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Everything posted by Garnet

  1. So if no fisherman are there nobody will catch the body parts? And we will let a murder continue!
  2. This smells like the work of Anti's. If I was going to town council or court I would be running the names against all anti web sites.
  3. Anglers don't want salt they don't want shovel walk ways. They want areas to fish.
  4. We used 2 way spreader custom made around Lake Simcoe. The hooks are on a piece of line that slide in and out. You start with the line in and 2 saltys or pin heads. adjust the hook so it's sitting strait up. When the whitey picks bait up the line slides out giving you that early warning. Extremely effective and a pain in butt.
  5. You could slip on ice and drown in a puddle. And the liability is the same.
  6. The parking lot at 10 hockey arena's could be icy lets close them.
  7. Nobody wants or expects salt or work crews. This is the cancer from Port Hope, Cobourg and Bridgenorth. The guys fishing there should get to a town council. Oshawa has a 4 ft railing . There's dozens of places just as dangerous people use every day.
  8. So anybody that walks a dog in public park should be fined in accordance with there might be ice and they might fall.
  9. Is that pro Madoff. Only I care about our money. I'm well positioned have cash just waiting for opportunity.
  10. Your 2 main adjustments are ping speed and how fast your screen moves across I think it's called chart speed. I always jack both up to max and then slowly reduce.
  11. I agree weed stocks are here to stay. I don't think this little sell off is the correction to more normal market. I don't even know what those words mean. Still a ton of blind faith hippies with there first stock.
  12. Hard to tell if this a little hangover just puking a bit. Certainly not a buy on my core stuff. Don't see myself ever buying weed stocks again.
  13. Is he still making the float reel.
  14. My beloved Nortel , made money twice on this dog. As I stated earlier sell for a profit is the hardest thing. In the finally months Nortel went to .50 and I bought 6000. My profit goal was 100% and I sold at $1.15 . Never looked back don't care that it went to $7.90 it went to zero shortly after. That profit is in TD or Royal just compounding away. You can still open a TFSA trading account.
  15. Judging by the volumes on weed stocks the new investors are in this area. I'm tightening the screws getting a little cash. My 11 stocks are a buy in a market correction.
  16. You need to build a rock solid foundation. Just like a house. Canadian Dividend Aristocrat's stocks, etf. Then no more than 5% in stuff like weed stocks,penny stocks. It's funny selling for profit is the hardest thing, and staying to long the easiest thing.
  17. Even Canopy the darling with 17 million sales should be $3.50- $4 . At $35 don't get caught in the correction. It may never come back to $35. I'm very happy picking fruit. Started way before Justin getting elected. Happy to be out.
  18. I've been a diy for 30 years. Weed stocks are low hanging fruit. I pick it and buy bank stock. Bitcoin chain letter / Ponzi. Nobody remembers the 1 st CEO committed suicide . Telsa has never made money. 1 day it will get crushed.
  19. The Wonder Spoon was a brown ,rainbow crusher on Oshawa Pier along with the cheapie 5 of diamonds. Also Medford for salmon and rainbows.
  20. They also came with a pink stripe. There's was about a dozen on a card light white cardboard and Wonder Spoon wrote in pink. Sold in every cheaper location. K Mart ,Zellars .
  21. That's the .99 cent Wonder Spoon. That is $5 now.
  22. Stop rubbing your nose and scratching your you no what.
  23. Thanks guys not looking for major road trip. I have the equipment for walk out fishing just prefer more geriatric ice fishing these days.
  24. Was looking around Halliburton area for somebody doing hut rental for rainbows.
  25. It's awful.
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