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SRT8 smoker craft

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Posts posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. Its 10 years old I would just replace the shocks they are prolly worn out it should handle that load just fine my escape is rated for 3500 lbs but my boat at around 1200 makes it squat a bit. I think new shocks would fix your problem.

  2. Nice job on the gobie cull .went by DC today and it looked pretty sketchy aswell as LPB went to old cut to see how many crazies were out and my buddy was just getting out of his soaking wet coveralls after going through in the channel up to his waist .the way Big creek is cutting a path out into the bay it will be open soon.we will get out with our kids for some sucker fishing when the river calms down from the rain thats forecasted .

  3. Yeah I'm not real impressed with this either I have e-mailed DOLTon a bunch of times and not been very nice in my e-mails and keep getting a generic reply about how the hst is going to help small business and create jobs ,I will believe it when I see it. I was just answering the OP,s question as to when the bribe money was coming lol.

  4. Its $75 if your using the expiditer program for broken rods if it a warranty issue you just send it in and if they feel its caused from a defect they replace not sure what they do if it was not a defect but I would imagine you would be outta luck I just pay the $75 and get my new rod. I've dealt with them twice now once for a fronteir rod that they don't warranty any more which they were very appoligetic about but didn't take the sting of busting a $700 rod and the other was flawless got my new rod in a week or so.

  5. Well I have to agree it was a bit disappointing not much on sale but i did get a nice plano box for $9.99 which holds a tonne of spinnerbaits and soft plastics it will be handy when river fishing for bass and gators but I did notice that A LOT of there stuff is $2-3 more than anywhere else even wally worlds prices are much better for lures and soft plastics couldn't believe the differance .





  6. I have a pair of BPS bibs just a plain breathable pair reg $69 I bought them on sale for $39 and got a misty river rain jacket on sale for $19 and I'm going on my second season and I'm really happy with them no sweating even when I'm bundled up spring pike fishing .

  7. I don't know if anyone has contacted them for this years prize packages, however the idea of weekly tickets has been mentioned numerous times with absolutely no interest from them. I wouldnt say I complained, just a reasonable suggestion that I'm sure would give some others the opportunity to enter the event, albeit they may/would have to settle for less of a prize package. Just an idea.


    Fisherman I wasn't refering to anyone specific when I said complainers I just meant that every tourny in Ontario has people picking it apart the organizers have to draw aline somewhere and just run there tourny and hope people will attend.

  8. BTW it's not $75, it's a $100, they say it's "7 derbies, 7 weeks", it would be nice if they actually had the opportunity to buy weekly tickets for less, say around $20-25, but they'll have no part of it. Not everyone can afford that kind of money to get out just a couple times, some live a little further away, can't get the time off, etc. Sooo, I'll donate to the Tyler event, at least I know it's local to my area and going to a great cause and everyone has fun.

    Last time I looked it was $75 but I don't fish it so it doesn't matter to me. This discusion happens about tournies all the time they should do this or that not enough of this to much of that bottom line is they can't cater to everyone if they listened to all the complainers they would be free entry and aveyone would win a $70000 boat and a $70000 truck to pull it with lol its a charity tourny if you can afford fish it if not don't if ya like the prizes fish it etc ect. Good on ya for supporting a local charity sometimes staying close to home makes more sence. BTW has anyone contacted the orginizers about the prizes might be better than complaining here. Like I said I don't fish it but I would love to see a bass tourny like this instead of big stinky nooks lol. Just my opinion.

  9. find a good used sporting goods place and let someone else take the huge loss the guy hear in tilsonburg will give 70% back in trade if you buy it from him usually sometimes it's a bit less guess it depends on how often your in the store paid $25 for a pair of skates for my 17 month old and he will give me $18 in trade next year the helmet I bought him from CT was triple what he was selling them for it will reallyhelp save on the cost of equipment I know when my little guys ready he will be getting used equip for most stuff some things just shouldn't be bought used . KF my boys got the same set he loves smacking the puck around going to take him skating this weekend.

  10. At least make it all trucks! Who the hell wants a Matrix! Like anyone would really want a Defective Toyota right now. Thats the most lame prize list I have ever seen them offer up yet! With all the problems Toyota is having, they probably got those cars for rock bottom dollar! What a rip! lol



    I am pretty sure I will save my money this year and not buy in.



    Toyota prolly donated it they are huge sponsors for many outdoor related events. You guys can all just go fish for fun with the chance at winning nothing. I mean really $75 for a chance to win a car worth $20000 like they said before sell it, I pay more for 1 day tournies with a first prize of $12-1300 tops wish they had this for bass tournies whats it run for 6 weeks? If I had 6 weeks to fish for bass I'm pretty sure I could bring in a few hawgs to weigh in go fish the tourny have fun and if ya win bonus if ya don't atleast you weren't working.

