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Posts posted by douG

  1. Attaboy Peter.


    My Pa tells of his trials quitting smoking a few years ago. He was down to a few, but struggling. One night he woke up to see my Ma pacing the bedroom starkers, overwrought at his struggle. He tells me this story, wondering at the time, if this was 'some sort of bizarre Doukhoubor protest'.


    He quit for good the next day.

  2. My mistake, DanC.


    I said SiRF II when I meant SiRF III, and you saw that right away.


    "The Garmin GPSMAP 76CSx updates the Garmin GPSMAP 76CS with two major improvements. First, the 76CSx includes the SiRFSTAR III chipset, which has been getting rave reviews for its fast acquisition time and awesome coverage under canopy, in urban canyons and even indoors!...." That's what I have!


    I agree with DanC that SiRF III is the cat's meow. Good call.


    I will no longer brag, but will continue to try to advise from my limited point of view.


    Appreciate your recommendations, DanC.

  3. Appreciate the correction and the update, DanC. Thank you.


    Still don't understand how these commercial receivers can receive signals that are 1/10 the strength of the background noise? I know about spread spectrum technology, but that is some madd skillz fer shizzle.


    I think that your link is older than my gps, gots the SiRF II in my machine, just like you recommended, works great.

  4. I haven't smoked at work now for about a year, down to 7 butts a day. At work, I still have the nicorette or similar gum, always 2 or 3 pcs a day. The gum really does kill the urge immediately, and I find it helps. I am still a long way from quitting nicotine, i know. That is the real quitting.

  5. Garmin has this trick satellite receiver that pulls signals outa the ddep mud, no problems, extremely sensitive. The chipset is called SiRs, and is likely licensed to other mfrs, but that is the deal, and not available on all Garmin units. The 76 CSX has this feature, among others.

  6. OUCH!! I did the same thing at LeB's, embarrassing. Some evil closer mechanism bit me and left a mark.


    Even worse, the dude behind the counter had a box of band aids.


    Emil, nice job on the family, and thanks for looking after my knife for the past coupla years. I can trade it for a box o pampers.

  7. Danbo is right. At work, when we want to wear stuff out that goes on airplanes, we shake em and put them through repeated temperature extremes, Shake and Bake, as it were. You can accelerate normal aging real quick that way.


    I think this means that if you reduce the rate of change of temp on your units, and try to avoid dropping them on their haid, you will do some good in making them last.


    Note that the factor here is how quickly they go from cold to hot to cold, not what the temperature extremes are. You might totally fry your unit by bringing it inside from -30 to a nice warm room, and setting it by the fire to 'warm up'. Not a good idea. Warm up the batteries if you like, but don't turn your hairdryer on the gps if it has been cold. Gradual changes in temp are best for electronics.

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