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Posts posted by Canuck2fan

  1. Great reminder!!! I always get the 3 yr when I have to get my card, so I am good to go for a bit yet.


    The second last renewal was a wee bit stressful, though. I ordered it a week before my notice came in the mail, because someone mentioned on here mentioned you could. So I am waiting and waiting, it finally showed up on the 31st about an hour before I was leaving for a 3 day ice fishing trip.


    Of course I hadn't bothered to print anything out from the website when I ordered it, because I had always gotten it before the 22nd in other years. Or course I never had a trip planned those times.


    I did save the webpage though as a .jpg which I am sure wasn't going to be legal, so just happy I didn't have to use it. LOL

  2. Interesting read here it dispels a lot of myths that are out there.





    From the study


    "Similar to a mechanical device that wears out faster with heavy use, so also does the depth of discharge (DoD) determine the cycle count. The shorter the discharge (low DoD), the longer the battery will last. If at all possible, avoid full discharges and charge the battery more often between uses. Partial discharge on Li-ion is fine; there is no memory and the battery does not need periodic full discharge cycles to prolong life, other than to calibrate the fuel gauge on a smart battery once in a while. Read more about Battery Calibration."

  3. Blame the politicians who voted for the bylaw, and the whiny little b!tches who complain about these things. If you are one of those whiny little b!tches, go flush your head in a toilet somewhere!


    Yep and those people should make sure while their head is in there they really use that tongue they were whining with to get all the sides nice and clean!!!!

  4. Hey Greg those waypoints and trails are worth more than anything I own for fishing took seven years to get the database and countless scouting hours not even fishing. They will not go with my boat when I put it up - what a great three years I have had with it.


    I don't blame you for keeping the hard earned database. I would only give someone a database that I had invented for comic relief LOL.


    Do you keep good frequent backups of it though?


    I had a friend over write his portable GPS POI and waypoints by using the card in a camera on a trip... He said he backed it up onto his laptop before he switched cards. The backup was no good when he tried to restore it, OUCH....

  5. I always find it ironic how people...or pets in your post...will be fined for not wearing a seatbelt, but passengers on streetcars and buses aren't required to wear them and are even allowed to stand while going down the road.


    With the exception of school buses... It isn't really that much of a contradiction. If the city buses and streetcars are so full people are standing then the transit authorities are taking in more money. Just like the writing of tickets makes them money!! It is all about getting more dollars in the hands of those politicians so they can look after it for us, better than we could ourselves LOL.


    BTW here is an interesting read on why the "authorities" don't think seatbelts need to be mandatory on school buses in Canada.



  6. Just made some mint chocolate fudge. I can't figure out my grandmas recipe for maple fudge it's always messed up. Still try every year. I asked her for the recipe before she died and it was a pinch of this a spoon full of that , plain voodoo science. Anyone got a recipe for maple fudge?


    The trick with fudge is that is always a formula, so measuring correctly is important, I know my grandmother could make fudge by just grabbing some of this and a bit of that. It always worked. When I started cooking for a living I asked her for recipe and she said she didn't need one.


    The funny thing was when she went to show me how she made it, her favorite pot for making it was full of soup on the stove. She grabbed a different pot and knocked together her ingredients and made the BEST chocolate SAUCE anyone who had it had ever tasted.


    So she was measuring it and usually fairly accurately by how far up the ingredients went on the side of the usual pot when she put them in. Without THAT pot she was just a bit off and it wouldn't set, but made into milkshakes it was delicious LOL.


    The other important thing for getting the consistency you want is to get the sugar mixture to the correct temperatures. So either being good at using the cold water and drop method or having a decent candy thermometer is a must.


    Once you get it a few times you will shocked at how simple it is.

  7. since ribs came up in another thread, try this one its super easy(or for pork butt or shoulder.)


    two cups of brown sugar, two cups ketchup and two cups vinegar. mix. add too crock pot on low. add ribs/butt and cook for about 6 hours or so.


    super simple sauce that turns out real good. spice to your liking.


    Great recipe, but if you want one quick change that might improve it, here is how I do basically the same thing.


    I would only put in about 1/4 of the sauce mixture and some ginger ale to cook the ribs or pork. Then when it is almost cooked I would discard that liquid and put in the rest of the sauce mixture and cook for about an hour on high.


    The reason I would do that is most of the fat that comes out of the pork as it cooks will dilute the sauce, also that heavy an amount of fat in a sauce cloys the taste buds. Lastly, I would add a 1/4 cup of a good quality honey mustard to the sauce mix for pork.


    I use the above method for making my peach schnapps pulled pork and have found that after discarding the liquid it cooks in, the flavor is more intense on the finished product as it isn't diluted by what is essentially a cup or two of lard that has rendered out of the meat during the cooking process...

  8. I'll have to try the free spool trick the next time a chinnie is going for the open water but man, I dunno if I'll actually remember :)


    It is like anything else, if you "practice" it before you need to use it then it will come to you when you need to do it... In my case on the river I had just heard about it, the day before and was going through it in my mind several times just before the freight train hit my line... So, when I couldn't get it's attention the usual way, I dropped the rod almost right in the water and opened my bail.


