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Posts posted by Canuck2fan

  1. The only truth about auto insurance in Ontario is that the system is the MOST expensive in North America. There are way too many variables to have ANY hard and fast rules on what will affect one person's rates over anothers.


    It is a fact though that in Ontario demerit points do NOT have any bearing on your personal rating. All convictions either minor and major do.


    So if you can not get a ticket thrown out so it results in NO conviction, or reduce it to the conviction of a minor offence from a major offence, fighting it then becomes only about getting the amount of the fine lowered... Just getting the points removed, while still having a minor conviction WILL NOT help you with your insurance company in Ontario.


    If anyone has had different a different experience in Ontario their rates were lowered for other reasons, or the insurance company didn't run their abstract at renewal so the insurer was unaware of the conviction. If you doubt this a quick check a KNOWLEDGEABLE broker will straighten out any illusions you are under about demerit points in Ontario.


    So to answer the OP I would fight it only if I could all but guarantee a complete acquittal of all charges.

  2. Town of Midland requires you to buy a permit to have a garage / yard sale ! Fine for not having one minimum $500 to a maximum of $100,000 !!


    I guess the mayor/reeve didn't see the as is sign on that .50 toaster they bought at a garage sale and when it stopping working after 2 yrs it was decided to clamp down on this kinda crap being sold on the public streets.... of that fair city.


    Seriously, do you need a permit to have a kijiji sale too. Are bake/cookie/chocolate sales for the schools exempt at least. LOL


    With an attitude like that you should be running for counsil or something, I know I'd be voting for you!!! :worthy:


    Thanks but I don't play well enough with others to ever even consider such a thing... There is a reason I have managed to be excused from mandatory staff meetings at the last 3 places I have worked before now, with no repercussions to my employment LOL

  4. Good article answering 7 questions about the buyback part of the recall.... It isn't all 500,000 vehicles that are even eligible it is only the ones who have one 3 recalls that have not been fixed yet. The new estimate is it only 200,000 vehicles that will eligible for the buyback.


    Interestingly, out of the 37 page agreement that FCA signed only a half a page was about the recall yet it is getting all the hoopla LOL. Typical media these days. It is better to be first than right about a story. Then, when you aren't first just copy and paste it word for word from a website and publish before the next guy does...



  5. It had to be a complaint from someone. I doubt the bylaw officer found them without direction. Like others said, their hands were tied. Next step is for their council to make some changes.


    If I was the bylaw officer and I got the complaint, so I had to attack a bunch of kids running a small time business for some scratch to buy bikes. I would do my JOB.... I would go right over to the DB's house or business, who called in and inspect everything they owned, rented or stood beside. I would happily write THEM up about 20 tickets for whatever they were doing AGAINST the rules. Let's face it with all the over regulation we live under now EVERYBODY is breaking some bylaws or codes these days.


    Then I would have went told the kids sorry you can't do what you are doing in the current way you are doing. Sadly, I do have to give you this piece of paper because of the rules. Then I would tell them in my spare time after work I would be more than happy to show them how to skirt the bylaw and keep on making some money for their bikes...


    I expect my job would be immediately terminated, but then earning a living isn't worth being forced to be such a dick anyway in my opinion. LOL

  6. Since the government minister responsible here didn't get a "memo" from the U.S. or her own department yet no one knows what will happen. LOL How typical....


    That being said the terms of buybacks aren't clear in the U.S. yet either, with the exception that it will be purchase price each customer paid minus depreciation. That depreciation rider is very important because as more trucks get bought out it will DRIVE the value of all them down farther. Thus lessening the cost of the total recall/buyback for the company.


    The customer will lose even more as they have to eat the accelerated depreciation. If they take a sweetheart deal on a new Ram, they will get to eat higher depreciation on the new truck. The used market will be flooded with "FIXED" late model trucks already depreciated to a higher degree than the competition. I predict this will mean the market "value" of all Rams are going to have to less than they would have been, for a few years.

  7. I don't think anyone has a problem with the use of traditional netting practices. The problem is that it's gone way past traditional. It needs to be stopped flat out. It's become abuse. The fishery is ripe to rebound. There are tons of small pickerel. My last trip there was stupid with the numbers of fish put in the boat. Something needs to be done. I doubt our current political situation will allow for it. It's a real shame, the lake is a factory if it is allowed to do its thing.


    The people who buy the damn fish could stop the commercial netting in less than a week, simply by NOT buying the fish.


    I am not from the area, I don't know any of the stakeholders involved, but I do KNOW. If there is no market for a product it doesn't get produced for very long. You don't see too many factories cranking out PCBS or DDT these days. If it is such an environmental calamity why are their still IDIOTS buying the fish?


    I would bet the biggest irony is that a lot of the restaurants who are buying the cheap fish... aren't going to survive the drop in TOURISM in the area due to the lowered slot limits, anyhow.... Yet they will be the first to complain someone has to save the fishery to save us....

  8. Still waiting for any breathable rain suit that keeps me dry when I am sitting on the pier in my foldable chair... The rain pools on the back and seat of the chair and I eventually end up wet in any of the 6 different kinds of breathable suits I have...


