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Posts posted by Canuck2fan

  1. What I don't get is the bias....


    When every politician since electricity was invented let Ontario businesses use it for less than it actually cost. No one complained. This left HUGE debts for future ratepayers to deal with. Ironically even more so because a lot of the businesses that sucked on the teat of cheap Hydro as a lure to keep jobs here, left anyway.


    When Harris and Eves sold off the assets for Hydro to their buddies leaving us taxpayers with the stranded debt, it was supposed to good for us. Anyone with half a brain KNEW it would lead to HIGHER rates in the future. But no one got near as bitter as everyone is now.


    When Eves continued to let us have Hydro for under the market cost no one complained, even though that added to the provincial debt and the debt retirement charge.


    When Eves took and spent the money taken in from the DRC instead of putting it toward retiring the debt to make his last budget look balanced no one complained....


    Now I don't agree with the Liberals decision not to build the gas plants that cost us 2 billion for nothing but the truth is. NO PARTY was going to build those plants. After the richy rich nimbys complained and they ALL ran candidates who said they weren't going to build them. Why is no one screaming for those few people's heads who complained on platters? Also why is NO one is screaming for the heads of the people who cashed cheques for doing nothing for those plants. That to me is just as much of a crime as what the gutless politicians did.


    I also DO NOT agree with paying more for green energy than, for other sources, but again PEOPLE are cashing those cheques too. I have (ex)friends who went insane trying to get in on it by borrowing money to put up solar panels and some of them did. They also have to take some responsibility for accepting that money in my opinion. What is especially galling is they have the audacity to complain about the upcoming rate hike. I said really why don't you take down your solar panel then? That isn't going to happen....


    While I am no fan of higher electricity prices, I firmly believe we now have to pay what it really costs. To punt it down the road with artificially lower rates now only to have pay for later with interest is no answer... The problem is how do we determine what is the REAL cost, without speculation and million dollar CEO salaries?


    I don't think any political party or the corporations can put aside the corruption and greed to ever make it fair for ratepayers again. It should have never been privatized since it is a necessary commodity not a luxury.

  2. I hear plans for a massive tourist attraction there will be


    1) Megalodon fishing at your own risk in a special built enclosure just offshore out front....


    2) Hunting for Wooly Mammoth in the parking area... while you are waiting to launch bow and spear only though.


    Not confirmed but officials hope Godzilla will be make an eventual appearance.


    It would be interesting to see who gets the contract to assay the soils and building materials.

  3. What industry hasn't put profits first ? ? ?


    I have a son that works for a insurance company.....he's a risk management senior adviser is all I can say he does (don't really understand the rest) .......but it doesn't matter what a company does, they all have their bottom line or there is no company period.....and when there is no company, who do you turn to ? ? ?


    EXACTLY.... The difference is with insurance companies some people who file claims, think the company is working for THEIR interest. I merely point out if insurance companies did that they would cease to exist.


    Also there is no free market for auto insurance in Ontario is it mandated by law the insurance companies are guaranteed a percentage of profit after claim costs. So what other "private" business gets those perk? It is the exact opposite of how capitalism should set market prices.

  4. Canuck2Fan, how do the insurance companies that are private, and do not have shareholders, fit into the equation?


    Exactly the same... It isn't rocket science, insurance companies have to put profits FIRST or they would be ground into dust. Unless they have a magic money tree in the back atrium.

  5. The entire insurance industry is as crooked as a dogs leg.


    LOL it is actually worse in Ontario, thanks to guberment after guberment buying their LIES about how auto insurance should work. We get the privilege of paying the highest rates in North America for the just about the most limited protection after 2010.


    In a pot calling the kettle a certain shade vein. The Ontario Trial Lawyers Association funded a study to prove this LOL.



  6. The most important thing to remember is insurance of any kind is only available for one reason. TO MAKE THE COMPANY huge amounts of money for the shareholders. Insurance companies do NOT ever work for you the customer they work for their shareholders, first last and always, if they didn't they wouldn't last. That is why you have to read, what little exclusions they put in the fine print. Notice fine print never seems to have BONUSES for the customer LOL.

