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Everything posted by laszlo

  1. Haven't been doing too much 'serious fishing' as of late. Spring and Fall are both my favorite times of the year to fish. Family events have taken over the summer as expected. Here are a few pics from my local spots...as well as a few from up north. This was taken just before summer began. There were tons of the little invasive guys around. The MNR took care them! I never had a Mink run right up to my feet before. I thought he was going to crawl right up my leg. As much as most anglers don't care for carp, I really like targetting them with a Pin and Fly set up. Almost stepped on this guy. Hopefully my next post will be with some fresh steel! Take care, Laszlo
  2. Thanks Spiel. I'm going to check it out. The south side of the lake in that entire area is awesome scenery wise...no cottages and very little traffic.
  3. Hello Crew, Monday I'll be hitting Lake Nipissing in the Lavigne area in the very west side of the lake. I've been there many times and do very well for Smallies, Largies and small Pike. Generally the water depth is between 5-12 feet deep so there aren't any walters around. Does anyone know of any deep water in that area? The mouth of West Bay is a bit far but I do believe there is a deeper channel there. Feel free to PM me. I would really appreciate the help. Report to follow... Cheers, Laz
  4. What happens if someone contacts you who doesn't have a car?
  5. I got 3 of them last week on my float rod / pin all within an hour and it felt like my back and arms were going to fall off! I too like targetting them with the fly gear.
  6. Thanks man. I just didn't have it in me this time to elaborate with more text though.
  7. Enjoy... I found this guy in the first week of March. Strange. The week before closer. 3 weeks ago the amount of Steelhead in this trib was mind blowing. Drop back Steel looking as Chrome and Clean as ever. Carp count too right? This one put my Raven IM8 to the test. Another critter. Over and out. Laz
  8. I hiked a section of a river a few days ago to take pictures of Steelhead spawning. The area is closed and I found 3 fishing rods and a tackle box on the bank at the bottom of someones backyard. I wrote 'NO FISHING' in the dirt with a stick right beside the gear but I doubt it will help.
  9. Not sure...haven't been back since May. My buddy Fidel hooked that fish, got tangled in an overhanging tree and hand lined it in. It was equaly awesome and hilarious.
  10. I'll let the pics speak for themselves...Enjoy. January: February: March: April: May: June: July: August: September: October: November: December: All the best in 2012!
  11. Always enjoy your reports Tyler. Keep it up.
  12. Man I wish I had a pic of that. CLASSIC! Right into a 6ft deep pool below a riffle.
  13. Some days are filled with high fives and smiles while fighting fresh Steel. On this day Fidel and I both got skunked so we cracked a few brews, took the pressure off and made the best of a slow day. The release (I was laughing my butt off) Private property that I had to depart on a solo mission. I was at least warned respectfully...but man that water was nice! Finally, some fish. Highdrifter landing a nice buck I got a while back. And good number of Browns around this fall. Lakers count too right? All fish were released. Laszlo
  14. Hey Kevin. The action is starting to pick up!
  15. Multi coloured leaves, a damp ground, overcast skies, a brisk wind...bring it! Big or small, they all put up a nice fight. Highdrifter (Fidel) My best so far this season. It's just begun! Cheers, Laz
  16. Not yet but I'm hoping to change that this fall!
  17. Hello everyone. It's been a while. This summer consisted of less fishing for me being that my wife Anna and I moved in August into our first house. The maddness has since deflated and I'm prime and ready for some great fall fishing. Summer Pics... The joys of being a dad Fish... My Vessel... BRING ON FALL!!! My favorite season. Laszlo
  18. The water is way too warm there for trout right now.
  19. I would think that since the water is very low and warming up, there are less fish around.
  20. Well done Mike. How common are Mirror Carp?
  21. HAHAHAHA!!!
  22. Spring really is a special time of year. I'll let the pics do most of the talking... Fidel (Highdrifter) will never forget hand lining this fish after it took him into some wood. I don't know anyone who can catch as many Steelhead as this man. A pleasure to learn from such a good angler. Loving my new Pontoon!!! Fellow creatures. Yes...I admit it...I LOVE FLY FISHING FOR CARP. That's right. Thanks Laszlo
  23. I can't believe it's been a year since my last Urban Bike Ride thread. That one included my dog Ida that we have since given away. So much happens in a year it seems. Our daughter is now 17 months and we just bought our first home. CRAZY!!! Here it is... My gear for this session. As I rode my bike down the path, I noticed this guy out of the corner of my eye. It's the largest I've seen behind my place to date. It wasn't the only creature to keep me company. These three didn't have an issue with sharing some space. In contrast to the natural elements around me, planes constantly were flying over my head. And yes...Some Carp were feeding and willing to take some flies once again. As a side note: The Pontoon made it's first float last week!!! Great day Fidel (Highdrifter). I hope you enjoyed. Until next time, Laszlo
  24. HOLY DIRK!!!
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