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Marc Thorpe

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Posts posted by Marc Thorpe

  1. Saugers dont spawn till the water reaches 54 to 56 degrees

    Its common for saugers have eggs at this time of the year,its a pre spawn bite ,season opem ,happens every year

    I still dont understand why the season is open for them

    Its known saugers spawn after pike and walleyes and in similar water temps as muskies

  2. Till Canadians take matters into our own hands,the GV will always take advantage of us

    46% in taxes on fuel,its only 4% from being illegal


    Anyone ever thought how we get taxed on good and services

    Well we get taxed for tax,just calcualte GST/PST and it form and you will realize how long the GV has conducted itself Illegally

    It is illegal to tax tax, Yet they do


    Liberal,PC,NDP ,call em what you want,I call em Scoundrals,deviviant and disshonest people running our country who essentially have no pride or integrity of what they represent

    There are no good politicians ,group em together and we call it GV <_<


    Maybe we need another inquiry :whistling:

  3. Lew Oclock.I am up,off and ready for wet socks

    Yes Carl,I fish Louis,Boucherville and St Pierre for walleyes,I suspect this year fish might be late some.Every year there's always some late spawners

    Move around depending on the bites and guest

    Today is ME day


    Yep Mike my love of my works starts tomorrow,gots a few days off here and there mostly in May and beginning of June then its of to the races till end October

    I like this time of year,wet socks bite well and some big ones too


    Gotta go,My Reef Runners are calling me

  4. Thanks you everyone too those that go

    Ccmt,I always need luck cause having hope,well lets just say hope in one hand and shiite in the other,guess what I got :lol:

    My 4 week spray fishing walleyes,kinna cool,not quinty qunatity size but great big ones nonetheless

    Best of all I catch em short linning cranks :w00t:


    Actually Joey,you should get Tybo's fish posted just as a teaser

  5. I agree with snog and Brian,maybe we could suggest ways or taking pics,Many OFC'er's are quite good with cameras and could provide assistance and some tricks in cropping.

    I dont share much or show much,posting reports and pic is a personal decision,I dont think ego has any merrits.I like to read the reports and trips from all,where they fish has no interest for me.Maybe some its important,I'd rather be fishing where 90% of the fisherman are not so just because someone caught a fish or great big fish somewhere holds no importance to me,anyone who pays attention to it,well they are with the crowds


    As far as sharing spots,My advice advice ,be clear on what you want from them

    They either respect you or in the long run,they will loose more than just earning a spot

    If the spot is so important,well you will fail to understand all the why's that fish bite


    Just remeber,Have water fish will swim

  6. Well,I think OFC has always been open to all public viewing and over the years that is what has made this site its strength.


    I fully understand and share the view of Snog ,Xrap and misfish,but I think we should heed his advice this coming season and consider angles when taking pics.Not regulate or privatize the site


    To block out pics to all,in my view is defeating the purpose and what made OFC,we might just loose some of those viewers

    I agree not all lurkers are on the honest side,but so is some of our friends,aquaintance and family members.Somewhere you gotta say,who cares,so be it

    Its the responsibility of the poster and pic taker that should consider somehow not to show the background.

    Its up to the lurkers whom use this info to respect what they have found

    There will always be people trying to rip and reap from others,there will always be those that seem to come out of the closet,some that will follow you,at some point you address it yourself.I dont think OFC needs to be involved in this type of control,afterall we also are the public in which this board has come together to be


    I think sharing your reports and trips is a personal choice,I think the education of what could happen if your not privatly carefull is the responsibility of the poster,not OFC

    I am of the thinking of Snog and Misfish,I dont post much reports if any,because at times its my family time or friendly fish,I have dealt with the negative side of people whom cant do things for themselves or just ask,they prefer the sneaky way,in the long run I have found its not me that really lost or got ripped its those that endeavored in the actions that did themselves in


    Possibly suggesting a propsoed way of taking pics or cropping would be an alternative


    I voted no


    Either way I am easy

  7. The fish escaped back when the Missippi flood occured in the 90 I believe,They were farmed in inclosed ponds,when the Missippi over ran her banks the fish escaped and flourished along certain parts of the missippi and Illinois river.No one introduced them.


    As many fish farms exist throughout north america,these ponds are potantial disaters to occur when events such as the big flood on the missippi.


    I shared some videos a while back,sterilization is the only solution to somewhat halt their progression,no barriers will hold,they offer temp solutions but no solution for halting or eliminating the species


    If they hit the great lakes,its over,there will be no way to contain them

    Currently they are somwhat in a contained enviroment


    Cool video,but un-fortunatly there's not enough bows in North America to kill em all

  8. Just to clarify,8 out of 100 fish I suspect die,just from proper handling

    As far as livewells go,they are good but I suspect recircling the water is not as effective as running in and out.With walleyes in livewells they are prone to excrete harmul un-ionized amonia ,so many factors come to play when considering post mortal

    Species specific,water release or livewell,time of season


    when all things considered,we have made progress and will continue but will never attain perfection so fish and protect your rights to fish and consume

  9. I agree with Terry with 1a,thats about 100% correct in which most anglers dont factor in

    Post mortal release for un-experienced anglers is somewhere around 20 to 28% for experienced anglers an 8% post mortal release should be factored in to your annual totals of release


    They may swim off but they may go down and roll over within 48 hours,from what I have observed

    The 8% rule is pretty darn close

    if you factor in the number of possible fish in an area and factor in your post mortal release, consideration of survival of YOY of spawing numbers of indivuduals,you quickly realize how long it will take to lower the population of a given area time wise


    ex: you have 100 muskies

    50 males/50 females

    Average survival YOY to Fingerlings to adults = about 2%

    It will take approx 12.5 years with no YOY survival /16 years to serious have a negative impact on a population of fish with survival of YOY with the 8% rule

    Also to factor in is the 7 -10 year cycle of spawning years/30% of those years are good spawning years


    CNR is a great tool for resource management but its not flawless

    Thank God we dont catch em all

  10. Now Terry thats Funny :w00t: although I seem to dance like a leprechaun :lol:

    Please a Red kilt will ya

    Oh Sandy,wait till you see my calves with my Red Kilt,even Anorld would be envious

    Be carefull,I might make you and Reefhawg wear kilts during your trip


    Petee my little Pink Fuzyy ,Fury Twig, I cant just sense the envy in you :jerry:


    Roy,bet you never seen a Scotish French Canadian MacThorpie :w00t:


    I think we should get OFC Kilts for the OFC online Tourney :w00t:

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