  7. I used to go salmon fishing on a Huron trib at around 3AM to get a good spot for first light. I would chuck glow spoons for a bit. When I got sick of casting I would switch rods and float fish with a thrill float with an LED light in it. So after about an hour of chucking spoons and no action I put on a roe bag and started drifting.


    Second cast something smashed the hell out of the float and it disappeared for about 10 seconds. I have caught lots of fish on it and you can always see the light when it has been pulled under the water. NOT that night LOL. I didn't have another hit until about 10 minutes after daylight either? The float was all scraped up no real teeth marks though.

  8. Lew, your dad must have been a very brave guy. In the early part of the war the losses to uboats were terrible... Britain would have surely starved but for the convoys.


    A friend of my dad was in the merchant marines, in WWII ... He was on two different ships that were torpedoed and sunk. His knees and hips were crippled by the hits, the decks buckling crushed the cartilage in his knees and they couldn't repair them in those days. Even so he said he would sign up again.


    He never lived long enough for our dumbass government to officially recognize his service in the merchant marines. ANYBODY who served for those convoys was under fire and very brave in my opinion.


    Interesting read for those who like Canadian history.



  9. Oh Oh the way everyone is talking about this season, I won't be able to afford to make my annual maple sugar donuts.


    I screwed up 2 yrs ago and didn't get up and go to the local farmer's market on Saturday morning to get the maple sugar. So, on the Monday, I stopped at a pretty fancy sugar bush shop that I knew would have some for sale. I asked for a 24ozs and she said here and gave me 6 X 4oz bags at 6.99 each I was too embarrassed to refuse because the price was about triple what I was used to paying LOL.

  10. I cheat on chicken pot pie, I put all the filling in a casserole dish and then smear a pot of stove top stuffing over the top as a top crust and bake.


    Or you can take pillsbury biscuits bake them slightly or parchment or a silpat sheet then put over the top of the "hot" filling don't bother cooling it just put in in the casserole dish top with the partially baked biscuits and bake until done. Or even pillsbury crescent roll dough will work just don't pull them apart and cover the top as best you can sealing any edges with egg wash.... .


    Another tip if using pastry is to blind bake the bottom crust until it is about 1/2 cooked. Will keep the crust crisp on the bottom.

  11. Just a update, Getting a appraisal tomorrow.Did you know that when a vehicle as mine for instance was just e-tested Last June,BECAUSE IT WAS SOLD,I need a new emissions test by this June,?.That would put me in the wrong year for vehicle. Man the taxes that are paid are enormous.If she would of kept the truck,you get a extra year.WTH.Tax grab or what.


    While it is total Bull and a scam.... It isn't really a tax grab, because the Ontario guberment only gets a nominal set fee from the garage for each test they do and 7% of the 30.00. What is strange is that Harper takes his cut of 6% and we know he DOESN'T even pretend to care about the environment LOL.


    The biggest reason why they make you do a test when you buy a vehicle that has a valid one is simple... It PROVIDES a steady of source of revenue for the garages who do the testing to pay for the equipment... If that requirement was dropped it would mean that many fewer tests to do. So how many garages would have said NO THANKS to paying staff to upgrade to the new system and buy the equipment? I know a couple of garages who dropped out of the program citing the cost to buy into it just wasn't worth the cost to change over.... Of course the garages have always made their real money when you failed and they can charge you another 49.99 to 125.99 just to tell you what the codes WERE that made you fail. Then they start diagnosing for even more money.


    I would bet that the government actually takes in even less tax money overall now with the OBDll test than it did before. The reason being if you have no check engine lights or if you are still worried and bought a 5.00 OBDll doggle off of Ebay for your smart phone you KNOW you are going to pass.


    So if you are smart, and don't see a CEL you don't go do an oil change you might not have needed mileage wise, replace the air filter, fuel filter if you can, do a sparkplug, wire change and then run through a tank of PREMIUM fuel like lots of people used to do EVERY time before the sniffer test. Because they really had no clue if they would pass or not.... So a few basic preventative measures seemed wise.

  12. I'm not on equal billing. 100 year old house. Only thing on gas is my furnace 150-180 last 3 months.....what burns me is the delivery charge the 8 months of the year the furnace doesn't kick on.


