list (saving fuel right now too)

    replace the floors in my boat (anyone have a cad outline for a 16ft starcraft tiller I could design stuff)

    fix my trolling motor (going to rebuild broken mount out of steel )

    paint living room (need paint)

    mess with smoke house (this will happen once I get it here from my brothers )

    build dog teather line

    lower my boat trailer some more (have few places it would make it easier to reload)


    Just seems when the cash is around i'm working and no real time for projects and when I'm not working there is no cash flow and still tough to get the projects done.

  10. well the first time going he did everything with out me around so I have to just relay what he did/saw. I don't think anything will be attempted again till next weekend and I'm hoping to be there to watch/report

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