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Posts posted by Canuck2fan

  1. it is interesting to see that not one person here for the first thread ever is opposed to decriminalizing pot...so what the heck is going on here?


    I actually wonder where the small minority is that is opposed to it.


    I would suspect the people who are opposed to it are in petrochemicals, bio fuels, pulp and paper mills. Those are the businesses the industrialists who got pot banned in the first place were in. LOL

  2. Cliff pretty much nailed it.

    The Liberals have proven to be to free with our money.

    The Conservativea care about only money and big business.

    They both lie routinely and make me sick.

    Regardless of the "Party" in charge, I feel that universal health care and education and environmental conservation should always be a priority. We live in one of the best countries in the world - a new immigrant can come to a beautiful land where their child actually has a REAL chance of making an excellent life for themselves. I hope that remains true in the future. I'm not sure that the Liberals or Conservatives are capable of maintaining the "Canadian Dream".


    Well said!! NO POLITICIAN in Canada stands a chance of making things better for the majority of people... They just do what they are told or they don't last...


    "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild, said it and for good reason.

  3. in the states it is based on the choices people make, would you rather have a 30% tax rate and be able to pick the type of heath insurance you want but you have to make the payments and start them at a young age to maintain affordability when you are older


    Here we pay 50% taxes and the governments make the insurance payments for us


    On my yearly jaunt to Kansas for the NASCAR race, I got talking to one of my neighbors there. He told me that his family premiums were up to $1200.00 per month and he could no longer afford it.


    as stated above he can afford to go to a NASCAR race for the weekend but can not afford health insurance, it is all about choices people make.


    It might be that simple under Obama care but in the past it really didn't matter when you started or what you paid, because if you got really sick. Your needs could max out your policy. Worse if you were sick enough you were gone from your job (exactly like lots of people I know in Canada too). So you get well in the US and you start a new job, but not that long ago there with a PRE-EXISTING condition you might not be insurable at any price...


    Also there is NO mathematical logic, that can be used to infer that prices for anything in Canada are higher because of Healthcare. Healthcare costs MORE as a percentage of GDP in the US and has for decades, so we are paying more up here for a different reason. In the end the citizens in both countries pay for healthcare and it is MORE expensive in the US, that fact can't be disputed.



  4. I'm not easily swayed by "best before" FnF... I grew up from the age of 4 in a butcher shop!

    Damn near had a heart attack in Foodland yesterday when I picked up a pack of strip loins marked $34.28/kg!


    +1 I wouldn't even look at strip loins these days. When "lean" ground beef is supposed to be super special at 3.99lb beef is pretty much off the menu for me. LOL


    Also everyone knows Strip Loin is for people who don't know the "secrets" like you posted earlier. The cheaper cuts done right will almost always have more of a BEEF flavour than strip loin.

  5. Don't make those accusations because you really don't know all the CORRECT info........as someone here early mentioned, there a good and bads with both health care systems. But to spread false hearsay info is only making matters worse.


    Sorry but they are not accusations they are facts!!!! Maybe with Obama care they wouldn't have wound up bankrupt or lost their coverage , but before Obama care when it all happened they most certainly would have lost their insurance and had to pay themselves. In all the cases they would have COLLAPSED their work coverage, or gone without any coverage after being laid off when the job they had for 20 plus years with excellent benefits went offshore...


    Since you can't ignore going for care or just take aspirin when you have fatal cancer in 5 of the cases, they required a lot of very expensive care. Also there is no way any county hospital in the US would have treated them for free as they weren't destitute. They had homes to sell to satisfy the debt. Which is WHAT was happening to lots of people in the US at the time. Look up the leading cause of personal bankruptcy in the US of A and will you find it says medical costs.


    As for the myth anyone can get care in the US at a County Hospital because they can't refuse to treat you, that is only true if you need emergency care, once you are stable they no longer have to treat you. Also if you have the means to pay you eventually pay whatever you can.


    There is nothing false in what I wrote and I stand by it fully. Also, since you don't know all the facts maybe you shouldn't be so quick to condemn it as heresay.

  6. I have 8 aunts and uncles 6 of whom would most certainly would have wound up BANKRUPT if they lived the US, due to the health problems they experienced.


    So to me 90 bucks for an eye exam is an acceptable cost to the system we have here. Could it be better of course is everyone ever going to be happy not likely.