    That is one of the perks of having necessary utilities provided by private companies with "competition" of a product delivered through the same pipe!!! With prices set by speculators... YEAH LOL.

  13. My costs were the same... heat is included in my rent and my electric is always less for the juice than the taxes add ons and debt pay down... Of course the boiler is broke in the building I live in so the ambient temperature most mornings was 16C when I woke up.


    My parents however is another matter. They moved out of their house on Nov 4th and it sold on March 9th.


    A new 27 month old Rheem furnace quit 4 times over that span. 3 times due to a Reliance repairman being more concerned about his "average visit count" than doing the job right. It eventually took 7 visits by repairmen to "fix" a furnace less than 3yrs old. Thankfully it was all under warranty or I would be in jail. LOL.


    18 separate water leaks caused by the furnace being off 31hrs less than 24hrs after it had "repaired" while we were out of town and couldn't do our daily check.


    1 exploded toilet luckily the ice was still holding it together when I carried it outside, so no water damage LOL.


    All this was discovered 6 days before the sale was supposed to close. A friend, my dad and I repaired all the damage in 3 nights after my friend got done work. We should not have hurried so much, because the buyers wanted another week extension on the Friday before the house was to close on the Monday.


    Total cost of the repairs, including food and beverage was just under 400.00 (beverage 25% of that and my dad and I don't drink LOL)


    Cost of gas for the 4+ months was a little over 700.00 for an empty house set at 62 then 72 for the last 2 weeks.


    Hydro and water was 326.00, for the 4 months.


    The cities water had never frozen into the house in 46 yrs but my parents would run water when it got really cold as most homes in areas prone to freezing are told to do here. Well it froze this year, having no furnace working for 31 hrs when it was -27C probably didn't help. It took the city 6 days to get to us to thaw out the line. When they came they were using us as the ground side trying to get the house next door flowing at the same time. Ours was thawed in 15 minutes, next door took 47 minutes.


    So I don't know how that stacks up to the hammer, but my parents said it was about the same as last year, but they were paying rent on top in their apartment, where heat is included and the thermostat is to open the balcony door. It NEVER got below 82F and the bathtub has been leaking a pencil stream of water since they moved in but SKYLINE LIVING has new taps on order now for 3 months LOL. So they were thankful, heat, hydro and water were included in the rent.

  14. After watching friends change dramatically after years of heavy pot smoking, I'm not a real fan of smoking pot. It also screws up a lot of high school kids when they really don't need any help getting screwed up. Making it illegal has done nothing so lets legalize it and tax the crap out of it. At least the legit producers will keep books and pay taxes as well I'm surprized the first plank in his platform isn't lower the voting age to 13 then announce the second plank which is to legalize pot.


    The scientific evidence is very clear it does more to "harm" developing teenage brains. Realistically there no way that minors will stop using it, if it is legal, because they sure are smoking up now when it isn't. That being said Colorado has proven the legal Pot industry can control the sale of Cannabis to minors better than alcohol retailers are of selling booze to them.


    Well I agree it has to taxed and monitored, some states, are finding if the taxes are too high, the black market suppliers still fill the need for it. The trouble is once it is sold who knows where it was bought?


    I envision seeing people at home putting black market pot into legit packaging. Sort of like when my mom would put store brand Honey O's into a Cheerio's box to make us kids think we had money. Or like Herb Tarlek aging scotch on WKRP LOL.

  15. Harper is trying as we speak to take away the medical users who are licensed rights to grow their own weed. He doesn't want the med users to grow their own any longer and is trying to force them to buy from the govt program. Its in the courts now and he will probably lose because he is stomping all over their constitutional rights to do this. They have been allowed to grow their own since 2002. Some are saying that it will cost the upwards of 50k a year if they are forced to buy from the govt program, so they won't be able to afford their medicine.


    So..... If the people who need it for medicine aren't allowed to grow it, basically for free. Then have to buy it but can't afford too. It will stop being produced...


    Then a natural product that works, by all accounts, will probably be replaced with some chemicals dreamed up in labs by the Pfizers of the world...


    Then the Harper government will eventually approve, list, and then pay huge amounts for seniors. (through transfers to the provinces since medicine is a provincial responsibility)


    Has anyone checked Stevo's personal stock portfolio for drug companies? LOL

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