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Posts posted by Freshtrax

  1. Thanks to all for your suggestions. It's good to know that some of you have done it and it's not a NO-NO. I am planning to replace the 2 tires and repack the bearings myself. So hopefully I am good there.






    Yes the Enclave comes with a towing package. I will try not to load anything on the boat or the Enclave when towing.

    The move is due to a change in work and will be paid in USD.

    I am moving to North Carolina (RTP region). Not sure how the fishing will be there though, they don't have as many lakes as we do here.

    Tillary, and Jordan. Catfish and Striper.....big ones.

  2. Well went looking for Browns and we found 10's of thousands of these guys and a bunch of oos fish. Was a fun day to be out never fished here before. FB_IMG_1458611062675_zps9q7ulpap.jpg

    We actually had to chase this guy down as we were fishing 4 lb leaders.

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