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Posts posted by Canuck2fan


    Obviously not meaning to be insulting Joe, but are you sure you were running those tires at the proper air pressure ??


    Just seems so odd that some of the best tires on the market would fail like that within just a few years of normal wear.


    I would agree because I have used XLT's and loved them too. However that doesn't mean every Michelin tire is as good. They like all the manufacturers play with the formulas until they strike a profitable balance between wear and customer satisfaction.... So bad sets are too be expected.

  2. If you can find a good tire shop with an installer you trust ask them what they think. I have used the same installer for over 30 yrs and he has never steered me wrong. Lots of times I went in with recommendations from friends or even the internet and he was able to quickly show me the error of my thinking.


    A good installer will see more tires come and go in a few months than most people will in 10 life times. They should also be up on what tire manufacturers are trying to live off a good reputation with a changed formula that isn't as good as it used to be.


    Conversely they should also know, which problem tires have a new formula and are better than they used to be...


    Tires are a wear item and many factors go into what causes it to happen quickly and what doesn't. So tire manufacturers are always playing with the recipe so what was a great tire last year might not be now...



    And as for "the deficit" - I'd rather a government spends slightly more than what they have. What good does a surplus do? Prove that they can just take our money and do nothing with it? And who does the deficit get paid back to? The world bank? I hate to break it to you guys, but the world bank has been printing money since it was conceived. It's all based on nothing. Just some numbers some bankers made up a few decades ago.


    So true...


    After trying to find out the logic behind the way money is "created" these days all I can say is Bernie Madoff had NOTHING on the world bank...


    I could never figure out a country like Canada could owe anybody anything unless it was somehow a scam, because the Bank of Canada's charter clearly stated at one time it's chief mandate was to create enough money for the government of Canada to do what was needed... without interest attached.


    Somehow the World Bank changed all that not just for Canada but for almost all the western nations and "debt" has been piling up ever since. Since every dollar was now being created with interest attached to spur growth or some other Bull...


    A lot of financial "experts" are saying the debts of most western nations are so massive they can NEVER be repaid. The interest payments though are a great financial reward for the insidious lot that came up with the scheme....



    nearly all (if not all) the true PC members have defected, leaving us with the current Alliance party run by Harper, which never really gained traction in their time because they were essentially republicans, and they were so out of touch that they were vocally anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-immigration (government should have no say in that, and a true conservative government actually stays out of peoples personal lives!!).


    You are so right Rod Caster


    The fact that the religious right part of the Alliance is sticking by Harper again is a sign that they don't believe in anything really except holding on to power. The base elected him to quash a few things and he FAILED and rightly so but he still failed. Running deficits is supposed to be a big no no yet Harper still has conservatives defending his doing so.. The saddest part though is that as you say conservatives are supposed to be anti government and for freedom of rights. With Bill C-51 we are giving up so many hard earned freedoms and increasing the governments ability to charge and detain people with no due process because Harper screams the BOOGEY man is out there.. Boogey man has always been out there and always will be in one form or another, but once you give up a freedom you NEVER get it back. Lastly should anybody really listen to the guy who hid in the closet, when the Boogey man was nearby, where was the tough action instead of talk then?


    When there's money to be made and an agenda to promote, people will say and do anything to further there own goals.




    LOL I trust what Michael Harris has accomplished as an investigative journalist a lot more than a fluff piece by some hack from the mop and pail.


    Harris has triggered a Royal Commission into the wrongful arrest and conviction of Donald Marshall, when he was able to find the real killer, when the Crown and RCMP didn't bother to look....


    His book Unholy Orders: Tragedy at Mount Cashel triggered the Hughes Inquiry into the allegations of sexual abuse the Mount Cashel Orphanage and in both cases what he wrote was FOUND to be true.


    So, I find it hard to believe he would risk Harper suing him for writing a book with out checking his sources....

  6. I don't think there is any question that Canada has a solid history of helping refugees when needed.


    As for our current "fight" with ISIS, we supposedly fly 2% of the support missions or are they combat missions. That sounds great but what are the air missions accomplishing? While a ground war has NEVER been won without air superiority, NO war has ever been won from the air... So who are the troops on the ground we are supporting in the air war, what is holding them back for crushing ISIS?


    As mentioned is ISIS something that can be defeated in the traditional sense of a war? Vietnam and other conflicts have proven it is pretty hard to beat a group that when they meet an overwhelming force they just chuck their guns and blend into country side until the overwhelming force leaves...


    If ISIS were somehow stopped all together who or what takes over where they are now?


