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Marc Thorpe

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Posts posted by Marc Thorpe

  1. "I just hope Marc puts up maps and directions to all these ponds - and stocks them well. "


    Oh ya,I have adds all over looking for lots to get all these PONDS installed

    1 Million ponds,I may not even need boat anymore :)

    I've also looked into possession laws and I can have all the muskies I want,there not in my possession ,there in PONDS :w00t:

    Barry Bonds is scooping me he's supplier and he will hand feed all the fish,Mc Donlads will provide Happy meals for alll the fish,stuffed with anabolic Barry Bonds juice :w00t:

    Her Majesty is just something else

  2. Hey Jigger,just look at the transformation of the fish,funny how the fish became squeeky clean and pot belllied.

    Jigger,folks have been known to fib somewhat,then again some dont think a fib's a lie

    Really I dont know,but I've seen enough fish to be somewhat be inquisitive of this transformation from the pics.


    I guess my point is,65 pounds may not be the # to shoot for,maybe 62 pounds will do it

    Either way,the world record harvest is a personal decision,wheter released or not,it will certainly fuel the message boards (hahahahahahaha)

    Till then ,I"ll leave the chasing 60 pounders for others

  3. Oh My Lordy,Lordy ,Lordy,I am so humbled :w00t:

    Just to think,The Queen has a Yahoo email account,they should be so fortunate :lol:


    Queen Elizabeth's The Sec II Foundation





    Registered in London No 892013 / Registered Charity No 251051.



    Foundation's Officer,

    Queen Elizabeth's Foundation


    The Queen Elizabeth's Foundation, would like to notify you that you have been chosen by the board of trustees as one of the final recipients of a cash Grant/Donation for your own personal, educational, and business development. The Queen Elizabeth's Foundation, established 1977 by theQueen Of England (Queen Elizabeth II) and now supported by the Economic Community for West African States (ECOWAS), United Nations Organization (UNO) and the European Union (EU) was conceived with the objective of human growth, educational,and community development.


    Based on the random selection exercise of internet websites and millions of supermarket cash invoices worldwide, you were selected among the lucky recipients to receive the award sum of £ 1,000,000.00 pounds ( One million POnds) as charity donations/aid from the Queen

    Elizabeth's Foundation,ECOWAS, EU and the UNO in accordance with the enabling act of Parliament.(Note that all beneficiaries email addresses were selected randomly from over 100,000 internet websites or a shop's cash invoice around your area in which you might have

    purchased something from).You are required to fill the form below and email it to our Executive Secretary below for qualification documentation and processing of your claims. After contacting our office with the requested data, you will be given your donation pin number, which you will use in collecting the funds.


    Please endeavor to quote your Qualification numbers (N-222-6747, E-900-56) in all discussions.


    FULL NAMES:________________________

    ADDRESS: _________________________


    STATE:_____________________ ZIP: _____




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    Executive Secretary - Rosery Bullectt

    Email: [email protected]


    All information is strictly confidential and will only be used for the purpose to which it is been requested.Please note that these donations/Grants are strictly administered by Economic community for West African States (ECOWAS),European Union (EU) under delegated powers from the United Nations Organization (UNO). This means that your qualification number will be reffled to know the organisation (ECOWAS or EU) that will handle your payments.


    On behalf of the Board kindly, accept our warmest congratulations.




    Queen Elizabeth's Foundation II Officer

  4. What puzzles me,is how the folks from a different region can have a say in another regions games laws,should it not be up to the region in question constituants to vote on the matter?


    I hope them fuzzzy cuddling lovers are ashamed of themselves when they slurp a gulp of milk from their Cherioos that they stole from some poor calf in which his mother was robbed of her milk and what about Foghorn leghorn's offspring,Which were fried this morning

    They should do what right for those that the issues concerns and not what right for those whom the issue does not concern em.

