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Posts posted by Freshtrax

  1. Ahhhhh just walked inthe door. Well the bearings were trash in the reel I need to get that sorted this week and as for the fishing it was allot of fresh air and exercise today. Much of the same where we headed after we met you BillM whole lotta nothing fish must have been cruising today. I had my brother in law out I was hoping to get him hooked up he has only fished about ten times in his life and mostly caught sunfish ect off the dock. I'll be back on the river in about........6.5 hrs :)

  2. Well I went and picked it up tonight ... It's hand engraved on the inside. ". 2003 John Spahr #34 ". I'm excited to get out tomorrow even if it's blown and muddy. Any pointers for a rookie. My buddy gave me a few tips and I've been reading all week online and watching YouTube vids on how to cast ect. But any must know knowlage? "stand on the shoulders of giants" Any ways here she is. a972851bfc90d628e8218def09c69dfe.jpg

  3. Sweet thanks for the info guys..I'm really excited my good friend is giving me a Jon spahr custom reel for 60 bucks. I'm not complaining. He got a few made for him back when he first started producing reels. He says it's been to hell and back and a little scratched up but works flawlessly. I will hopefully be learning how to use it this weekend should be entertaining.

  4. I have a fenwick hmxs that I use currently for fishing in the rivers. I love the rod could I pair it with a centerpin seems everyone uses a longer rod with their pin? On that note if you have a used pin for sale check the classifieds. I am on a budget no 300 dollar reels for me.

  5. My name is Andrew......and I have a problem......I'm becoming a river fisherman.....


    I have gone my whole life slamming lakers, pike, eyes, and Bass but with a move to kitchhener a year ago from Barrie this became allot more difficult . When I first started riverfishingni got skunked 10 times in a row. I finally got them dialed in last spring. anyways sorry for the kitchen sink pic. But I headed to river A last night and went 2/3 in the pitch black what a blast. Float fishing in the dark is exciting. I kept this one. I rarely do but my gf. Said if I'm going fishin I better bring home dinner. b5a007d56e7958176e00acfca0f20a1c.jpg


    From what I understand it only gets better from here...bring on the cold

  6. Went out yesterday out or st. Catherines with Werner Rohr, what a blast. By far the best charter experience i have ever had, this guy is a class act Pro and does it right. He lost his patience with us a few times "DONT LOOK AT THE FISH!" we were all spoon pulling rookies, and he was more upset with the lost fish than us especially the trophy brown my brother in law lost at the back of the boat. He gave us some tips and worked his butt off to find the fish next thing ya know the rods were firing pretty steady we even had one tripple header (pretty intresting with 6 dipsy's and 2 riggers out. We were out from 6am -1pm and went 10 for 19 he apologized and said this was a slow day with small fish lol. Anyways me and the family had a blast and i will let the pictures do the talking. i will be back for sure. this guy gets my unconditional approval. Werner Rohr Tel: 905-935-2360 | 1-800-251-9006 Cell: 905-685-2243


    my dad with the big fish of the day
























  7. Rare and hard to come by. From what I understand it's not officially charted, may have to do with the fluctuation in water level it sees. The French has claimed 3 of my props. The first few times I went al I had was printed off google maps so I wouldn't get lost in some of the way back in there lakes. No fish there anyway , I heard. There's lots of fish in the kawarthas.:). All I can say is go slow. And follow a local if your running some miles. Lots of boulders in 30 ft of water that come up outa nowhere.

  8. Thanks guys, I'm pretty stoked I've only chartered twice before. One out of Powell river bc, no fish. And onece outa veradero and we had a blast catchin barracuda all day. Like I said I've not bin out on lake o before. I am taking my dad And my grandfather out as a fathers day gift.

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