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SRT8 smoker craft

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Posts posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. That third arm HAS to be an unfair advantage!!!


    LMAO that third arm is Cindy Franklin one of the orginizers she's little so she completely disappeared behind me they always have Cindy hold the 5th fish when a good bag or a lead change comes in we had first for awhile but a couple good fisherman bumped us out to second it's to bad ya can't make it out Toddy there may be a few guys lookin for partners on the website if anyones interested check it out and my little bro fished this in a 14'er with a 15hp on it and did very well top 20 I beleive they had 2 almost 5lbers just couldn't cull there little guys.here's a link to there site.




    Thanks for all the comments guys it's a awesome feeling doing good in a tourny and having fun on the water.

  2. Well my day started off terrible woke up with a huge headache and just felt horrible and it was 3:50 am and I had to be on the road for Mitchells bay by 4:30 am at the latest . I had to get my gear ready to fish out of my partner Jared Blairs boat (which I am not used to and it was hard to cut my tackle and gear to a managble amount) I managed to get everything ready and out the door at 4:25am, only to remember I had to hit the bank and the gas station which caused me to get out of town a bit late but the roads were clear of traffic and I made great time .We met up at the launch got registered and the boat in the water in lots of time we were team 52 so we had a bit of a wait to head out ,this was my first blast off in a real bassboat and I was nervous, we headed out of the channel and it was rough boat wakes and 2-3 waves and my Partner powered up the boat and we hit some 60mph in this heavy chop and boat wake what an experience. It took me a good half hour to get my nerves back in order once we arrived at Jareds spot. things started slow Jared put a few good smallies in the boat and I manage to get a small keeper in the morning. I was using a gulp minnows on a jig head and Jared was using tubes. I got broke off once and and Jared managed to finish off our limit early I think it was around 9:00am we had 5 alright keepers for around 10-12lbs so with Jareds success with the tubes I had to change things up and use some of Jareds tubes(I don't normally drag tubes )and things got crazy for awhile I managed to hook into my PB in season small mouth bass at 5.14lbs what a fight this thing pulled like a freight train and luckily enough from watching all the shows on WFN and my limited experience fishing for smallies I was able to handle this hawg and a few more after it in the low 4lb range with Jared catching a 4+ and a bunch of solid 3.5lbs smallies. by noon we had culled most of the 3's for 4+lbers and were tossing 3lbers back without even looking at them we were craning them in the boat by noon .We were laughing and joking around like old buddies even though this was our first time fishing together ,just a great day of fishing with a great guy and fisherman. Jared is sponsored by bassmagnet baits and I must say there tubes have me converted into a tube dragger for sure .We ended our day early and had a nice easy cruise in at 40mph as we new we had a big bag of fish and the heat had shut the bite down and didn't want any of our fish to die from the heat. We weighed in at 20.23lbs and had big fish for quite awhile untill we got nudged out by a few ounces we ended up with 2nd place out of 70 teams but best of all, a great new friendship and tourny partner I can't wait till the next tourny in august on the river in Sarnia.







    Anyone looking for a fun series with good payouts and a competitive feild check out the TBBA series you can still qualify for the classic only fishing 2 of the 3 qualifiers as far as I know thanks for reading .

  3. I pull my 18'6" starcraft with a FWD escape and only time I have had a problem pulling it out of the water was on a very steep ramp that everyone has a hard time with if it's a good grade no problem but I will be buying a pick up in a few years and agree that that would always be the way to go for towing but SUV's are nice for the family.

  4. Yes like Ohio says if your not sure or satisfied with there diagnosis get a second opinion. I have been being treated for sinusitus (recouring sinus infection) for like 10 years,even had a surgery were they removed the flap of skin that lays over the opening of the sinus cavity which did very little but did help a bit. I was still getting what I thought was sinus headaches until a different DR sent me for a sleep study turns out I have sleep apnea after a good month with my CPAP machine and only 1 headache (which is a sinus headache caused from seasonal allergies) I am sure that sleep apnea was the problem the whole time and it only took them like 10 years to figure it out I was starting to think I was nuts but I feel like a million bucks now .Hope things work out for you .

  5. Got out for an hour friday for some topwater bassin on the spro frog only got 2 but 1 was a good 1 and one was tinny and inhaled the large size spro frog missed him on the first hit threw right back at him and he hit again no pic of the little guy but here's the good one .




    with the flippin/frog rod








    me holding it under the bridge




  6. Hey John check out angling outfitters Jos had them for a very good price in the spring not sure if he still does but I'm pretty sure he wasn't making any $$$ of them. I checked out the same rod and I did like the feel of it but decided to get a heavier rod instead and they had nothing in the cumara with the action I was looking for I think you will be happy with it for what you plan on using it for.

  7. lol I did the same thing, I was just too lazy to chase them. Next year for sure (with a flame thrower for the mosquitoes hahaha)


    And I'm not gonna wait to call my fishing partner when he's late .I won't get a second shot this year between tournies ,family vacation and a trip out to the promised land for perch I won't get out on the bay till well after all the SMB's are gone to the outer but I will chase them down then .

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