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Everything posted by 10point

  1. Aluminum
  2. I have a new fish finder on the way and will be removing the old transducer that will leave two small holes in the bottom of the boat. How can I plug these? Would JB weld work?
  3. I have a transom mount trolling motor that is only a couple years old. It shakes when I have it above speed 2. Is that normally a problem with the prop? Prop looks good to me. It was a little dinged up and I sanded it down some.
  4. You can ship all the lures you want to my house Seriously though if you are from around London Ontario where my in-laws live I might be able to help you out sometime.
  5. Here is the kit I bought last year: http://www.cabelas.com/product/Cabelas-1013-Piece-Spinner-Making-Kit/712191.uts?Ntk=AllProducts&searchPath=%2Fcatalog%2Fsearch.cmd%3Fform_state%3DsearchForm%26N%3D0%26fsch%3Dtrue%26Ntk%3DAllProducts%26Ntt%3Dspinner%2Bkit%26WTz_l%3DHeader%253BSearch-All%2BProducts%26x%3D24%26y%3D16&Ntt=spinner+kit&WTz_l=Header%3BSearch-All+Products This little set is really cheap right now. http://www.cabelas.com/product/VMC-Revolution-Classic-Spinner-Kit-Six-Pack/1296879.uts?Ntk=AllProducts&searchPath=%2Fcatalog%2Fsearch.cmd%3Fform_state%3DsearchForm%26N%3D0%26fsch%3Dtrue%26Ntk%3DAllProducts%26Ntt%3Dspinner%2Bkit%26WTz_l%3DHeader%253BSearch-All%2BProducts%26x%3D24%26y%3D16&Ntt=spinner+kit&WTz_l=Header%3BSearch-All+Products
  6. Hi Guys, I just learned how to make these last year. I got a kit from Cabelas and caught a few fish on them up at Dog Lake. I fished them using mostly a 5/8 oz walking sinker. Is that a good way to do it?
  7. I'm going up to shining tree camp 2nd week of June for the 1st time but I don't plan to catch any fish as most think if you can drive to it there can't be any fish.
  8. I did some reading about heating it up with a heat gun. Since I don't have a heat gun I tried heating it with a torch and it's working pretty well.
  9. I am putting in a new piece of marine plywood in my boat. Do I need to apply any ttyp of stain or anything to it? Carpet will be going over it.
  10. I am putting a new floor in my boat and replacing the carpet. I have a new sheet of marine plywood so no glue on the floor but the carpet goes up the side of the boats. Do I need to remove the glue up the sides of the boat. I removed a little bit of tonight and it seems like it would take a really long time to get it all off.
  11. And I thought this had something to do with duck hunting. LOL
  12. Do they have reviews from customers on that site? I can only find stuff written by the resort itself.
  13. Heading to the in-laws in London in a few days to spend Christmas week. Was thinking about taking the kids to the falls. Is it an ok place to visit in winter? Do they have some big light display?
  14. I have good success with Bass Pro Stick-O's They hold up better also.
  15. My Son's Mossberg 20 gauge youth model. I carried it instead of my muzzleloader because there was raining some.
  16. Funny that my wife is from Canada and never knew anyone like me until she came here. Happened to be in the right place at the right time at Noon today. Was walking out of the woods when this guy and another small buck came by chasing a doe. Trial Cam
  17. Good job! My Son is 12 and is hooked on hunting waterfowl.
  18. I have about 14 or so doe tags here in Indiana on my lifetime license. It's crazy how many you can take here. Some places have really seen a decline. Most deer I have taken in 1 season is 5.
  19. Nice, but BoilerUp! I was up at Dog Lake in June which I believe is in the same area.
  20. Dude I don't know. It's not me fishing. Do they fall under chinook salmon?
  21. According to the Michigan fish consumption guidelines Pink Salmon of any size are ok to eat. Most lakers are not. Look at the pictures here from Manistee. http://www.lakemichigansportfishing.com/photos.html
  22. My son is going next week with my Dad with the same guy further up into Michigan for King Salmon. No warning on those.
  23. Thanks for the info and for ruining my day. Of course our captain told us they were all fine up to 30 lbs or something.
  24. Yes, it was a charter on Lake Michigan. We didn't go back empty!
  25. They have been good on the grill!
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