    I would like to see the people who complain sit down with the money, and requests for it do a better job than is done now..... I know I couldn't even begin to make the simple decisions correctly much less the tough ones.

  7. I don't drink anymore so I could care less. The only booze I use is in cooking. I am always for more choice, but I can't for a moment believe it will benefit the micro breweries that much...


    I say this because of smashing my head against the wall for a few years trying to get a grocery product listed into any major supermarket chain. The product was LIKED, by all the executives we sampled, met all the criterion for labeling. It had double the required product liability insurance, was produced under licence by a manufacturer that was already selling products in all the major chains so the distribution and supply chains were in place. Most importantly it had the financial backing of a multi millionaire, yet in the end it couldn't be listed by any of the chains. The reasoning was it might upset, the big boys who pay thousands a week in kickbacks for end displays and advertising buys....


    So with space already limited now for products adding booze will just mean a few marginal products will get delisted to make room, and I honestly can't see a small brewery/winery being able to do any better at getting their foot in the door full scale while competing against the giants. Hopefully some local stores will use their limited UPC codes to list some local favorites though.

  8. I have never had a problem buying on the internet. I have never bought a single thing off of the internet. I am a Dinosaur and don't care. I almost set up a Pay Pal account. I was told many years ago by a sharp computer science guy with his PHD, never enter any info on the internet you wouldn't put in a box in your front yard for anyone to see.


    LOL.... great advice.


    Too bad all your information is already on the "internet" in multiple places too. How you ask? Every bank, government payment from or to you, utility service, you have paid for by debit, cash, cheque or charge, in the the last 10yrs for sure was entered and IS online in one form or another.


    Most store transactions wind up online too unless you paid cash and refused to give your name....


    Here is another one that will shock you. There are no physical property deeds in Ontario anymore they are out there in cyberspace now (heard this just yesterday when the lawyer came to have my parents sign off on the deal for selling their house) When you buy a property now you just get a code to access a digital copy of your deed... Unless the lawyer was wrong. LOL.


    Lastly as of 2016 all your government payments will only be made to you by direct deposit, which is done over the "internet". Soon after that you will HAVE to file your taxes electronically online too or your accountant will.



  9. 1 - Rogers

    2 - Bell


    Who can say enough bad about them. Necessary evils in many cases though.


    This is one I still can't figure out though. Our local rag the Beacon Herald, bought out by Quebecor media a few years back, is only useful for catching bird droppings. Or posting local notices. Last month our family decided that on the 5yr of the passing of my Grandmother we would do a immemoriam notice.


    I went online when I was over at my parents place to do it so I wouldn't have to go into the office. I tried to use their online app for setting it all up. It didn't work. So I picked up the phone and tried to call. The call wouldn't go through for some reason. I saw that rogers had just been in the building my parents live and figured it must be that they were working on the system, but the phone worked when I called my place just to see if it would?


    Wanting to get it done, I tried my cell and it the call went through, got told the online app doesn't work, just email her and she would email back with a proof and the cost. Then we could call in and approve and pay for it over the phone...


    The email comes to my parents a couple of days later my dad tries to call and the homephone doesn't work AGAIN... When he finally gets through on his cell, the rep tells him, they put in a new system a few weeks ago and for some reason rogers homephone customers can't call through? They are working on it though...


    So the only daily newspaper in the county can't take calls from the second biggest home phone provider in the country LOL. Yet both my dad and I have rogers cell plans and it worked...

  10. What sucks is when you're on long term disability at 60% of your income base (as of 4 years ago) and then it's still taxable because your Union was too greedy and made the employer pay the LTD premium portion and not allowing the employee to do so on their own behalf (which would have made it tax free). When all is said and done, Jen only gets about 45% of her pay. It JUST covers her apartment and hydro bill in the city.


    Yeah that does suck, especially since it was likely a taxable benefit at the time... At least she worked in a place that had long term disability insurance. Also the union might have thought some people might not have paid for it on their own, so at least their way the employees would get something.

  11. Then how should we deal with criminals that have been locked up for violent offences? Give each one an indeterminate sentence? No hope of reintegrating into society? Get in a bar fight, break someone's jaw and spend the rest of your days in prison? Don't you feel that may be overly punitive, after all our lockups are called PENITENTiaries. Penitent being the operative root word.


    You would not want to know with how I believe we should deal with violent offenders LOL.