    Oh but wait,growing Tulipes in region where the plant is non native is oh so pretty

    There is trully one problem with any country,we fail to fix the problem



  5. Hi Bruce,muskies did not become extinct

    They were pilfered into Oblivian,by mankind


    Atlantics suffered the same fate and the buildings of dams sealed their fate


    I fully understand that Simcoe is screaming in pain,due to fishing pressure,home owner incroachement and farmland drain offs

    I dont think monnies accumalated from licenses in the province suffice to manage the entire provincial resource.Buying up land or lake front property,is far out of reach for organizations


    Your damn if you and your dammed if you dont,in this case I consider being part of the solution is far better than being part of the problem

  6. Ron, I was very pleased to read a great reply on your part. Most informative, greatly needed on MCI behalf towards public relations. I am also pleased at the various responses from other members of MCI


    On Friday I read Chris Purdy’ response, I called Chris and discussed briefly that he may have miss-interpreted my post and he replied he did not. I spoke point by point the meaning of my post with him until we reached the issue of money’s spent and he was under the impression I was suggesting it was not all accounted for which was not the case. What I was trying to convey or point out which I suspect many understood was in the past all the monies generated by Public donations did not have a good return on donation or investment value. I am using in consideration the business case plan for LSMRP along with all the other info I have on file for this project from its conception.

    Chris proceeded to suggest I articulate myself better. Soon afterwards the phone got disconnected, I called back and left a message.


    I am responding to Chris and hopefully add some more informative stuff to this discussion. I would have preferred to discuss this with him prior to my posting

    Hopefully my explanation and views will be better understood, let me be clear I wish and would hope the general public supports and get involved in this project and it is entirely feasible and elements exist for Muskies to sustain themselves in Simcoe, what is important is the generated funds by donations have a maximum return in fingerlings re-introduced and minimize these funds for trial and error. It is my understanding some habitat restoration should be considered but certain elements do exist for propagation.

    I fully understand they went through trials and errors and genetic analysis. Some of these problems could have been adverted. In the U.S they have programs, which are State funded and assisted by local organizations. Some fisheries are put and take other fisheries are management and supplemented for Trophy fisheries such as Minnesota, Green Bay Wisconsin is another fishery with this intent. Some of these resources are suspected to have a reproducing population that have been established through stockings, although I am not sure if they are sustainable by themselves or not, I suspect the State may not know either but the elements for propagation are present. In regards to raising Muskies, there were mistakes made which could have bee adverted, on several occasions I suggested we visit some of the hatchery facilities which are state of the art in the U.S and very advanced in the raising of brood stocks and fingerlings.

    Nj Hatchery http://www.state.nj.us/dep//fgw/brdstk02.htm (Which I personally visited)


    There was also a 2007 Coolwater Fish Culture Workshop held in NJ to which many were invited, unfortunately none could attend, This would have been a great opportunity to discuss issues with other hatcheries from abroad. These tools are available


    As Ron points out, one of the important things, which seem to come was to get brood stock from areas where pike and muskie coexisted. Genetically it is my understanding there has been no markers or dna proving muskies have strains or sub species amongst them in exception of the Shoepack strain. Possibly further information on this matter has advanced, I do not know.


    Through discussuions,it was suggested that for a population to establish self propagation it would take 3 generations which in time would be 15 to 21 years.


    In regards to the Spanish River, I believe there was some work done on muskies




    Possibly someone is more familiar with this project than me


    MCI is a great organization, it somewhat disappoints me when some seem to think disgruntles are at play. Chris’ reply and Matt’s reply exemplify why I no longer belong.

    It is Ron’s response and Ken’s that exemplify good public relations and what most members are about. I have always believed if you ask for financial support through public donations, public relations and project updates should be shared with the greater public. By being informative about a project of this importance, you would inevitably gain public support, which in turn increases financial stability, and support for the project

    All aspects should be reported because simply in the end its people trying to do good by volunteering. This is the basis of MCI, MCI is comprised of anglers from all walks of life, and this is what makes it so unique.

    I am very pleased that 1000 fish or more have been raised. That is a step in the right direction.

    Steve and the Sir Sanford Fleming team, you should be proud of reaching those numbers this year, the return on public donated funds is of value. I think Chris Purdy should recognize the value of this accomplishment under his tenor, my reply was not directed at him or anyone specific.

    I sincerely hope the greater angling public supports this project; after all historically there were muskies in Simcoe .

    With united and collective efforts from all anglers, this project will only succeed

    Once again Ron, thank you for such an informative response.


