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Posts posted by Freshtrax

  1. Nice fish. I was out of mapleview on sat. I mised the laker extravaganza that want on in kempenfelt as I didn't feel like dealing with the crowds. I went to the zoo aka. BP. Today and the bite was real slow :( Back atter next weekend hoping to get "out there" on the sled for some real fishing .

  2. To the op. sorry we let this get of topic. i hope your holding strong and keep us updated.



    Just sticking up for Sinclair . Everyone seems to think eating paleo means steak, steak, steak and more steak. Allot of people poke fun, and say its unhealthy ( most of my friends that did are the ones feeding their kids Kraft dinner and frozen pizzas multiple times a week) I started eating the way Sinclair does and have honestly never felt better. For the most part it means not eating processed foods. I thought it proved my point. I'll eat pork rinds if I want to. As long as they don't come from a factory, just like the rest of the food I put in my body.

    If you have any more questions feel free to ask.



    I apologized for the Doritos part via pm. I couldn't help it he is a Habs fan


    What are your thoughts on Pork Rinds....any info??? :tease:

    Your ridiculous , enjoy your McDonald's and Doritos . Your obviously misinformed on the topic of paleo diet. My breakfast yesterday was sprouts , one egg and some grilled chicken. Lunch was raw carrots, peppers and grilled chicken. Dinner was roast beef on the smoker for 5 hours) , salad, carrots, and cauliflower. The beef and chicken all come from my dads farm , no hormone implants in the beef and the chickens aren't pumped full of antibiotics.


    Now I cheat, I do eat salad dressing , and make my own BBQ sauce using honey as a base instead of sugar.


    I'll eat pork rinds , as long as they don't come from a factory

  4. Well to be truthful, this diet is high on protein so I am not experiencing any hunger pains at all. I almost forgot to have my last shake last night. I was fearful that I would wake up very hungry this morning but it was not the case. Thanks for the support. On another note, I was amazed at how many of my friends suggested other diets including cave man knowing full well that I had already committed to this one. I do not understand why this is. Is it not better to just support your friend regardless of what diet he or she is on??


    I think most of us were just saying great gob for taking that step as many of us have also had the same realization you did. We need to shed a few pounds and eat healthier.

  5. Best of luck. I'm by no means a big guy I'm 6'3" 205 but I' have been on a paleo diet. Or cave man diet for the last month because I was tired of eating crap. I'm always on the road for work and it was fast food 5 times a week. The premise is simple.....the human body has evolved for 150 000 years to digest meat, fruit and vegetables. Only In The last 10 000 years was grain and agribusiness introduced. If a cave man couldn't eat it either can I. I've never felt better. No counting calories, lots of steak chicken fish lobster whatever. Just no grain, watch the sugary fruits and limit potatoes (carbs).

  6. I call them .... Simcoe slammers.. The one on the right I bought for 50cents at a garage sale a few years back and it's brought it's fair share of lakers to the topside of the ice. Well I decided I would try my hand at making a few extras. No laughing.


    The one on the left I added a stinger . Planning on attaching a lively minnow on there to see if I can catch a few more whitefish with it.


    Next thing I would like to try is floats on a lathe.

    Anyways thanks for looking.

  7. Well I think we're in the clear. Pretty sure there will be 4-5 inches most popular spots this weekend. Stay safe everyone if your not familiar with the big lake tag along with someone for the next two weeks. I voted kemp only. Now fess up who were the 10 negative Nancy's who voted for boat only.

  8. Everyone thought the spring would be a slam because of the lack of pressure due to bad ice last year and it wasn't, who knows what those stupid things are up to, lol...


    We need the winds to stay calm for a few days, even with this cold weather, no ice is going to form with 30km/h winds.. I'm guessing maybe 1st week of Feb if the winds die down.


    I'm pretty sure I can convince a few to come to the surface and I'm fairly confident ill be getting out to an outa the way honey hole on sat.

  9. Don't think I'll be out past fox but I bet the parts of kemp. Will be a complete zoo like last year. Time will tell I would love to get out around BBP . There's gotta be some fat whites in there without the cull from last winter. I bet there craving Williams spoons as well since they haven't seen one in years.

  10. My bucket list.


    A BIG grouper



    Successfully land a big Muskie ( all mine have been accidentals, I've never targeted them)

    Aurora trout

    Catch and get a picture of the word record red tailed sucker I released below the dam in caledonia last year not knowing.

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