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Posts posted by NAW

  1. ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^


    Well, that certainly is an interesting point of view.



    Regarding the ATV incident, from what I understand, the bear charged them while they where on their machines. They we're able to drive away fast enough to avoid a true "attack". Who knows though..

  2. The worst part is he has to appear in court to pay his no life jacket fine. My buddy got pinched last year for not enough life jackets in his boat and he had to appear before a judge. He said the judge scolded him like a little boy in front of a full house. Rather embarassing to say the least.



    You can't just pay the ticket? Why do they make you go to court??

  3. I’ve been going to the same small lake in Muskoka for May 24 every year for the past 4 years. The crew I’ve been going with have been going there for 10+ years.


    Nobody has ever seen an OPP, or MNR officer there, ever.


    To set the scene, the lake is a small conservation area, with no cottages, and a treacherous boat launch. Through the summer, it’s a quite lake, but on the long weekends, it gets CRAZY. (dangerously crazy)


    I would say 90% of the boats on the lake are not legal. As in, no life jackets, no safety kits, drunk drivers, etc..


    On our way back to the launch on Monday, don’t I get stopped by a CO paddling around in a canoe going from campsite to campsite.


    I was running a canoe with a Minn Kota, so he asked to see my operator’s card. I showed him my card, and also my fishing license. I had all the safety gear required, so we shot it for a few minutes, and he was on his way.


    One of my buddies got dinged with a $240 ticket for not having enough life jackets in the boat. He could have been strung out for $600, cuz he was two jackets short, and had no safety kit. So I guess he got of easy..


    It was good to see him out there. I love getting stopped by CO’s. It makes all the extra effort of being legal worthwhile!



    As for the fishing. I managed a few decent pike. Also managed to keep the bass off my line. Didn’t catch a single OOS fish the whole weekend. Tossing large Williams spoons.

  4. Me and the wife are making the big move down to Barrie from Thunder Bay! Finally get to move into our place which is excited just wish it wasn't on the long weekend! Hopefully get out for some walleye with my Dad before we hit the road though



    Welcome to Barrie SD.! Sounds like a painfull move!




    I'll likely be out on Simcoe at least one day. Maybe go camping for a day or two on 3 Mile Lake. Thinkin of hittin Nip as well, maybe Sunday morning. And then there's always house work..

  5. MY RANT....

    1st off I hope the guy recovers fully from his injuries.

    I guess it's ok to kill this bear since it's in the north, seems that the London police were doing they're job by preventing a bear attack, where were the Coldwater police? That guy should have used all his "bearwise" knowledge they drill into your head up north. Why wasn't the poor bear trapped and brought to some happy place in the north rather than giving it the death sentence, was the nearest bear patrol officer 3 or 4 hrs away?


    I guess what I'm trying to say is that a nusiance bear is a nusiance bear no matter where it is, don't give us "southererns" a hard time about our problems when you have the same problems which you told us you were ready to deal with (in the London bear post) right in your own back yard.


    This is not a north south thing, it's a bear thing, Bring back the spring bear hunt!





    You call Coldwater North????

  6. what is the conservation area you refer to FiSH? not a ton of homes out there..



    My bad, it’s a provincial wildlife area, not a conservation area.


    The attack happened near Kinnear sr. and Big Chute Rd. There are lots of scattered country homes/farms in that aream and a dew cottages as well.


    Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying it's a densly populated area. Just that there are a quite a few homes in that area. There's a sub-division with about 30 homes in it about 2 block away from where the attack occured.

  7. There's a big conservation area there, and a quite a few homes.


    Not a good spot to have a pissed off bear.


    I saw a few bears there last year, but they where scared of me, that's for sure.

  8. "A man is in serious conditions after he was attacked by a large black bear yesterday evening.


    OPP say the attack happened near Upper Big Chute Road, and Kinnear Sideroad in Severn Township around 6:30 PM.


    The 48 year old man's injuries aren't life threatening, and he was airlifted from the scene to Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto.


    OPP are now searching for the bear, with the help of the Ministry of Natural resources, who are setting up traps.


    Police say people in the area should exercise extreme caution until the bear is located and trapped.


    And anyone who sees the bear is asked to call 911"




    So now, everyone who see's a Bear in Severn Township is going to call 911. Not Likely...


    How to tell if it's "the" bear. I guess if it doesn't run away from you when you'r yelling at it. But by that time, it may be to late to call 911.

  9. I have tons of great fishing memories, but the one that stands out the most is the first pike I ever caught.


    Trolling through the narrows coming out of pretty channel on Six Mile Lake, with my Dad. Just as we passed over the "no anchor" warning signs for the under water hydro lines, I get snagged. I pulled on the line for a few minutes, thinking I must have snagged a rock, or maybe worse, the power lines..


    SO I hand the rod to my old man. He tugs on it a few times, then hands the rod back to me..


    A little bewildered, I ask him to throw it in reverse, so I can get a better angle on it. He says, nope, you got a pike on son. Almost immediately after he said that, the pike went on a tear.


    We landed it, and I got my first lesson on how to handle the toothy critters.


    On the way back to the cottage, we held that fish up to every occupied dock we could find. I was so proud of my catch. The cottagers next door came over with a camera and took a few pics, then mailed them to me later that summer. It was only 36", but as a 10 year old kid, that was huge..

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