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Dean Ellison

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Everything posted by Dean Ellison

  1. Nice Gator there Aaron!!! By the looks of that big head, this fish has further potential. Could you bring that Husky Jerk you caught it on into work. I'd love to see the teeth marks .
  2. Just recieved a letter the other day after 3 years. I mailed a receipt I had kept from the MTO (thankfully I never throw out anything Gov't) when I transfered the trailer ownership showing I paid $595, of which $560 was tax, based on the purchase price of $7000 (boat,motor,and trailer). I hope this satisfies their request
  3. One July, about ten years ago, I was snorkeling on Lake Nippissing at Tama Kwa Resort. In about ten feet of water, in front of the dock, I spotted a 4Ilb smallie taking interest in what I was doing. This curious bass swam right up to me. I started turning rocks over on the bottom with my fins to see if I could stir up a crawfish or two. It was amazing to watch this bass wait with anticipation as I turned over each rock! This bass was poised about a foot away from each rock I turned, It's fins wagging in anticipation like a dog, ready to pounce. This was my first experience with the stirring up the bottom concept
  4. Thanks Aaron for a great day on Erie. The sleep deprivation was well worth it. You can't pass up fishing when the weather and wind are so fine in November The three way rig with the jointed shad raps is an excellent search method. I recall an episode of some fishing show, on Erie were they dragged a hefty length of chain (4 links at 8" apiece) along bottom. They showed underwater footage, and the kicked up silt was a smallie magnet. I too have the Erie smallie bug, and will find it hard to make it to work this week with such fine weather forecasts
  5. I had a 1998 F150 with the 4.6L. I recently sold it to my nephew. I crown rustproofed mine anually from new. I recommend the following. Have it oil sprayed. Judging by the cancer (rust) already eating the body, I suspect your brake and fuel lines. Inspect the tie rods ends (inner and outer), and the ball joints (upper and lower). I had to replace all of mine @120K New wires,plugs,and coils may be needed. The engine may appear to be running great, but if any of these components are suspect, the engines' computer will compensate for these and lower your MPG. K&N filter did little for me. Stick with the stock filter. I installed a dual high flow exhaust which offered litle performance, but it sure sounds cool. I wouldn't bother with the body work, just drive the piss out of it for a couple of years and save your money for gas and a newer F150. Are those snow tires? You may need to buy some rubber. Good luck, and congats on your ride.
  6. My original vote was for Grimsby Tackle. Adrian (the owner) is very helpful, you just have to ask the right questions. Burns Tackle in Burlington is also great. He may not have it on hand, but he has great contacts at fair prices. I Bought a Mustang survival suit for ice fishing at a great price there.
  7. That's fine while in a boat, but does that also apply to shore fishing on Quebec side??? The regs weren't to clear on this.
  8. I use my graph also, but it's hooked up to the starting battery. Up front I have a cheaper graph without this function hooked up to a second trolling motor battery...hence the need for a seperate voltmeter.
  9. Check out Dick Bell Park (about 15km from downtown). I witnessed many people fishing the outer harbour wall (all rip rap) when I was there in late July. I was fishing for Musky from a boat so I can't tell you what's there (I'll post a report when I have time, titled Fishing in the City), but I suspect at sunset, bass, pike, musky and walleye. Anywhere along the Rideau (hope I spelled that right) is likely good too. It was my impression that not many people in Ottawa fish, (either that or the locals are tight lipped) . Good Fishin' to Ya.
  10. I'm thinking about adding a voltmeter at the bow of my boat to monitor my trolling motor battery voltage. Anyone have any recommendations as to make or model? Thanks, Dean.
  11. I used to shore fish the 16 mile creek, and Bronte as an adolescent. Things were different then. Fishing wasn't as popular, and the population in Halton was much less than today. So much farmland has been consumed by semis and cookie cutter houses. It sickens me. By the way I'm only 40, and got so fed up I just had to buy a boat . If you can, try to ask people politely to move when they crowd you. As stated earlier, in a few weeks, everyone will be shoulder to shoulder on the banks. If you want to be a part of that bring the patience of a Saint, otherwise river rage might set in .
  12. SWEEEEET. Nice setup indeed.
  13. I stand corrected...apparently it's now $5 to launch.
  14. WawawaWhat!! $5 now, drag man. Just when I thought all was right with the world....I won't pay after they pull the docks out. Port C was $10 last time I used it. Plus another $5 in gas to get out to the Lake I guess C Beach is still a better deal for me .
  15. Yaaaaaaaa.......agreed........Boat porn, My wife caught me the other night checking her out
  16. I take offence to that post. My 12yr. old girl's been great!!!! Oil, tires, brakes....just standard maintenance. Most parts manufacturers make parts for both Toyota and Ford. Toyotas may be assembled in Texas, but they are still Japanese to me. Built Ford tough for me!!!
  17. Now I know you did not spell Knot. No?
  18. Check out Grimsbytackle.com website. Under Tech Tips, is an animation called Knots by Grog. Every type of knot for every situation.
  19. Go with the 4.6L, for the difference in fuel economy you'll get a much stronger engine. My Tritons 12yrs. old, 4.6L with a 5spd. The 4.2L had some gasket problems.
  20. On my 16.5ft Tracker, I only wanted to drill holes in the plywood (the gunwales are so narrow). I used 1X6 hardwood backer boards, glued, screwed, and marine varathaned, all stainless steel hardware. I multispecies fish, so removeability was a factor for me. With these I can remove the riggers and just use the rod holder for inline-planer boards, or remove the whole unit for bass and perch. If I sell the boat I'll just leave the mounting plates in place. The 12" risers are about $100 each, a little steep, but I like the results, and I can run 4 rods. Any Questions, holla back
  21. Here's my dry rub recipe I've developed over the years. I use it mostly on pork, but it's good on poultry too, applied 24 hours in advance. DEAN'S DRY RUB 1/4 CUP COARSE SEA SALT 1/4 CUP PAPRIKA 1/4 CUP (PACKED) DARK BROWN SUGAR (NOT THE LIGHT STUFF) 2 TBSP DRIED ONION FLAKE 2 TBSP DRIED OREGANO 1 TBSP FRESHLY GROUND BLACK PEPPER 1 TBSP GARLIC POWDER 1 TSP DRY MUSTARD 1/2 TSP CAYENNE PEPPER (OR MORE) 1/2 TSP CUMIN 1/2 TSP CELERY SEEDS Enjoy!!!!!
  22. Ewwww, that's an uggggly thought!
  23. That's great that you have cases. If after experimenting with this setup, and if it works for you, you may want to consider making your own case. That way you can step on them when exiting or entering tinny, or sit on, or set gear on. Space is always at a premium, I wish I had more .
  24. Have you tried mounting both your batteries (in a custom made marine plywood case) midtinny on the side opposite were you sit while steering. Do you fish alone sometimes and at others with a buddy, as this setup may suit both cases, and provide overall better handling. Just a thought.
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