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Posts posted by NAW

  1. I made the mistake of leaving my car window open in Toronto at night at gas station while I ran into get a pack of cigars..


    Didn't realize till i got home, but someone snatched my $600 watch... I was only in the store for a minute or two. Lesson learned :wallbash:



    F-is-H it's funny you mention the dam by Westcast, I was just eying it up on Sunday morning when I was through Wingham...thinking about walking that stretch from the dam out to the highway and see what I can turn up.


    Throw a canoe in at the golf coarse, and fish down river into Wingham / Lowertown. All sorts a fun!

  3. So we are going to be playing 18 holes at Hawk Ridge in Orillia on Sunday, so I want to hit a lake near by. I’ve never fished Darlymple before. The little research I’ve done on the lake says there’s Walleye in there. How’s the walleye population these days.. Anyone catching them there this year?

  4. I’ll be going to Ogdensburg, NY with my dad and fishing the St. Lawrence in the CanAm Carp Cup tournament. I’ll be on Team Canada for the third straight time, aiming to bring home our third straight victory against the American carpers.


    48 straight hours of no sleep, chucking bait into the water at 100 yards and hopefully tons of fish fighting. Definitely need a long weekend after this weekend :lol:


    Good luck man! Bring home the Gold :thumbsup_anim:

  5. I was going to go camping with a buddy for the weekend up in Temagami. I really didn't want to deal with the traffic though :wallbash:


    So we decided to stay at my house instead, and fish a different local lake each day in the morning. Then play some golf in the afternoons. Maybe a few bonfires in the backyard in the evenings. A mens weekend :thumbsup_anim:


    I think we're going to hit Georgian Bay Saturday. ???? Sunday, and Simcoe (cooks bay) Monday.


    I want to try a new lake in Muskoka/Kawarthas on Sunday. I've fished 6-mile, and Sparrow. I want to try something new. I would really like to get into some walleye. What are my chances of hooking into some walleye on Rice Lake??


    We'll those are my plans. What are yours?


    Any help on getting me into some eyes would be great! I live in Barrie, and don't want to drive more then an hour or so.


    Thanks Folks!


    Darn though, the bears thing I'm not sure if I'm super excited about. I might leave all the food outside the truck and sleep inside of it. :)



    Don't worry about the bears man. My family has had a cottage up there for nearly 80 years, and they've only see a hand full of bears.. The park sounds like a safe place. I camp on the lake a few times each summer, and the coons are there every night.. But no bears for me yet.

  7. There's a liquor store (trailer full of booze) in port severn. Take Exit 153. Not sure if you're allowed to drink in the park on a long weekend though. You may want to look into that. Bala is only about 30 minutes north of there, if you’re looking for a little northern night life..


    I've never stayed in the park before. Bang on with the Bass and Pike assessment. I find a Mepps spinners trolled works best for Pike in that lake. I've tried lots of lures for pike, the mepps always seems to out fish them all for me..


    The rocks are pretty well marked if you stay in the middle. There are some stumps and rocks close to shore that can beat you up a little. Especially in crocked bay, up in the northeast end of the lake.


    Good luck, and may sure you post some pics eh!

  8. I'm in the same boat as the guys above. When I see a deer, I'm thinkin about venison chille, not the rack.


    That's one squrrely rack though!


    Is anyone else going out of their mind thinking about the upcoming season. :tease: I have no skin left on my fingers from shooting my recurve in practice..


    IMO you dont really need a cantilever. sure its nice so you dont need to re-zero (although you should always take at least one shot before hunting.


    It came with the cantilever. Picked up a Bushnel shotgun scope.


    Heading out skeet shooting in about 20 minutes. Got 100 rounds ready to go!

  10. You have til the 22 of this month to get it for 449 at BPS. Check out thier flyer on line.


    I was going to buy the cantalevered barrel for mine,but they want what thier selling the combo for :wallbash::wallbash: .


    Great all around shot gun.



    Thanks Brian. I just called BPS and after a 10 minute wait on hold, I got a guy on the phone. What he told me was it's a 2 barrel combo, and the rifled barrel is not cantalevered, just iron sights..


    I think I'm going to hit Lebarons tonight, there open till 9:00.

  11. Just got off the horn with Lebarons, and then Trombly's.


    In stock at Lebarons, and $80 cheaper then Trombly's. Trobly's won't price match Lebarons.. (not the guy I talked to anyways!)


    Looks like I'm heading south this weekend instead of north..


    Thanks AzuluSpookd! You saved me some cash!

  12. Being open about owning a gun is risky....I will tell you why.


    True story....very recent....told to me by my son who is a police officer.


    Father had acquired a gun, son was overheard speaking of it. Son was followed home. Son left home. Two men approached the home, knocked on door, mother answers door. Two men attack her. She is tied to a chair, beaten, they want the gun. Mom does not know where the gun is. They break her nose. Mom does not know where the gun is. They break one finger and wait. They break another finger and yet another. Mom does not know where the gun is. They pour gasoline on her. Neighbour notices suspicious car, places call to 911. Something got those two men to leave before lighting a match to her.

    Nice eh.

    They were arrested. She will never be the same.


    Be careful.


    Thats just messed up man! There are some sick people out there..


    I'm not to worried about any OFC'ers coming and beating my wife just to get my registered shotguns.. There are tons of guys on this site that are open about hunting and owning guns. Thanks for you'r input though, very interesting situation.


    Outdoorsman, I'll call them today and see if they will price match. Thanks for the tip.

  13. http://www.remington.com/products/firearms/shotguns/model-870/model-870-express-combos.aspx


    Picking up my new shotgun this Friday and I'm super Pumped (no pun intended!!). Black synthetic. I would have prefered Camo, but black works too!


    Getting an 870 express 3 barrel combo. Turkey, waterfowl, and deer (rear cantalevered for a scope).


    Gunna pick up some skeet, and break her in before the duck season starts!!


    It's on sale this weekend at Tromley's for $650!

  14. Your price range is pretty good for the age of motor your looking at. There's lots of motors in the 1970 to 1985 era for under $600. You just have to hunt around for them.


    Like I said, I bought a 1982 Evenrude with two parts motors for $575. I sold one of the parts motors for $150, then used that money to replace the seals, impeller and bottom end oil.


    As for what to look for in a motor. If you're not familliar with a outboards, you really should take it to a marine mechanic for a quick look. Or find a budy who knows about outboards, and bring him/her with you when you go to look at it.






    This is just an example. By the looks of it, these would require some work..

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