    Marc Thorpe

  7. Steve,I disagree ,when man acts like mother nature,often times we mess it up

    Dan is right,self sustainement is the way to go,mother nature weaves out the weak so the strong survive


    The lake Simcoe project was begun in 1996,we are now 2007,the result and effort have been disapointing and moneys wasteful thus far for many reasons

    In the Lake Simcoe case,without assistance from OMNR and MCI,I dont think muskies would come back in Simcoe,if so they would have by now

    The resource was exhausted by commercial fishing and habitat degradation

    I do think this project could succeed,but it will take " Doing what you say you are gonna do "to accomplish the goal at task.

    In the case of Simcoe,I fear the moneys have not being used to their full extent in return of donations,raised funds from the general public

    For it to succeed,everyone must support it and a little good will on all parties part including the hatcheries,organization and Ministries ,alas when donated moneys are involved,some of it is wasted and not channeled in the proper directions,thus far some 50 000$ or more has been raised with disapointing results consider in and around 100 fish have been re-introduced

    Its been a volunteer effort along with paid assistance,it might be time the paid assistance offer a little good will to succeed


    Considering Green Bay WI is less than 10 years into its project and re-introduction of muskies into Green Bay has been successful

    It might be time the moneys and efforts for re-introduction of Simcoe follow the same direction of Green Bay


    Sandford Fleming College,is that not the college that was going to aid in selling brood eggs from Georgian Bay to Wisconsin for their re-introduction project which is no longer a go?

    I am glad to see the college is involved in re-introducing and raising muskies for Simcoe,this is where the efforts should have been all along


    Steve in my case its not just an opinion,I was actually involved and am aware of many on-goings in this project and wastefullness of moneys


    I'd like to see this come out a success and it would be in best interest for all to see the restoration of a once thriving population of muskies in Simcoe but once again,it will take alot of good will and determination to succeed


    (To properly manage our resources is not done by stocking but by diversifying angling pressure in specific regions

    Diversifying angling pressure is a management tool

    Stocking is a remedy not a solution to self sustainement

    Re-introduction is a tool of re-establishement of a species,then angling management tools must be set in place to allow self sustainement of all natural occuring species in a given water body)

    Thats opinion :)




    Dan C I completely disagree with your post. In these days stocking is 100% necessary to maintain fish populations. Without human interfiernce, majority of fish would have a self sustaining population, but now with so many anglers, stocking is necessary for many species. Bass require little stocking, but coldwater fish and other sensitive populations require it.


    Sandford Fleming College, where I attend as a third year fish and wildlife student, is also a huge part of this project as they are raising the muskie for the project, which I have been a part of.


    Opinions are just that, but I disagree with yours.

  8. another turning point, a fork stuck in the road

    Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go

    So make the best of this test, and don't ask why

    It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time


    It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.

    I hope you had the time of your life.


    So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind

    Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time

    Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial

    For what it's worth it was worth all the while


    It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.

    I hope you had the time of your life.



    Dan and Wayne,thanks for the wonderful time and great laughs,trully a karma moment

    To Roy and J,once again you surpassed the heights of welcomeness and filling out tummies

    Nice to see OFC members,band together and come to the aid of others

    The recipe to Karma


    may God shine on you all,trully a dissplay of kindesss in aiding others

  9. Mercury is the Crysler of the boat world.Let's buy everything thing and then ruin the quality buy trying to make them cheaper.Cheaper parts make cheaper motors !!!


    really I would not say that

    I own a Dodge and I run Merc,Ive runned Optimax's and Verado's

    Lets see how many hours and miles Ive done

    3335 000 km on my dodge and 1000's of miles on all my merc's

    Pretty cheap in the long run if I tally up the repairs and probs Ive had,which are insignificant


    I would have to say,You really do not know what your talking about


    In a competive and comparative market no one is the best

  10. make sure your hooks are sharp and wait till the rod loads up with weight then set the hook strait up

    Going sideways often times put the rod even with your shoulders and you loose all control on the fish

    Best to fight it on a 45 degree angle and face the fish, make sure you drag is ajusted tight enough for drag to drive the hooks in but loose enough for drag to come out

    good luck

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