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About danjang

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  1. Brown. Large mouth, looks like heavy spotting on the dorsal fin, caudal peduncle isn't as narrow as it should be. I also find that clean atlantics have a prominent black edging on the tail fin.
  2. Former Ontario record round goby
  3. Looks like Hugh Benhaad!
  4. That report highlighted three main drivers of the reduced revenue experienced by the special purpose account. The other two that you didn't mention are HUGE! 1. The decline of the fishing population. In ~33% of the 2010 fishing license holders did not renew in 2011, a significant blow to the money generated. 2. Baby boomers reaching retirement age. Much like the CPP issue, the number of people reaching that magic number will continue to increase. Combine that with the younger generations being less inclined to enjoy the natural resources, we're going to be in big trouble there. 3. The MNRF is not doing enough to recoup costs. Licensing is not covering the cost of managing the fisheries. This finding was part of the Drummond report, a liberal initiative.' In addition, the increasing threat of climate change, invasive species and disease will continue to put a strain on fisheries management.
  5. Hopefully I'm not giving too much away . Those are definitely atlantics.
  6. Brant conservation area in brantford. Close and filled with smallies.
  7. The gauge is more important than the size. Get extra strong hooks. They are thicker and meant for the larger fish. Also I find cheaper brands bend or break more often.
  8. 3-4 inch non floating is what I use. I don't care much for the gulp ones. Smells terrible! Regular plastic ones work fine.
  9. Chinooks will be very hard on the cheapest reels. Just something to keep in mind. The cheapest decent newbie setup would be around the 150 new mark. I have a 10 year old shimano Sedona that still works for chinnoks.
  10. My smart phone. The coolest fishing gadget ever! GPS - Explore new areas, find my way back to the car/boat launch, find the nearest Timmies/tackle shop! send/receive photos send/receive fishing related calls Charge my spoons with the flash. Look up techniques on the water - When I'm not catching anything I'll try anything. Look up knots - I always forget lesser used knots like the nail knot. Look up water levels and fishing reports. Weather radar. Basically the entire knowledge base of the internet in the palm of my hand.
  11. The mortality rates in the study were high because the experiment used small hatchery rainbow trout. Less than a pound. On top of that, they had been subjected to surgery a day or two prior to the experiment. Experimental data (numbers) in a lab setting should NEVER be used to directly measure the natural world. The study simply demonstrates that exposure of fish to the air after a fight is bad and it can lead to mortality. We all know this already. The article is written to suggest that many mature steelhead die. Some may, but not the the same numbers as the experimental trout.
  12. Google maps my friend. Look for any parks on water.
  13. The other eastern creeks are full of them. I don't see why Duffins wouldn't be either.
  14. We see a a lot of chinooks because they have very good natural reproduction rates. Not only do you see stocked fish, but also wild. The atlantics have not yet had time to establish themselves. It will be slow, but provided that the rivers remain the same, they should be able to thrive once again. I've personally seen and caught a few grilse on the credit. They are returning. In order to create a fishery, time is required to investigate what strains work best. Stocking in large quantities gives a better idea of what the atlantics are doing and research what can be adjusted to ensure their success. Not 100% sure, but I don't think Bowmanville is part of the current atlantic salmon program. If you caught any, they might have been strays! Let's also not forget that this stocking program wasn't made just for fishermen. It's a natural heritage project regarding a game fish.
  15. Something is going on in the lake.
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