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Everything posted by luv2drift

  1. if fish don't feel pain there would be absolutely no reason for them to run and create a fight! God created all creatures with a mind and a spirit and humans with a mind, spirit and a soul.....they absolutely feel they are being caught! I fish only to expierence God's creation! .... there's a bit of a bible thumper's lesson for you all. lol.///
  2. I am looking for an expidition pack ....for canoeing an portaging ...most likely four day trips extremely light.... opinions wanted......thinking of getting a barrel pack??????
  3. I exclusively use Maggots on what ever small lure you want to throw at them...bannana jig...or my fav for perch is the"HALI"
  4. I am looking for a small hsp canoe motor since my sailing expidtion is turning up dismal results. It has to be under three hsp....any suggestions???
  5. The ice will be gone during the fourth week of april .... However weather goes in a seven year pattern and seven year ago it snowe May 24 week end and spring was cold as hell...so we are do...but prediction is No ice at the turn of May.
  6. you catch a lot of steel man....! IF your bad day equalled my good day I would be a happy angler!
  7. Who ever is fishing on Simcoe still ... make sure you will is signed!
  8. What set up do you use?
  9. Absolutely a good april fool's! I am no expert and it is only a guess but I do doubt that the mnr has control over motors in the park. It is the parks workers that enforce the rules I think?
  10. How would the MNR be involved? Isn't it the Parks call?
  11. That would be a huge mistake if they allow motors. Ican see on the bigger lakes small motors being allowed but 6hsp everywhere will ruin the expierence.
  12. How about a motor and a down wind sail! If I went with a motor it would have to be less than 3 hsp. What would you guys go with a electric trolling motor and rig up a a solar charger for canadian tire? or a 2 hsp 4stroke honda??? suggestions? The sail...would I still need a daggerboard if the mast wast a really small trianglur version? A downwind sail sounds easy enough I would just like the option to catcha bit more of a cross wind.
  13. there is next to zero pike in Algonquin Park. If there are lakes with Pike they were introduced and the park is trying to rid the lakes of Pike.
  14. I am looking to outfit my canoe this year with some sort of canoe sail. Either store bought or homemade. Any suggestions? Does anyone out there do this? It needs to be light weight and easy to take down and put back up because of long portages. I am tired of paddling huge headwinds and would rather tack a lake than curse it.
  15. I assume these drift socks are nylon? I was thinking one would be good for canoeing in Algonquin so you could bottom bounce in a canoe without being blown across the lake too fast. Anyone ever thought of a modification to make it a canoe sail too?
  16. Hi Tony I want to Fish Niagara with a centre pin ...What do you recommend gear wise and location wise?and I 'll be tuning in!
  17. I just walked down to the end of my street people are out there(four or five) I am pretty sure they are americans renting in lefroy ...and they are absolutely out of their minds if they think it is safe. the ice has turned for solid black ice after that melt and freeze up two weeks ago and now is that dull spongy white/grey and the shoreline is melting fast!.
  18. have any of you pinners out there float fished for brookies anywhere???
  19. Is anyone out there centre pinning yet? How are the rivers if you are?
  20. My friend just bought one. installed by a plumber 2300 bucks total. you must get someone who has their ticket in plumbing to install it or the insurance company will void warranty if there is a fire.
  21. People are out at the end of my street in Lefroy right now? the shore line must be getting spongie.
  22. I have heard that XM canada is an indepenent company from xm usa. Both Sirius and XM have agreed that a merger is highly likely between the two of them. IF this indeed does happen I would like to know how XM canada would function??? Maybe someone else has an opinion and don't quote me on anything.
  23. thanks for the pointers ...Maybe I'll try there tomorrow and just head out further.
  24. Are there any other suggestions of places to go for rainbows for tomorrow out there? I live in Barrie area.
  25. Apparently they drilled through the ice, all the ice and than under the ice was slush right to the handle of the auger and they said even a spoon wouldn't of cleared it out?? and if a fish went into the slush you'd never get it up the hole?
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