    When the richest country in the region with the same religious majority as the majority of refugees won't take any..... umm what is that we don't understand about the issue?


    The other thing is if it is a genuine refugee disaster in Syria why are there some reports showing that 72 percent of the refugees are men of fighting age, 15 percent are children and only 13 are women?





    Fact. Under the two previous liberal governments (Chretien and Martin) we had surplus. Under Mulroney and Harper, deficits. My math says Liberals have a better grasp of the economy than do the CPC.


    Steady on..... you CAN NOT go confusing the issues with a bunch of facts the conservatives don't like that LOL.

  8. now there you go another Conservative fear mongerererer.... :rofl2:


    I agree with you 100%......Mulcair as PM....good lord is there a scarier thought....can you see this character having the stones to deal with the very real terrorist threats of ISIS....


    Harper and stones? Wow I can't even go there... It would be way to cheap of a shot.

  9. Yet you choose not to suggest who our saviour should be, just who we should not vote for. The "scandal" with Duffy is that you have an entitled corrupt conservative senator spending too much tax payer money, our money, on himself. The PM wanted the story to go away so he used backdoor channels to pay the money back when he found out Duffy was wasting tax dollars and yes probably lied about how he went about it. $90,000 was the whopping amount of waste!!! Now he is in trouble, not for wasting it himself, but for trying to pay it back lol. Paying back taxpayer money!!!! People are suggesting jail for the PM?!? I guess McGuinty and Wynne should face life in jail. Yes I realise this is provincial politics, but why is Justin holding hands with wynne today?


    The liberals in Ontario have pissed away BILLIONS not $90,000 on cancelled gas plants to win 2 seats. Ornge, Ehealth and countless other examples. Yet the federal liberals want to align themselves with their provincial counterparts. Now that is scary!!!

    Yet under Harper's watch we rank #1 in the world again in reputation and have ranked #1 as the most desirable place to live.


    People like to point out he has the worst economic record since WW2 according to some left wing websites, yet the IMF points out the global recession of 2008-2009 was the worst since WW2. No kidding the economic record won't be favourable yet Canada came out of the recession leading all G7 nations. Liberals or the NDP the answer? I can't even fathom what our deficit would be right now if the NDP had been in power for the last 8 years.



    Live in fear my friend live in fear and vote for me. That has been Harper's mantra from day one and for good reason it works LOL.

  10. Could use some screen and magnets as well


    Awesome idea!!! You could buy a set of those patio down screens with the snap closed magnets and a couple rolls of flexible magnetic tape. A set of those screens should be enough to do all 4 windows in most vehicles. A surplus type store would sell both of those and the computer fans with all the electrical connections to wire them into the power outlet as suggested, for way less than the cheapest window visors.

  11. That's a good start....Tax and spend Liberals....


    VS spend like drunken sailors and don't tax conservatives..... LOL


    The actual numbers from the past 40 years DO NOT support the contention that the federal conservatives are good with managing money. Mulroney 263 Billion in deficit spending 0 balanced budgets. Harper 8 in row of deficit spending 156 billion in deficit spending so far and climbing. And unless Nigel can Wright a cheque for 600 million according to independent PBO the budget is NOT balanced this year as the conservatives would like us to believe.

  12. What I find so sad about this election is the minute it was called the 3 senators who are at the heart of the scandal started getting pay their cheques again because their suspension was only for "while the current session of parliament lasted..." ARRRGGGGHHHH LOL


    As for the election I have yet to see one factual ad from the guys in power saying THIS is what WE did to make your country better and your life better. From them it has all been. "Sssshhhh don't you worry your pretty little head about how terribly we have handled things!!!!" (worst PM's economic numbers since WWII in every category except how the richie riches got richer)




    Their whole platform is. You just be good and TERRIFIED that the next folks in here "might" do to things to make things even worse... HOW? LOL


    The other parties are all pointing out what has been done wrong and there is plenty of that for sure, but they still don't have any realistic or even remotely workable plans to FIX the mess this country is in. Like HELLO this is your chance, convince me!!!!


    When elections could be called at the PM's pleasure it was acceptable for parties to have a week to 10 days to have their plans vetted and put forth....


    This time folks you KNEW election day was going to be October 19th 2015 for four years. So was it too much to ask you guys to have something ready, not this my dog stole our proposed budget plan crap we are getting from the Conservatives, NDP and Liberals now.


    Don't we deserve better? How do we get it?

  13. I really enjoyed fishing alone for being able to leave when I woke up, nothing would tick me off more than having to lie there for another 2 hours because I said I would pick a friend up at 5AM, and if I called them their wife would EXPLODE LOL...


