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Everything posted by mrpike

  1. ya right 200 My bad. Would you take $150.00 for that prop.
  2. 44 MPR AT 6200 NOW. got 2000 RPMs to play with. Engine maxs out at 6400 RPMs.
  3. Looking For PROP. View Advert I am looking for a prop for my boat. Engine sizes 2007 Mercury 115. 4 Stroke EFI Gear ratio 2.07 LASER 11. 13/25 19 pitch 3 Blade. Part # 899004A46. Advertiser mrpike Date 05/27/2019 Price 200.00 CAD Category Fishing Classifieds
  4. I have a 18.5 ft Crestliner with a 2007 EFI mercury 115 HP with a 19 pitch Aluminum Prop. Would the prop you have work for my boat. 6400 rpm MAX. But running at 6200 top speed about 44 MPR. right now.
  5. Hello fokes any ideas on when the Smelts should start to run. I have not had them in years.
  6. Can we get some of the Ice Depths on lakes you have been on Gentlemen. NAME of lake and depths you have measured. Thanks It may help on where to go fish for some people. AND STAY SAFE OUT THERE.
  7. THANKS FOLK'S Maybe I will get a good handheld GPS. I can always use one .
  8. I am looking for some sort of device , That will give me the true speed of my boat, I have GPS on board and I have tried the wheel on the back of the boat. But they are just not true speed. When it comes to trolling speeds. IS there something else on the market. Maybe something you could tow behind the boat . Speed range I am looking for is ( 0 to 5 ) MPH. I just want to be accurate in this range for trolling. Maybe something I could hook on the cannon ball of one of my downriggers. I leave this in your good hands folk's.
  9. 1998 23 ft Starcraft cuddy cabin with 305 mercury motor. Also has aluminum trailer with brakes. It is in great shape runs great . Top speed is around 42 miles per hour. Asking price $8000.00 A lot has been done to this boat to bring it back to life. Has large live well and also a large bait well. some cosmetic work still needed . This has been a great fishing boat for salmon fishing out on Lake Ontario.
  10. Last weekend the walleye fishing just sucked down in Hay Bay . We tried everything. Heard some had luck jigging. Only seen two small walleye come in to camp.
  11. Hello! folks. I was just wondering if by chance anyone from this forum is going down for the opener, I will be there the first two weekends in MAY fishing out of Hey Bay . IT's been a while since I have done the spring walleye . Any sign of the walleye coming in to the Bay Yet .? Any info on conditions down that way would be helpful thanks .
  12. HI! folkes I am looking for a portable transducer mount .So I can use my lowrance Elite 9 ti 0n other boats that I go out on . I like the Minn Kota one but can't find one ( Minn Kota Transducer JCH 2032031 ) Any Ideas what store carries it . THANKS. I know I can order online but I was hoping to buy it locally. MY transducer is very large and it costs $ 300.00 bucks . SO I need something stronger than normal.
  13. I did well down at Malorey point .
  14. Hello anyone been down to Hay Bay . I am going down this coming week end. And I am looking for any fish reports I can find out there. It's been about eight years since I was there last. And I always went around the MAY long weekend. So its all new to me this time of year. What kind of fishing can I expect this time of year. THANKS .
  15. If you want your driveway to last . You need 8 to 10 inches 3/4 crush gravel for your base. And at least 4 inches asphalt after it has been rolled. They always tell you they will put down 4 inches and then after it is rolled you end up with 2 inches. SO 8" TO 10" BASE 3/4 CRUSHED STONE. And 4" inches after it has been rolled. And you want ( HL-3 ) ASPHALT MIX. It will last 20 to 25 years.
  16. I think I am going with the ELITE 7 WITH CHIRP. I do alot of lake ontario salmon fishing now . Reading up on it it looks like a great unit. I don't want a gps in the same unit as my fishfinder cause if one goes teats up then I got to replace both .GPS and fish finder.
  17. I was just told about this. when your legs cramp up touch your tongue with a bit of table salt . Put a little table salt on your finger then touch your tongue , The cramps will stop right away. THIS really works. I now keep a little salt be side my bed at night . try it it really works and its so fast . I don't know why it works but it does.
  18. posted twice sorry.
  19. I need a feed of fresh smelt;s WHERE AND WHEN anyone one know of a place close to the big city. east or west even north of the city . thanks
  20. You can get what you need at CANADIAN TIRE in the marine department. just put on a light patch of fiberglass. And then paint to match or repaint the hole thiing just use marine paint light coats two or three coats should do it for you. AND THEN YOU ARE GOOD TO GO. GOOD LUCK SIR.
  21. THERE is great PIKE fishing at beaver lake on the 518 . Some real monsters have come out of Beaver lake and Sand lake has great lake trout but they are down deep . You need to get down to at least 60 feet on SAND LAKE. GOOD LUCK TO YOU.
  22. WE are going to try our luck on the big pond SUNDAY JUNE 10 2012 Anyone going out . ITs going to be a hot one so they will be down deep. But we are going to give it a shot anyways. light winds and half meter wave they say. SO thats good for my boat. WE are going out of PORT CREDIT around 6.30 am WE are rigged and ready for a great day on the water.
  23. mrpike


    I have stayed there in the past . GREAT people and I love there docks cabins are small but very clean. Glad to here the fishing was good for you . Any big ones ?. . mr pike.
  24. HELLO!! I am in the market for a new down rigger . What do you think is the best one on the market at this time . I have a walker on the boat now. What are your thoughts on the best one out there at this time. WHAT would you guys buy for salmon fishing LAKE ONTARIO. THANKS . ELECTRIC ONLY.
  25. Sorry to tell you this but I think you are done like dinner on fixing that one, I have tryed to glue them with no luck at all. soon as I gun the boat BANG !!! its gone again. I wish you luck.
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