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Posts posted by NAW

  1. I've used that set-up a few times the last few years. I use a half of a power or gulp worm and sometimes it is the only thing that will produce strikes.


    It was the only thing working that day. The other guy in the boat got skunked, and he tried everything.. All the other guys we talked to got skunked for walleye as well.

  2. I know it's not what your looking for, but i town my boat with a VW Golf.. Max load in it is 1260lbs.. Way more then my boat ways. Wicked on gas.. Weather I have a trailer on or not.. Around 700kms per 50L tank. I'm not going to buy a truck until i get a BIG boat. Just a waste of money for me at this point in my life.

  3. I just learned how to use Photobucket, so i wanted to test her out.


    I'm really just posting this to make sure my photobucket account and linking are working properly..


    I hit G-bay last weekend in search of Pickerel. I've never caught a pickerel before, and it was my number one goal for this season to catch one. Canada Day weekend, my fishing partner, and my wife both landed an eye each, but not me :asshat:


    Last weekend was my turn.


    Hopefully these pictures work out.


    I posted these pics earlier this week, but not with Photobucket, so it was a little messed up...












    Can everyone see these pics??

  4. This is my rig to make sure I'm in the right place, and the right speed... The Slow Death rig works best at 1 mph. Gets the worn twirling just right.


    Hey.. How can I attach more the one pic per post...?? :dunno:


  5. I figured G-bay was a good bet for this weekend. My regular fishing partner Steve had to work, so I called up one of my SAR unit teammates, who was more then happy to fill the position.


    Woke up at 4 am, on the water around 5:30. (should have been 5:00, but there was a long wait at Tim’s for some reason, then we watched Barrie PD arrest a drunk guy, and break up a college house party..)


    I trolled an Erie Derie for about 2 hours with a few bites, but no takers. We where in anywhere from 6’ to 25’, and trolling about 3km/h.


    I switched to a slow death rig, slowed down to about 1.5km/h, in 8’ to 12 FOW. 5 minutes later and there's a Pickerel in the boat!


    In the next two hours, I boated 3 more. What a great day!!


    The first was 15.75”; next two where both around 20”, and the last about 19”. One under the slot for the dinner table!! :thumbsup_anim:


    Here's a pic of a smallie from last weekend. Sorry about the poor quality pics, they where all taken on my cell phone..


  6. A father and son went on a "4 day" canoe trip. They got messed up somehow on the way. So the father set up camp, and the son went off to try to find a road. They found the father, but havn't been able to find the son.


    The article maps out the route they where planning on taking. I don't know the area, but it sure seems like a lot of ground/water to cover in 4 days!



  7. sportspals are great canoes. They have this foam floats running down each side, and a good shape, which make them very stable.


    I own a very old aluminum springbok that has a very stable shape to it. The sides bulge out and make it very wide, similar to the effect given by the foam supports on the sportspals.


    I used to run a 4hp motor off the side of my canoe. I could sit in the canoe sideways, and lean back on the motor with my feet up on the opposite gunwale, and the cane wouldn't come close to tipping.


    I can pretty well stand up on one gunwale, and the canoe will not flip. It's the most stable canoe I've ever been in. My dad bought it when we lived in Pickle Lake to run the river up there. It's also very long, and good for loading up, or taking the family out in.


    I'm not saying all springboks are very stable canoes, but this paticular model ranks up there with the best of them.

    May 24  weekend 2008 046.jpg

  8. Another thing to watch for is Poision Ivy.. Dogs go running though that stuff, then you pet them, and get it on your hands. Or worse, they run thought it, then go for a afternoon napsky on your pillow!!


    As mentioned before in this thread, I alway put a life vest on my dog when she's in the boat. She jumped overboard once while we where in motion, and almost got run over..

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