    That being said the situation with criminally insane people is different for one major reason. They don't do time in jail because they are ill, they get to be treated for their illness. As soon as they are deemed not to be ill they can be released back into society, because they were never guilty the "illness" was. That release comes because a doctor or panel of doctors says that they are safe to be out in public again.


    I just think the doctors should be personally invested in that decision.... I would love to see judges and politicians personally invested in the actions of violent criminals too. None of it will ever happen though.

  12. I think that when any doctor that claims any patient with a KNOWN violent history of crime is cured and safe to be out in public. That doctor should be chained to that patient's future forever.


    If the patient relapses and commits a crime let the doctor serve the same penalty in the same cell. That might make a doctor think about whether they are actually safe to be out in society again.


    I don't think just the doc saying patient will be fine as long as they take their meds is good enough, so lets have it be personal for the doc that the patient does stay medicated!!!


    Why's that?



    Well see that's the thing, she's still only 10.


    Well not for nothing but I have worked with about 1000 teenragers over the years and I have to say only maybe 10 not 10% of them would even have a clue about how to cook one meal during the ages of 14 to 18. So if she has been planning, shopping for and cooking her meals for more than week. She is mature enough to form her own thoughts, and keep them. Just tell her you love her and respect her opinion and her right to have it, but don't agree with it. If that the extent of the rebellion count your blessings.

  14. I think I just learned the secret to solving a problem I have had. I tried for years to make something similar to a blooming onion that we get at the Outback. I got the flavors pretty much bang on but I could never get the batter to stick properly. After reading the above posts I am thinking that I should have refridgerated the onion to allow the batter to set before frying it. Got to give that one a try!


    It should help to refrigerate it.... The amount of moisture in the onion is going to make adhesion of the breading more difficult than fish or chicken.


    I do make onion rings by soaking the rings in buttermilk overnight in the fridge. Drain the buttermilk off in a sieve coat with.


    3/4 cup of flour

    1/4 cup cornstarch

    2 tbsp corn meal for crunch optional

    1 tbsp lawrys seasoning salt


    Refrigerate for 30 minutes then fry, if you don't refrigerate them coated it doesn't stick nearly as well.

  15. I stand corrected Canuck2fan, only 1/2 as bad. It's like saying I only drank 1/2 of a 40 pounder


    That is still better than drinking a whole 26er though. It is all in ones perception.


    If want to lower the glycemic hit just use brown rice flour with a bit of corn starch or corn meal with seasoning, to dredge, then the eggs and in the rice flour mix again. It is lighter tasting and lets the flavour of the fish come through. I make a gluten free mix this way and it works on chicken, pork chops and fish quite well. The trick is to coat and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to let the breading set.

  16. Yep looks like another year of not being out steelhead fishing during the change... Having it change so early means the ice is still in big time, even with the mini thaw coming this week.


    Before George Bush messed with it being the first Sunday in April, I had some great days on the tribs during the change, even though the fish still starting biting at the old time.



    Big Cliff your recipe calls for 1 cup of flour per pound of fish. My Diabetes specialist would ring my neck if I ate a cup of white flour for one meal. And my head would probably explode. I can still see my toes and almost other body parts and want to keep it that way as long as possible, chuckle, chuckle......


    No his recipe says 1 cup is enough to do 2.2 lbs of fish.... Also if you are eating deep fried fish and have a diet specialist of any kind they are not going to be happy unless you are living in Scotland, in which case they will serving a deep fried mars bar along with the fish and chips. LOL.


    I downloaded Adblock a few days ago and no longer see any ads like you seeing now.


    I actually don't mind the ads I see because they do help fund websites like this one, and once in a million visits they do offer something I might want LOL.


    I do however hate when ad videos start playing when a page loads so I have shut that feature off.


    Some sites though are so bad because they have 6 to 10 ads loading at a time, those sites I just stop going to.

  19. Coat fish a seasoned flour mix or dry fish crisp


    Dip in eggs with a bit of cold water


    Then bread with fish crisp or even powdered saltine crackers instead. The fish crisp in the first coat will give you the flavor, the powdered saltine crackers will give you a light crunch coating.


    NOBODY mentioned the most important step you MUST do when use a dry mix breading!!!!


    After you have it coated let the coating set and rest by layering in between wax paper and chilling for at least a half hour in the fridge. Doing this will change the way you think about dry mixes vs batters as a coating for fish. You will get a crisper more evenly browned product even using 3/4" of oil in a skillet. Just don't cool the oil down by adding too much fish at a time.

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