    Frogg Toggs though is by far the best for breathability and keeping dry the longest. I got mine off of their factory outlet store on ebay for about 36.00 bucks delivered. I used it so much the "paper" it is made out of frayed so bad I am embarrassed to wear it. It is still more waterproof than my dickies, coleman and two kinds of cheapie Bass Pro camo rain gear though.


    I guess I should have ponied up the money for Gore Tex from the beginning although no one will confirm it stays dry when you are sitting in a puddle on your chair LOL.


    I swear every year in the winter when I don't get out much, I will go and put a couple of riveted grommets in the seat of my chair, so the water can drain out... Then fishing gets in the way and I don't get it done, and the first rain storm I get soaked.. LOL.

  9. The only way I would EVER consider taking a tablet fishing for use with sonar, or GPS would be to find a very inexpensive android tablet... You can with a bit of searching get them for under 50.00 with bluetooth at stores that sell refurbs or on kijiji. I would then keep it in a ziplock bag sealed all the time. Just make sure the tablet is running the minimum OS and has the hardware to run the program...


    I have seen too many friends who can't put the phone away while fishing have to cough up the coin to get a new one when theirs goes swimming, which phones don't do that well LOL.

  10. Have you tried putting your worms into Fabril worm bedding before you go? Then a styrofoam container buried or cover it with damp moss. Spritz the bedding a couple times with some non chlorinated water to keep the bedding moist and you should be able to keep worms for at least a week in any temp...


    Leeches if you can get them and they are allowed on the lake. Although if the lake has a big bass population that might be counter productive. LOL


    Twister tails

  11. Basic vs. basic. 1 mil full coverage on house/contents. 2 Mil liability, 2,500 deductible. No water coverage. Both were essentially the same coverages.


    The difference is that CUMIS wants clients that are members of a credit union, and the other insurance company, I requested their services.


    With those deductibles in my home town you wouldn't even be paying 800.00 a year much save that LOL.

  12. Not for nothing, but usually if you bundle auto and home you save quite a bit. So just saving on your home insurance with one company it might drive your auto insurance rates up. Ontarians already pay the highest auto insurance rates in North America thanks to the profit fixing arrangement the insurance companies enjoy here. This explains how we have been scammed for years here.




    The best thing to do is every year at renewal to use a couple of web engines to compare the rates that are out there. Then call a broker or 2 and have them run down what it costs for what you need with them.


    Since I have been doing that I find a difference of about 600.00 a year from the highest to the lowest. I also tell my current broker, I have no loyalty so keep the pencil sharp anything for 40.00 a less a YEAR is worth switching companies and brokers to me.


    I have NEVER made a claim of any kind in over 25 yrs so it just a very necessary, but evil waste of cash to me. The funny thing is my broker has always found the cheapest rate for me usually by about 50.00 a year... but he knows I check too.


    Some engines to give you idea if you are overpaying








    I also have no affiliation with any insurance company or affection for any of them either for that matter.

  13. My wife is a bank manager and both my kids work for the bank. You are so far out to lunch that it really doesn't even warrant a response. But I will respond. Bank fraud is real and at a "Branch" basis they have no control. PM me if you wanna chat. But stop painting bankers as the bad guys if you really have no clue.


    Sorry you take things so personally... I wasn't intending to insult YOUR family of financial workers. Interesting that you immediately lashed out with personal insults though...


    That being said I am quite happy to be out to lunch with about 95% of the world with my view on banks and their practices. Now if we could just get the government to bail us out for the meal that would be nice LOL.


    I'll play devils advocate here.


    Back in 'the day' when someone came in and committed fraud by cashing fake cheques under your account, that was YOUR money they were taking. Today they're taking the CC companies money, which one do you prefer? Also, if you were unlucky to have a cheque cashed under your account back in 'the day', I can guarantee you there wasn't a 2 business day turn around to get your money back (Like there is today). We're talking weeks if not more. As for outsourcing, it's a part of life. People tend to forget that customer service has sucked for a long time, way before those phone calls were being answered in India.


    I'd much rather take todays security measures compared to the ones we had in the 80's for example. The system definitely isn't perfect, but when has it ever been?



    I guess it is true what you said about someone cashing a fake cheque on someone's account, back in the day, that it would have been their money. I could care less though because I NEVER had someone else cash a cheque on my account. So not sure how big a problem it was. In my small town back then all the tellers at both branches of my bank knew me by sight... Maybe in bigger centers it was easier to cash a fraudulent cheque on someone else's account?


    I have had 3 separate incidents of my cards being compromised in the last 5yrs and they won't even tell you where or how it happened... Now you just get word your card was cancelled and they are sending you a new one. Only once did they even question whether I had made the transactions or not so they KNEW before hand in 2 cases it wasn't me? Yet they couldn't stop it from going through....


    The meaning of customer service to financial institutions today is more like the term used for having a prize animal serviced for breeding if you know what I mean.... We get serviced alright all the time.

  15. if you choose bruce go early and expect plenty of company.


    Not if you do the afternoon shift... Get there after 4PM catch your minnows and fish until 11PM or so. Usually do just as well as in the morning. Without the stress of getting up to get there by 3AM so you aren't fishing in front of the cars, when the catching is really good.