  11. Snowboarding..got the lead stole.


    I told my son it doesn't matter cause its not really a sport :D



    so lets go for a run down the hill if it's not a sport it must be easy to do LOL I have snowboarded for like 15 years and those guys are amazing athletes my local news said he won gold and I had PVRd it and then I watched it expecting to see Robertson win was I ever p-ed when he got passed .it's not for everyone hard for the elderly to accept new things LOL just kidding ;)

  12. Yeah I bought a 2500 last year and it only had 1 spool but I bought it at BPS during the reel trade in and it only cost me $72 +tax not bad for a reel that IMO is as good or better than my old stratic I plan on getting another 3000 this year as they have a $20 mail in rebate on right now the spare spool doesn't bother me mainly because I have enough rods that I cover all my line needs with different set ups but if you only have 1-2 rods than 2 spools would be a nice option.

  13. Sorry for your loss. my Grandma is in the hospital right now, going to visit in a few minutes. She is very sick and not ecpected to leave the hospital. it's hard going through these life events but like your Grandma mine is 86 years old and raised 13 children ,what a amazing woman she is and I am sure the same can be said for most grandma's it's a real shame when they leave us . In the last 4 years I've lost my Dad 2 uncle's and my Grandpa and I really feel for ya it's tuff lossing someone.

  14. Trader... My F150 is now 7 years old now..the local Ford dealer still washers it everytime it's in for service, or an oil change, and each time I'm in I request and they give me a loaner car that I can drive anywhere I want with.. even if that meant I'd planned on heading to Winterpeg that day! Truck is in once every 6 or 7 thousand KM's. It has needed nothing but normal service and an exhaust manifold in 123,000 km and 7 years.



    Toyota always provides loaners they just can't possibly supply that many under these abnormal conditions

  15. If I can remember correctly your last post said you were on Simcoe. Last time I checked it is a large body of water. More people that go ice fishing on Simcoe are targeting Lakers, Whitefish and Perch and occasionally they will hook into a Pike by accident, I am also sure there are some targetting Pike like yourself.


    So my question is this, why blur the background? Thought this was a board to encourage fishing and help others. What is the purpose of hiding a location? You will probably say you don't want 50 others there next time your out, which makes sense, but I just don't get it. It's kind of arrogant if you ask me.





    Not sure why you would think not posting his spot that him or his buddy took the time and effort to find for the entire membership of the largest ontario based fishing forum is arrogant that's a lot of armchair anglers seeing exactly were you are catching fish which could quite literally destoy a spot with 1 post yes it would take some time but it would have huge effects on a fishery. Nice fish MTBF just get your camera man to zoom in a bit more or take a Knee so there's only ice and snow in the back ground anyways.

  16. I don't take the foil/foam part that seals it for storage on store shelves the stuff ya peel off to open it, out of 5-6 buckets I have never had even a slight leak . I just toss them in my big fishing stuff bin when I empty the boat out after a day of fishing never had a problem at all.

  17. I second the Crucial, if you can scrounge the extra 50. St. Croix legend is the nicest feeling one i've tried but $$$. Crucial is very nice and can't beat the warranty, good luck breaking it tho. I've seen the legend blow up on a hard hookset but great warranty as well. Get the Crucial if you can.


    I've blown up 2 crucials really like them even though I broke 2 (I'm really hard on my gear) and have a brutally hard hook set I got a quantum pt tour edition 7.6 heavy. Fast action and I am on my second one blew it up to lol its a nice rod and a lot lighter than the crucial but I still like the crucial better the pt is to light for my liking. I'm buying a 7.6 MH fast action clarus $90 plus tax with a $20 mail in rebate and a lifetime warranty. I have a 7 MH with a curado on it and I love it great rod for the $$$

  18. With 25 years experience, as the owner of a high precision injection moulding company.. making parts for the auto industry... I wouldn't be too certain about either of those statements!





    No offence but I'm quite sure of my statements. Comparing a independantly owned injection moulding place to the largest auto manufacturer in the world is a bit far fetched. I'm sure your a very smart individual but to say you know more than toyotas top engineers is kinda like me as a floor employee telling the president how to run the company it doesn't really matter what you or I think. the engineers in japan are crazy smart and I'm sure they are the ones on this and again not questioning your know how I'm just saying these guys are in another league , they are not the ones who designed the pedal as I'm sure that's coming next LOL

    I also have 12 years in the automotive industry in several different capasities and no one has dealt with a situation like this so I am certain they have their top engineers on it

  19. That have been many report of cars going WOT without any kind of throttle input. To me that screams software.


    This is the hardware portion of the fix.. btw these cars are DBW.. Personally I think this pedal replacement is a piss poor attempt to bandaid some crappy engineering.






    I'm not 100% sure this shim thing will fix the problem either . I am sure that the guys/gals they have working on this have a LOT more engineering know how than anyone that has shared their opinion about this, and that they wouldn't waste the time on a "banbaid fix" they realize what they have riding on this they can't afford for this to fail.

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