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Posts posted by douG

  1. I made brunch for the girls and their boyfriends, pancakes with initials on them, bacon, strangled eggs and mimosas. Then we went bowling to find a 1 hour wait, so we did plan B, full contact Monopoly. Not pretty.

  2. Oh dear, Glen. That sounds just awful. You need a lot more practice swillin' with the Northern contingent. And a domestic supply of Motts' Spicy Clamato.


    I like some lime juice in mine, salt and pepper on the top as well as the celery salt on the rim. I also like a hot sauce with a little garlic in it, rather than the tabasco sauce, although the tb sauce will do. Lee and Perrins Worcestershire is the only choice for that component.


    Like any beautiful dish, it's all about the balance between hot and sweet, salt and sour. It just takes practice. I like Jerk (Walker's Wood outa Kingston JA) so maybe that might be a good substitute for the hot sauce.


    There are many types of pickles, from bread and butter to dill to full-sour dill to sweet mix to hot mix to calabrese giardiniera. Whatchoo talkin bout?


    I wonder if pickled herring juice might work.

  3. Roy, I just looked at the pictures and didn't read all the posts, but I think that Glen caught at least some of the fish on Kabuki rigs.




    Pay attention.

  4. I love the billboard on the road north out of Toronto that says,


    "The ULTIMATE FEAST !!!!! Do it Yourself PIG ROAST."


    If it's the ultimate, I'd rather not have to cook my dinner and then serve it to myself. Nothing ultimate about that.

  5. True, my river bound buddy. If the fish aren't going for the big fast baits, downsize and slow it up.


    General advice is to work the transitions, in weather, vegetation, daylight, flow, barometric pressure, lunar influence, bottom composition and depth. That's the location part. Then you get to choose your bait and its colour, action, size, depth, to somehow fool a prehistoric creature,with a brain the size of a pea, into thinking that there is food at the end of that Gamakatsu. . Pretty dang easy.


    I think that barometric pressure is only one of a variety of alleged influences on your fishing success. If none of the crew caught anything, then you can seem wise by claiming the new cold front is the reason. If that's not the case, then see Para. #2.


    This link is as good as any for containing the current published wisdom. Hope this hleps.


    Dutchy, Left Hand Side.

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