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Posts posted by NAW

  1. Hey folks.


    I notice a few blue berries patches while camping last weekend. Some of the berries where starting to turn a little red. But most where still green, and very hard.


    I'd really like to get out this year, and pick a few margarine containers full. Enough for blue berry pancakes for the year!


    I'm sure it varies a little each year. But does anyone know when the usual wild blue berry picking season starts?? Or even better, does anyone have a good estimate of when and how long this season will be in Muskoka this year??


    Any help is greatly appreciated!



  2. I just wanted to give a quick update and say thanks again to everyone who offered advice in this thread.


    The camping trip went off with out a hitch!


    Amazing weather, no bears, no rattle snakes, lots of fish, and lots of relaxing in the sun!


    So thanks again!


    I'll definitely be going back to the Moon River! It's a great place! Way to many nooks and crannies to explore in only 4 days.

  3. wouldn't it be more enjoyable to paddle down stream instead :canadian:

    Haha. Ya, but the 4 day hang over paddle home is much easier downstream!


    I canoed down it one year from the highway and out into the bay and back up 12 Mile Bay. My buddies and I did the first leg to the Moon Falls in about half a day. We decided to go to the Twin Rapids because it was only one portage instead of two going the northerly route. The portage was brutal up and over a very steep rock cut. We should have shot the rapids instead but were in a borrowed fiberglass canoe and did not want to chance it.


    There are quite a few Massasauga Rattlers around Moon Falls so be careful if you camp there.



    I am a little worried about the portage. It's going to be lots of fun!


    And thanks for the heads up on the snakes!


    Just a map if you want. Was planning on going there one day so I did a little research a while ago. Ken O'Briens beast was caught in Blackstone Harbour. Oh by the way don't cut your line if you have a big one on haha. You just might get her in.

    Thanks for the map!


    I really want to do a day trip out that way. But it all depends on how much fun we have up top!


    I grew up fishing and camping on the moon river in bala. I would suggest starting your trip in bala at the falls and end it at the mouth. As you paddle down the lake south on gaunt bay there are several canoe routs you can stop, camp for the night or just stop for a rest and a bite to eat. It will prob take you guys a few hours to get to the narrow part of the river that is dammed. I think this rout is the nicest, most scenic and most private. You really feel like you are in the wilderness. Now there is more portaging as the river drops as you get to the mouth. The fishing is excellent, there will be tons small mouth with pike and walleye as you get closer to the mouth. There is even a few LM holes! Have a look on google maps I think it's a nicer trip. Good luck and have fun



    Thanks for the reply! I'm thinking this will be a place I go to several times again in my lifetime! It looks like a beautiful river!


    Do you think it's worth brining my depth finder to mount on the canoe? Or is the river shallow for the most part??

  4. My and my girlfriend have been planning a 4 day canoe trip for a while how. And after some long talks last night, we decided to switch our destination to the Moon River.


    She really wanted her first canoe camping trip to be an adventure for both of us, and to go somewhere that I have never been before.


    I've always wanted to do a few days on the Moon.


    My plan is to go park at one of the Marina's in the moon river basin / Wood Bay / Arnold Bay rd area. Then head out for some R&R up the river.


    I have all the normal questions....


    1. Does anyone know a good safe marina in the area I can park at? (or if you know a free spot PM ME PLEASE!!!)

    2. Has anyone paddled the river before heading up stream? How are the portage routes? There looks like lot of rapids

    3. Targeting pike and pickerel.. Hows the fishing up there? Should I get my hopes up?

    4. Any special recommendations for things to check out in the area? Trails, Scenery, look out points, etc...

    5. Has anyone over heard of "Mooning on the Moon"?? The Toronto Nudist Club event each year.. Is this true??


    I think we will set up camp central somewhere, then do little day paddle trips. Out in to the bay one day.. Up to the 400 the next.. That sort of thing.


    We are really looking forward to kicking off the camping season with an amazing trip. So if you know the area, and have any advice, it would be greatly appreciated!



  5. It's pretty much the only fish-able water in the area that I know of.


    It's in the town of Wingham. And it's right at the dam in town. So when it's blown..It's completely blown. White (brown) water rapids..


    That being said, we are driving there from barrie, So I may be able to make some stops on the the way home sunday to some random spots and try our luck.


    And normally, I don't have him wear a life vest when shore fishing. But this area has an aggressive rocky shore. So he will certainly be wearing a life vest!

  6. I bought my boy a little fun "Cars" fishing rod from crappy tire. I hate the stupid thing already. I want him to have a real fishing rod, and not a little kids one. BUT.. He is 2, and he likes to throw fishing rods in to the river.




    I am going to my Mom's house for the weekend. And I was really pumped to take him fishing on the Maitland River in town, where I used to fish growing up. I was going to surprise him with his new fishing rod. And I was really hoping he would be able to catch a few rock bass from shore. Now for the Vent! It's been RAINING ALL DAY! The river is going to be blown to crap tomorrow.. We aren't going to be able to catch a single fish!!




    Vent over.


    Thanks for listening.


    Nobody else in life would understand my frustration right now. except you fine folks.

  7. This post makes me smile ear to ear Lew!!


    I used to have an nice estate lot in the bush. But I had to sell the house in my divorce.


    Moved to crappy house, on a crappy street in Barrie. And I can not stand it. I think me neighbors have seen me naked more time than I can count!!


    I'm just waiting on the final paper work. But it's about 99.9% sure that I am moving to Midhurst Aug 1st. To a home that backs on to a big forest, that's county land, and chocked full of walking / biking trails!! I will be able to walk out my back door and disappear in the bush again.! FREEDOM!!!


    I intent on setting up some feeders for the birds and deer, and I hope to be posting pic like you have been by the fall!!!

  8. For some reason, I have had the same thing happen at two places I've lived.


    I had a mentally challenged neighbor for years. I different situation though, as she was about 50 years old. But she used to walk in to my backyard, and knock in the sliding door in to my basement apartment quite regularly. I never felt threatened by her, and we became good buddies. I mowed her lawn for her all the time, and took her garbage out. I was actually sad when she left.


    But your situation is a little different.


    I would try speaking to his mother, and let her know how you feel. Let her deal with her son. She likely has a great re-pour with him, and can explain things to him in a way that he will understand.


    Maybe he has a social worker (if he's as challenged as you think), or someone else close in his life that may be able to explain things better to him?


    It's a tough call eh. Things may set him off, that you wouldn't even think would phase him. I would tread lightly.


    As for the watching of the vehicles. Who knows what's running through his head. He may just be trying to help you out by keeping an eye on your house. He may be extremely board, and have nothing to do all day, but look out for what's happening around his neighborhood.


    My current house, I've got a mentally challenged man about 45 who lives with his mother (retired teacher). They are great. He never talks to me, but he will talk to my girlfriend. He's likely a little scared of me, and feels more comfortable talking to my GF I would never leave him alone with my kids or anything, but we don't feel threatened. If I ever did, I would go straight to his mom though. She would straiten him out for sure.


    The Trask family also arranged for two certified cadaver dogs from the Ottawa Valley SAR Dog Association to be up there for three days.



    The Volunteers in the Ottawa Valley SAR Dog Association, and the Michigan Back Country SAR are amazing. I've worked with them many times in the past, and it doesn't surprise me that they where the ones to find his remains.

    These people dedicate their entire lives to training these dogs to do exactly this. Find remains, and help grieving families. Kudos to them, for taking time out of their normal lives to go help search for Daniel, and actually getting the results they where looking for. I'm sure the K9 handlers/Searchers after searching for 10 days, could barely walk after. It's not an easy job, and they don't get paid a cent for it.

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