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About Fudd

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    Australia for the moment
  • Interests
    Of course fishing. Bushwalking creeks and rivers for trout is my thing.

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  1. Well it is alot stricter here in Australia and boy do they enforce it. In the past 2 weeks i can think of 2 days that i was not stopped for a breathalyzer. They set up all the time, i am in a small town so maybe the police have nothing to do but. On the water it is just as enforced. I dunno, i agree with the motorized boater but i think this is going to far. I always thought the reason for a law was to protect the public?? I should have the right to do what i want as long as it has no effect on anyone but myself. If i don't want to wear a helmut when cycling or paddle a canoe in the back country after having 3 beers then i should be able to. This is just the government trying to control the people once again. I really feel for the officers that have to enforce this stupidity, they are the ones that are going to take the brunt of the abuse for just doing there jobs.
  2. Nice report and beautiful pics mate. That is indeed a splake. As solo said they can be nature in occurrence( but rare) they are also sterile as with the stocked ones as well. The later versions of mnr stocked splake are 2x cross and look more like a speck than a laker. 82-89 where 1x and look like these. I would think this is a natural freak and nothing to worry about.
  3. Great job mate.. i enjoyed reading that. I hope your family appreciates all the beer you had to drink to craft that porch:)
  4. Well that fish almost looks like a skamania. Long lean and the larger eye. And that is the right area for them in huron. My interest has peaked. Did it dance?
  5. I have caught and witnessed bow runs up to the height of summer, mid august. Was the roe tight? or loose?. There is also a few "under development" programs to produce fall run rainbows that operate in that area. The sandfield hatchery release some summer spawn bow in the mid 80's as well.
  6. Beautiful fish mate, well done. Damn straight mate.. sad sad but true.
  7. I don't think bagging people will get your point across any better than explaining yourself, it will only serve to make people tune out to what you have to say mate.
  8. Nice job mate.. they will get easier from now on in.... i am sure that setup will catch you many many more. Best of luck.
  9. As i said it was the best day i ever had... it was insane... I have never seen it again in huron... since the plague of the pinkies in 2 yrs later the "big ones" slowed down considerably. They are still there though, just waiting for me to come home.. i can hear them calling me
  10. Nice mess of whities there mate... you can get the jigs here right from the source http://www.swedishpimple.com they are my favourite jig... infact i am hard pressed to use anything else.
  11. In the early 80's , there was some reports of huge lakers being taken in 200+ water off the western coast of Manitoulin. I headed out to give them a crack. I was steel lining with my willow leaf when i got an almight smack. after several mins a big chinook appeared 35+lbs. I never caught another one and no lakers were seen that day. I wrote this off as a fluke. The next year i found myself out in the same area in 240ft of water. I was marking some fish about 30ft off the bottom, i thought maybe lakers or whities. I setup my downriggers to 10 feet above them and threw out a few spoons. July 18th 1982 is in my personal fishing log as my personal best fishing day ever!!!! This is what i wrote i am looking at it right now. " 13 chinook--- smallest 31lbs largest 43lbs 2x ripple dodger 6x william gold 4x croc halo 1x rebel fluro What have i been doing with myself, found large shoals of fish at ******, in 200ft ... i am in shock..." Since this day i find myself in mid july in the deep water. I have never been this sucessful again but i always score a few big ones... they are farther and fewer to catch but they are big. They seem to taper off in mid august. A lot of the salmon that people catch are 3yr olds in the shallower water.. and the big boys are deeper... that my theory anyways. Give them a shot.
  12. Well i used to have a baitfish license. And even then with all the gear they are a pain. We put old concrete 8'culverts into the ground after a while of trying to keep them in SS tanks in the shed,and this managed to keep the fish the healthiest. The concrete kept them nice and cool and provided a huge swimzone. like Xeon said you are going to have problems keeping the temp right and if you overpopulate the tank the ammonia will build up very fast.
  13. That would have to rate amongst the top steelheading reports i have read. Great job!!
  14. I used to catch them in St Jacobs when i was a kid as well in the creeks and ditches... ahh the memories and great times.
  15. Some beauties there matey... and top pics, great looking stream... well done
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