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Posts posted by NAW

  1. Is 38 years old considered really old for a bear? The animal is older than I am!


    The sorry to me makes sense. My bet is he actually shot his wife an killed her and knew it. Then he shot a tree near by to make the mark to seal the story. But that's my un-trustworthy side coming out.....


    The reality is, it very well could have happened the exact way it happened. Crazier things have happened, for sure. It's all plausible.

  2. I'll be iceishing in Ontario Monday or Tuesday at the latest.


    I am definitely going to have a look! Not sure how far I will need to drive though..


    The spot I am eager to check has the next three nights at or close to minus double digits, and bellow zero all day. It's worth strapping on the float suite and going for a poke!

  3. I spent some time last week with my son, tearing apart 2 old broken GTs. We managed to build on good working one.


    He's been patiently waiting for the snow.


    I saw on the radar that port Severn area and North where getting some snow yesterday.


    Anyone up that way care to share a snow report??


    It would save me a couple hours of driving and potentially a lot of disappointment for the young lad..

  4. Sounds like an awesome rig!


    Always lots of fun small engineering challenges when slapping a hut together.


    Ive got some plans I'm working on. But I never thought about a wind generator. That's a great idea. Gunna have to be a hearty fan. Maybe an outdoor rated one eh?

  5. hey its no different than last year folks, and last winter was bloody epic


    mild december, but the winter outlook calls for more vortex in February. Id take a hard freeze in Jan Feb, over sketchy snow covered ice that never freezes in december!


    We didnt have ice in PAB until the second week of January last year which is unheard of but ended up having the best ice weve ever had!


    I was on the ice the first weekend in December, in Simcoe County on 3.5" to 5" solid black ice. Same spot right now is obviously open water. A very big difference from last year I would say :whistling:


    This is a very depressing season for early ice crappies.

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