    When I fish alone if anything wakes me up after a couple hours racktime I am gone. You have to get there early anyhow if you want the good corner on most piers LOL.


    Then, if I want to stay till dark and I am by myself. I don't have to worry about the other guys better half chirping me off when we get home about him not get his chores done that day LOL.


    Really though the not having to PLAN what time we leave who picks up who. What to bring for lunch yada yada yada, was the best part.


    Since I only shore fish, the usual suspects show up at some point so I can socialize as much as the fishing allows anyhow.


    Then my dad finally quit working 7 days a week at 77 and started joining me, it is great to be able to spend time with him and be out in the great outdoors. Now after just a week or two when we can't get out, we don't even really care how good the fishing is, we are just happy to give it a go...

  14. Thus the name fish FINDER, not fish catcher.


    Sometimes we sit on the pier and go I wonder what we would see out there with some sonar... Are there fish and they just have lock jaw or are we alone. After seeing this sometimes ignorance is bliss. I would be fuming seeing a screen like that with no takers. LOL

  15. Was looking for something quick and simple after the long weekend Monday night for supper.

    1/2 bag of frozen hash brown potatoes (fried so crisp the sauce on the pork wouldn't make them soggy)

    1 lb of my world famous Peach Schnapps Pulled Pork

    2oz Grated Marble Cheese

    I was eating in 20 minutes from when I walked in the door. Best part though was only 1 frying pan, I plate, and one fork to clean up!!!

    Peach Schnapps Pulled Pork Poutine


    I was southbound on 28 a few weeks back and a northbound car slowed to make a right hand turn.


    A woman travelling behind him decided she didn't want to slow down so she pulled into my lane and forced me onto the shoulder.


    She was clearly talking on her phone and didn't seem the least bit concerned about me being there.


    Scary stuff being on the roads these days.


    Scary is right... The worst part is most of the time people like her don't even know they caused an issue and just keep on motoring. Telling anyone who will listen they are GREAT drivers so they should have a personal exemption to be able text or talk. Never had a problem... except for the cars in the ditch behind her who didn't want to kill her and her kids with her.

  17. Yeah some places like Toronto its a logistical nightmare to schedule court during day shift so everyone's court is on a day off. I know with York, Waterloo and the OPP that traffic court is during day shifts unless you are off on vacation or have had a schedule change


    I can only imagine trying to schedule it all. Then any delays for either side or a couple cases go long and it has to be done all over again for a couple cases.

  18. That's because you're not in a giant billboard on wheels advertising you're a police car lol.


    As best I can guess here in town we only have 5 police cars that are used for patrol, and 3 of them are blacked out models where the police badging only shows when you are directly across from it. No outside lights on 2 of them for sure too....


    The thing is though these soccer mom's who are the majority of who I see, in their minivans usually with kids are so oblivious. I don't think they would even try to put the phone down if they did see a marked car. It just seems like they feel it is a GOD GIVEN right to be on their phone at all times.

  19. It depends on where he works and their schedule. Most officers don't get paid extra to attend court because it's scheduled on their day shift


    I always wondered about if it was "overtime" to have the officers available for court or it was part of their regular shifts. It does make sense to have the court date sync with the lower cost of the officer being there.


    I snuck by on one charge under the Crown's radar though. Due to the wording on the ticket and website regarding first meetings I was always working during those times. I didn't bother contacting the Crown when I was sitting the morning of the trial he demanded to know why I was there. I showed him the paper work. Oops the officer was on duty on the far side of the county, raging blizzard no chance for her to get to court in time. Charges dropped.... If I had of called ahead she would have been on duty at the courthouse and available. The OPP who was on duty said to me, good one but I wouldn't count on it ever working again LOL.


    Im just glad he,s not working for me. LOL :sarcasm:




    I'm going through this right now. Had my gps on my phone when I was driving through Toronto, it kept telling me to turn down one way streets. At a red light I reached over to turn my phone off and got pulled over for distracted driving.


    I have heard insurance companies love the distracted driving charge to raise your rates so I hired one of those X-police guys. I told him I would only hire for a full acquittal. He said that's fine and put in the paperwork. That was mid may and I have yet to see my court summons yet. Could take a while.


    I'll keep everyone posted on how it goes.


    I don't agree that you go charged if that is really what was happening in your case.... With the way the law is written it is going to a tough one to win.


    The thing that amazes me is I can't drive 2 miles where I live that someone isn't still texting or talking on a cellphone. If I was a police officer I could reverse the city's debt in a couple of months.... The tourists and citizens here must think that law doesn't apply or something. LOL.

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