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SRT8 smoker craft

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Posts posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. i bought my first therma cell when they were only avalible in the usa .. i now have one for every child and even keep 1 in each car. these things are worth there weight in gold..


    I have been thinking about getting 1 for a few years gonna have to try it out I hate getting eatin alive while summer brown fishing

  2. I was told by a gent in the insurance business, that it was a very good idea to take photos of your rods/reels and tackle in case of a claim. Having documentation will ensure you are properly compensated.


    I was surprised at this but trust his opinion.



    Beat me to it.

  3. LFW your insurance broker would love it I take pics everytime I make any signifagant increase to my tackle and put it on disk which my broker has on file so there's no disputing what my stuff was worth or how much I had .I lost everything I owned in a house fire 6 years ago and got raped by insurance so I take a catalog of all my posessions and update it a couple times a year my broker incourages it here's a couple for ya canucker.


    my pike/bass box






    my last trip to BPS




    the rest are on my portable hard drive interesting topic Canucker I know tackles a bit of a obsession for me also.

  4. they have and will be doing it again in july it was good all last year except at the mouth I was going 5k up the river last year without ever hitting bottom. there is supposed to be a drag line dredger coming in. Bradfeilds marina told me how deep it, is I will know first hand in a few weeks .

  5. I have been asked a lot by guys in my area about the channel and how deep it is so I e-mailed the marina and was told there's 8 FOW from the marina all the way out so if you were thinking about going perchin or have plans for some summer walters and bows the channel won't be a issue I will prolly give a heads up when the walters start showing up.

  6. Hazardous Waste Materials Day has it!


    Check your local trash collection leaflet for the dates in your area. (2010 should of come to you recently)


    I like to leave them around my house randomly so when I'm out of batteries and on the hunt... I at least entertain myself for a while.


    *Yes I found one* *damn its dead* *puts back where he found*




    LMAO that's exactly what I used to do now I through them in the garage so I don't do that.

  7. I have a bunch of AA batteries in a grocery bag to I usually use rechargables but won't through out the regular ones I will put them in a bucket and save them till I have a lot how much are these things worth Dan B .

  8. I have a spro black frog and have had probably 20 fish blow up on it and have hooked 0 of them!!! I swithched over to a mann's black frog and went 3 for 4 with it until I lost it. My spro body is much harder than the mann's frog. Maybe my spro hooks are messed up or maybe I got a defective frog. Anyway, I have checked the hooks a hundred times and can't figure it out. The mann's frogs are also about $5 from walmart in the states.

    I bought a kermy from BPS during the sale and it looks like a carbon copy of the spro frog. Haven't used it yet but I hope it hooks up better than my spro.



    I used the black bronze eye spro all summer last year and prolly missed 1 -2 fish out of countless largies must be a bad 1 or the boddy is harder than mine. I give them a good 3-5 secs after the "blow up" before I set the hook . I use 80lb braid on my frog rod, which is a 7'11" heavy, fast action PT tour edition with a 201 curado. I find with the slop frogs you really have to swing for the fence when ya set,but some guys use 30lb braid with medium weight rods. all depends on what your confidence is in the spro frogs work amazing for me I have 6-8 of them, some guys can't stand them. I also love venom soft plastic frogs they are great but hard to find around my neck of the woods I CANT WAIT to chuck a frog in the reeds.

  9. just go buy a bowmount if ya can .you will eventually anyways, unless you will have another use for it. I think I paid $399 for my 40lb minnkota bowmount and I think the price has come down a bit since then. prolly find a good 1 used for $300 but for $100 it will do the job but they can be a pain on the transom.

  10. I had a appointment in paris were I had to spend the night so I hit the river bright and early and had some fun with the pin here's a few pics all were released started getting a lot of smallies around 9am so I left for home .


    Nice little bow to start



    NICE fat brown my first from the Grand.




    and a couple OOS smallies







  11. it depends on a bunch of things but most important is the weather conditions this year I would be willing to bet you will get drop backs into early june in some systems at their lower reaches a freind if mines GF caught her first rainbow on opener and it was still tight the anal vent was not even sticking out yet and it was a nice 7-8lb chrome hen definately a spawner .rainbow don't die off like salmon unless they are at the end of their life cycle they spawn a few times during their life I don't know exactly how many times they spawn .do a google search for a more in depth explanation.

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