    Besides the night crew usually has more fun because we aren't sitting knees and elbows to the guy next to us.


    When you say it's hit or miss does it change daily or will I be able to get an idea if it's worth buying the license and going a day or two before?


    Hit or miss means... Your buddy calls you at 5PM after he got home from slamming them all day. You get there the next morning at 3AM to get a spot. All the night crew tells you it was non stop from when they got there at 8PM until they saw your headlights in the parking lot.


    You think they are kidding, fish for 10 hours and get 3 perch. You aren't on the road for 15 minutes when you get a text from someone who stayed and they are hitting 3 at time again...


    It works the other way too, when the wind is the wrong direction, the water is chocolate milk, the waves are washing over the pier but you are getting doubles every cast. That is hit or miss at Port Bruce LOL.

  17. +1 for Port Stanley and Port Bruce are much closer to London than Port Dover.... The catching was about a month late starting from shore this year. So it might still be going on in mid July. Like the last 3 yrs, though it is hit or miss, so don't get your hopes up. If you hit it right, it is a lot of fun.

  18. The attitude that we don't pay for the fraud so it doesn't matter is what the banks are counting on, to keep us as customers. Anyone with half a brain already wouldn't trust any banker further than they could throw them. If we sat down and absorbed how friggin incompetent they are with security we would probably never spend another dime without going to get it in person from the bank. LIke we had to 25 years ago.


    Remember those payday lineups just to get a bit of coin for a box of beer, before debit cards and direct deposit. If we went back to that how would they outsource 90% of the service jobs at a financial institution oversees. So they want to avoid that outcome at all costs. LOL


    The last time I had a card compromised, I discovered it about 20 minutes after the perp had purchased 680.00 dollars worth of software on steam... When I immediately called my CC provider, the guy I talked to seemed very alarmed that I had NOTICED something was wrong, before they could erase it. He was even more upset that I knew where and when the money was spent. He said they had just flagged the account and were reversing the charges and mailing me a new card.


    I got the distinct impression if I had not of seen the charges, they would have just cancelled my card called me the next day, and sent me out a new card, without telling me anything more.... I asked him if there was anything they could see that I should have done differently and he said NOT to worry it wasn't my problem and they were going to fix everything. Sure but eventually we all know they are going to get that money back in higher service charges/interest... or they will cut back on perks they "give" away.

  19. What is it you really want ? the fact is the boat has 2 holes already in it from the previous motor and you didn't put in a work order for those to be repaired. The person simply made a mistake as an owner of the shop he felt he had the ability to drill 2 holes and mount your motor being around boats all of the years he has owned the place. It wasn't greed that he made the decision to drill the holes he was trying to get your project done so you could go on about your day in a timely manner. He can't make the holes disappear but he can fill them in with a waterproof substance and spread the load out with a plate of aluminum that covers the holes 3 inches out no big deal. If you are out for revenge then you are worse than the guy who made the mistake his was an accident while your motives are to do damage on purpose not a good score in the karma factor. This is why you are finding signs more often that customers are not allowed into the shop because sometimes in the process of repairing car etc. you might have to fix a stripped bolt or other issue that occurs that has no long term bearing on the item but just lets the customer find a reason to be dissatisfied. If it is money then you shouldn't own a boat if 50 bucks back will make you better. If you are looking for justice you will not get it you are not a judge the best you will get is vigilantism which is the exact opposite of justice. This is not aimed at you personally it goes to everyone to think what your goal is and then decide if your action is going to go into a positive direction.


    Just my say




    No offense but if that is your attitude about doing work for PAY, then I would never be a customer of yours. Just slapping a cheap patch over a mistake like that isn't anywhere near professional where I come from.... To each their own though, but blaming the customer is never a good long term business strategy.

  20. First lesson clean up your GARBAGE


    +1.... If you are strong enough to carry those bottles, cans, packages and cigarettes in when they are intact, you gotta be strong enough to carry them out empty.


    The vacant stares I get when I point this out to idiots who litter make you want to send them for electroshock therapy. Zap them back to reality.

  21. I would HIGHLY recommend talking to the labour board and a lawyer, then decide which is best for you. When I had a problem I screwed up and choose the lawyer route. I got nothing, the other people who went with the labour board got a nice settlement that turned out to be a little more than I would have got minus the lawyer fees. They also got it in less 6 months.


    The labour board will take a while to help you, but they almost always get you exactly what they say they will. If there are any assets to get a settlement from. Only idiot companies fight them in court as the board only goes for what is mandated by law, which is typically less than a lawyer will promise. Most HR departments know the law and make an offer slightly better than it so you will settle. Don't sign anything until you have reviewed it with someone. Also depending on the details the whole deal might hinge on how the employees are dealt with, it isn't uncommon to have conditions that will scuttle the sale if the employees won't sign over some of their rights. If this is the case you have leverage.


    A top employment lawyer might possibly be able to settle quickly, but you will pay them about 33% of whatever they get, so factor that into your decision. Sometimes just a letter from a noted lawyer can increase settlements significantly.


    In any case I hope you get a fair settlement.

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