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Posts posted by NAW

  1. I have never had my hand in a mouth that big!


    To be honest, I feel bad.


    I tried to lift it on an angle a bit, and my finger tips actually started to rip through the skin on the bottom of her mount.


    I felt bad..


    Lesson learned.

  2. Sam and I decided last minute to go for an afterword kayak.



    I kind of overshot the distance, and we ended up going for a much longer paddle then I wanted.


    So we didn't get to stop much to fish. And we didn't catch any fish at any of those spots.


    And on the way back we pumped pretty hard to get back before dark. But stopped at one last place about 1km from the launch

    First cast, I landed this guy!



    That's a PB for me.. I didn't have my scales or tape. But it felt pretty heavy!






  3. wow -now that is a great day on the water. absolutely sweet stretch of river.How's the thumb?

    The thumb is ok. It's just in a bad spot.. But I heal fast.


    Looks like an amazing stretch of river, Nick! Strawberries were EVERYWHERE this weekend at our campsite, blueberries are still a few weeks away up here.

    We are going to try again the next kid free weekend.


    LIfe is good brutha Nick... and with a GF interested in fishing and the outdoors life will continue to be good brutha Nick. lol. Great looking day getaway dood!

    Yep, life is feelin pretty darn good right now for sure Bunk!


    NAW sounds and looks like u had a great time, beautiful scenery, a piece of paradise for sure, my wife is the same she outfishes me in the summer always, but in winter I give her a run for the money lol

    I never thought I would enjoy having a partner who enjoys fishing and outdoors as much as I do.! I don't mind getting out fished one bit!

  4. Well, I can't say there was no blue berries.. They where just still green/red. I did manage a few to snack on, but nothing worth bringing home!


    We did a 20km paddle, to a set of falls.


    Sam caught a hammer handle pike in the first section of river, and while she was bringing it in, a massive 40+ pike grabbed on to it! We go so excited, that I ended up set a hook past the barb in to middle of my thumb!! And I was so excited, that I just ripped it out, and grabbed the net. But the big pike let go, and all we ended up boating, was the dink hammer handle! Ah well, still a good story.


    Caught a couple bass on the way home. I lost 4 boat side, and Sam lost 1 landed 2. SO my rookie fisherman girlfriend has out fished me the last 2 times we've been out!!!! what the hell Man!!


    Here's some random shots from the day. The weather was great, and the company couldn't have been better!!


    I used the pano function on my cell phone for the first time yesterday.
























    Thanks for reading!!


    More to come, this summer is just getting started!!!!

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