    That fish must have stopped within inches of a huge stump that was 90% blocking the mouth of the river. I honestly think it couldn't believe it wasn't free, after it turned so it wasn't a lot of trouble controlling it then. But the 2 runs it took before that were IMPRESSIVE LOL.

  9. Kijiji like any tool can be good or bad. I have gotten some decent deals while buying. When selling it is pretty much the same. They call they beg, then they show up days later and want to change the price after making a verbal or email agreement.


    As for people coming and having a look then coming back to steal the stuff, that is pretty much a danger anytime you leave your garage door open and go into the house to answer a phone call and come back out 10 minutes later... unfortunately.


    It was funny when we were binning the stuff from my parents garage, on the last bin, just as I was leaving for the day. I tossed in 2 kids sleds (wooden with runners) and an old bike with two split almost in half tires. I just got to my place when the phone rang about an item I had listed on Kijiji. This couple had stood me up twice on pick up times, but I agreed to go back to the house to sell them a bar fridge.


    I get back to the house, I had been gone maybe 40 minutes, in the middle of the day and the bike and sleds are GONE from the bin.


    I was thinking seriously, who ever grabbed them could have come up asked about them when they were sitting beside the house for 2 days, and for helping us for 10 minutes to load the bins I would have given them the sleds, bike, chainsaw, hedge trimmer, winch, car jack, step ladder and thing else they wanted so we didn't have to lug it to the damn bin LOL.


    So the couple for the fridge shows up and agrees to take it. Then the price change negotiation starts... I was like okay you have had me come back here 3 times now for this 60.00 item. How about just so you think you won how about 5.00 off. He hums and haws then goes OK.


    I help him load it the truck and he goes what is with the bin. I explain we just filled it and I mentioned about someone stealing the bike and sleds. He climbs up on the side of the bin begins rummaging through what he can reach and goes have you got anything else worth taking in there? I sort of glare at him NO, but you should have been here yesterday when we emptied 2 almost full cabinets of mechanic tools in the metal bin. I thought he was going to cry. LOL


    Oh and I finally found out what the weight on the "scrap" metal bin was 4187 lbs....

  10. FWIW, I hear than in a river if you are going to get spooled, give the fish lots of slack so the line bellies downstream of the fish so that the current is pulling from the opposite direction, the fish will turn and run upstream away from the tension. Never had the chance to tell if it works but makes sense.


    I have had it work out dropping the line slack in a river once, the fish turned back and I got the drag set right and landed it. BIG male chinnie.


    Most times though with a big salmonid it just postpones the inevitable LOL.


    The time I tried dropping the line into the water on a pier though, the fish turned alright. It swam towards me so fast that I couldn't catch up to it.... The line was so slack it got caught up on another anglers line 3 people over, when the current took the slack line over his.


    This clown wouldn't reel in when he was asked by the other anglers. When he saw his rod tip move he snapped his rod back to set the hook and cut through my line. I thought it was funny actually that the fish turned...


    The other guy was mad though and claimed I knocked a fish off of his line LOL I said I don't think my 6lb raven could do much damage to that 20lb CTC clear mono crap you are using. He said it was actually 30lb test... Whatever LOL.

  11. I have 3 different brands of neoprene gloves.... None of them worked for me.


    1 XL was too tight and therefore cut off the circulation, couldn't keep them on long enough to find if they were waterproof...


    2 the next pair was slightly bigger great fit, but every time I wore them they seemed to freeze solid after a while of gettting wet. I fell asleep wearing them in a snow storm fishing off a pier one night. I had wrapped the line around my hand in case I got a bite while I was out. I woke up and the line and glove were frozen together LOL. I almost broke the line getting it off the glove... When my fishing buddy showed up the next morning I was covered in 8" of snow snoring away,


    3 Great fit everywhere but the cuff so water would pool inside the glove and not run out


    NO MORE neoprene gloves for me....


    Could I get a photo of this?


    I still dont understand why no one has made tight fitting gortex gloves? Literally just made a thin pair of gloves out of a waterproof material?


    For reference, the amount of dexterity I am looking for would be in the ballpark of Motocross/Biking gloves or those Mechanix canadian tire gloves.


    The problem is that everywhere I look they seem to be insulated. I just want form fitting full dexterity gloves for fishing. Perhaps my biggest pet peeve is that when attempting to cast etc, the extra length on your fingers on insulated gloves constantly catches your line, hooks etc etc etc


    I am not sure that goretex material is stretchy enough to make form fitting gloves? If it was, I would think someone would have done it? It seems like such a no brainer. Yet 9 yrs and counting and I am still looking for them. Even with all the other materials and treatments out there that are definitely as good at being wind and waterproof, there still isn't anything close to what I am looking for.


    I just went through my collection of winter steelhead gloves, I have bought over the years and I could have bought a top of the line pin and rod for half of what I have spent, just looking a flexible, wind and waterproof pair of gloves that I can wear all day. LOL.


