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Everything posted by crankbait

  1. I'm going to assume the bear is going to die from a wound like that. Poor cubs they won't last long without momma bear.
  2. That was just amazing, I don't even know what to say. Trip of a lifetime indeed.
  3. Leatherman Charge is my preferred multi tool to carry.
  4. I like that, when I'm canoeing I always have a whistle on me. You should also tell them that 3 blows is the international sign of distress.
  5. Damn that is a beauty, I haven't caught my nickel this year yet.
  6. There was somebody here who was going to do a Canada round trip and sleep in his caravan. He posted pics how he made a bed frame in the back. Search for that thread.
  7. JB is all the why down on the 401 west of 400, not close at all.
  8. I remember seeing somewhere that the camera men are also wearing camo and trying to blend in as much as possible. There are some scenes where its questionable that mantracker doesn't know where the prey is since the cameraman isn't trying to hide.
  9. I wear mine too it's awesome I have all these girls come flocking to me while I fish and it cured my baldness.
  10. I second Advance from everything I have heard over the years.
  11. What a great experience for your daughter. I wish I caught that many musky a year let alone a week period.
  12. I was camping in Algonquin earlier in the year. Since I wanted to travel light for the portages I brought very very limited tackle. Needless to say fishing for smallies was EPIC! I caught them on everything and was one trip I will always remember.
  13. I never fish alone but if I was older, fished alone on a boat and near dams. I too would wear a pfd all the time.
  14. Exactly what misfish said. It all about common sense, as long as you take the necessary safety precautions when in or around water. It's very sad that these accidents happen but they could have been avoided. Swimming beneath a raging falls from recent rain in frothing white water is not a good idea with a life jacket or not. One knock on the head and the life jacket won't be much help either. Having a child swim in a current and slowly drift from shore without constant adult supervision isn't a good idea. Deciding to go on a boat ride at 3am while intoxicated with a bunch of buddies....etc. It's all about common sense and to take preventative steps. I personally don't wear a life jacket when fishing but if it's rough, late at night or speeding I'll throw one on just in case, even though I'm a competent swimmer. Be safe
  15. Wow Silva dismantled Griffin like it was no problem. KO in the first round, very impressive at 205.
  16. Who is watching UFC right now? I saying Silva for the win against Griffin, Silva is fighting at 205 again. For the main event I think Bj Penn is going to win unless Kenny cuts him up with his elbows and there is doctor stoppage.
  17. Wow that is a great report and the pictures were awesome. Sounds like a dream trip you guys had, can't really get any better then that. How were the bugs when you guys had to drag the boat between the lakes? I can imagine it was horrible.
  18. How much is your life worth? I wouldn't skimp out on life jackets.
  19. Wow that is HUGE! I swear if you didn't say it was 27lb I would have assumed a lot more.
  20. How many of you guys are going? Hopefully you guys are great buddies because that long coop up in the van can drive some people crazy. The bunk looks great, I doubt you will even need the blinds considering the tints on the rear windows. One thing I have learned traveling is that you shouldn't be too concern about the finances and just have fun and try, see everything you can. You can always work once you get back but the memories and experiences are priceless.
  21. Ya whale wars is entertaining. watching these people who lack the skills perform these stunts out on the water. There attempts at stopping the whalers are so pathetic I don't even know why they are even trying. I'm surprised no one got seriously hurt or killed in the last season, although there have been a few close calls. After some research upon watching the show, I found out the minke whale they are risking their lives to protect aren't even endangered.
  22. Looks like your using a 2.0mp camera phone picture. If you want quality get a slr, you will notice the difference.
  23. I just throw it in my plano tackle box, haven't had any issues at all.
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