    I finally got smart and started bringing 2 pairs of the ones I posted about earlier, which is the closest I have come to a solution. The latex thing doesn't work for me because I sweat too much in the latex, which would be worse than getting a bit damp in the other gloves.

  13. Ragwool will keep your hands warm but not dry...


    I have spent upwards of 90 bucks on gloves looking for what you are talking about and no luck either.


    The closest I have found are 7.00 bucks a pair the surplus store here in town. They are camo, but not military. They windproof and 95% waterproof... I carry 2 pairs and switch to the second one when the first ones get damp. I just looked at them and they have no name on them so I can't tell you what brand they are. The have plastic dimples on the fingertips for grip and all the fingers made with the same material, so they all stay warm.


    Unlike my 50.00 waterproof hunting gloves, they are great except for the trigger finger on each hand is a different material and it stays dry but that part of your hand freezes because that part must have less thinsulate or something to make it more flexible...


    I have found though that most of the dampness I get in any good glove is from being stupid and not using a towel to dry my hands before I put them back into the glove after I have been baiting up or dealing with a fish.

  14. I hear you Canuck2. Mom and Dad went into a small 1 bedroom residence last March after 60 years in the family home.. I couldn't give away some valuable items, my place is full to the rafters with stuff from my childhood home. We filled a large dumpster that barely fit in the driveway with thousands of $$$$$ of stuff, a sad time for sure but I know they are safe out of that huge house with all those stairs. No garage sale, there was still 2 feet of snow on the ground last March. Apparently none of the kids wanted any VHS machines complete with re winders, Remember re winders anyone? And cassette players complete with Dean Martin and Tom Jones tapes. One of the great grand kids had no clue what the wall hanging pencil sharpener was for or the 45 records.


    You definitely get it then... We filled 3 dumpsters this WEEK, after the donations, sales and what they took to their new home. I don't call it the apartment in front of them, I only refer to it as their home LOL..


    It was like a stroll down memory lane for us in a way too...

  15. Please keep those ridiculously large fish off my pinkworm so that my rod will not break!

    Or, or, or




    My cousin lives in BC, and he was home visiting a couple years back. We went to go some place and I had to take my steelhead gear out of the car. He looks at my 11.6 Swann noodle rod and dead pans, "So what are you still perch fishing this time of year?"


    Without thinking I said no that is my steelhead gear, I will show you how it works out there sometime. He goes you best go shopping before you ever come fishing out west with us. Then he showed some pics on his phone POINT TAKEN!!!! LOL

  16. Irishfield, that is a pretty expensive way to steal someone's pen LOL.


    My friend had his private pilots license when we were in our late teens, and when I could afford to rent a plane for an hour we would go, fly to another airport have lunch...


    He would always go here hold the map for me, then make it float in my lap. So I can't see paying someone to do it now.


    I didn't like those kind of G's I like the other kind.... So of course being a friend he would do it all the more once he knew it bothered me. Like what was I going to do step out of the plane, or knock him out and land it myself? I don't think so LOL

  17. I wish I had known about your Dad's old Snap-On stuff, it all would have found a good home


    Adam, you and the others on here, who mentioned an interest in them probably understand that a Snap ON or MAC professional tool doesn't have to still be all shiny to still work perfectly fine, and a lot better than some cheap drop forgie special...


    As my Dad said he used to have crawl under big diesel trucks all day for the first 35yrs he was a mechanic. If you were smart, you soon learned to set down on the floor, or ground what tools you KNEW you were going to need while you under there.


    With the tools down there, you could just roll out on the creeper and grab what you wanted, and roll back to work. Instead of having to roll out get up walk, over to your tool cabinet at the front of the bay.... (Also trashed 2 perfectly good creepers and one restoration kit for them BTW LOL) So of course things would get scuffed or marked from doing that over the 60 plus years, in all kinds of weather.


    I guess most of the people who looked at them during the sale we had were more interested in just looking at them rather than ever WORKING with them?


    Got a roller cab, mid cab, top cab and 2 side cabs.

    No room for any more.

    I live in a trailer!!!! :D


    Not to thread crap but... It was a bittersweet day today, with tool chests...


    My parents had to move out of the house into an apartment recently. So today was scrap the metal in the garage no one wanted to buy, and that they don't have room for. We disassembled dad's original Snap On tool chest circa 1960 tossed the drawers in the bin. Most of the drawers were half full of tools we couldn't sell for .25 a wrench, because they were actually used not shiny I guess?


    Ironically, it was actually easier to take apart the old Snap On cabinet, than the Mac highboy he in bought in the late 70's. I cringed seeing the dollars going down the shoot. Also a complete snap on hydraulic ram, in the original chest. A valve grinding station that still worked perfectly....


    We also found out that a complete Pontiac 400 motor from a Trans AM weighs, exactly 2 hernias, one for him, one for me, when we had to manhandle into the bin ourselves when our help didn't show up LOL


    I remember going out to the garage he worked at and not being tall enough to steal pennies out of the top drawer of the Snap On chest for the gum ball machine... So I used to have sneak a wooden coke box over to the chest stand on it to reach into the drawer, while my sister stood guard LOL...

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