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Posts posted by Canuck2fan

  1. HUH, I see more uneducated dirt bags being the psychopaths then anyone else.......as a matter of fact, I don't see any CEO's being the psychopaths that you speak of........but of course maybe you have a better view from your point of view...............


    The studies are quite clear... CEO's as a profession are up to 4 times more likely to be psychopaths than any other. Dirt bags didn't even make list unless you misspelled CEO bankers LOL


    That's fight'n words, your rebuttal Canuck?


    LOL fight over something online in a forum? I just consider the source and laugh it off.

  2. Stop being JEALOUS of others........you want CEO money, then go to school and get a BA then a Masters or even better a PHD and become a CEO if you want that kind of money.


    YOU are where you are because of what YOU did or did not do.....Don't blame others for your failures.


    I don't consider not being a psychopath like most CEO's have to be to do what they do to others any kind of failure but whatever LOL

  3. Some kids today just think they are above working hard. They will figure it out in time when mom and dad eventually run out of money.


    There is a difference between public sector union and private company union.


    Public sector there is always more money available regardless what you ask for.

    Private unions over does it and the company folds or moves. Balanced happy workers are productive workers.


    Ironically a CEO can make 100 to 200 times what they used to in the 70's and the company's board does NOTHING about that.... if it wasn't so sad it would be funny.

  4. Generalizations about generations are usually wrong. People ALWAYS talk down about bad experiences but rarely give nearly the same energy to relating the good ones.


    I have worked with a lot of youth in the service industry over the years and can honestly say there are still some kids TODAY who will be world leaders and some will only be able to take out the trash career wise.... That was true 30 yrs ago and is still true today.


    Cliff keep looking, the kind of worker you want is out there, but as noted they are probably hard to find because they are busy already.

  5. In December I got an AT&T Microsoft Lumia 640 from the States for just over 58.00 Canadian. They are STILL on sale at Walmart in the U.S. for 29.99 U.S. or at Walgreens for less, if you can find one. Trouble is it for instore pickup only now. Great phone for surfing, email and it has offline maps for GPS with the 8.1 OS and is supposed to with win 10 too but I haven't upgraded. Another HUGE bonus with AT&T no contract phones like this if you never turn the phone on with their sim in it, you can email them to get a FREE unlock code.


    Once the phone is unlocked it will work with just about every provider in Canada...


    I then got a nano sim from Petro Canada and got their 15 dollar a month plan that includes 100 minutes anywhere in Canada with unlimited texting and I added 500 mb of data for another 15 a month. No contract and you can collect Petro points for every renewal. Petro Can seems to alternate deals on plans every month of so the other offer I have seen is 200 anywhere anytime minutes with unlimited texting for 20 a month with data at .10 a mb or 100mb for 10.00 or 500mb for 15.00 or 1GB for 30.00. You can set up automatic renewals online or buy vouchers at Petro Can gas stations.


    The only drawback to the phone is the lack of apps for some people on the Windows platform, which doesn't bother me as I only occasionally surf the net when the fish aren't biting and check my email. I retired my GPS and point and shoot camera after getting the phone. If you go to the U.S. or have a friend who can pick you up one it is a great deal for a no contract smart phone, that be unlocked for free.

    If you already have Windows 8.1 the phone comes with the same OS so the learning curve isn't that steep.


    Instructions to unlock the phone for free with the code from AT&T in the link below. Just remember NEVER turn the phone on with the AT&T sim card installed as that will lock it to AT&T's network so you will have to wait 6 months to get a free unlock code. I unlocked 2 phones using the instructions here so I know it works, and the phone will work on Wind, Bell, Rogers, Telus, 7-Eleven and Petro Canada....



  6. I think you're right about the police not really making the call here. If he did blow over, they can't really just let him walk even if they wanted to. If the story is true as told I'm sure the Crown will take it into consideration.


    Agree the police should have smelled the other way at first but after that....


    I am not 100% sure but believe once they took him in and he blew over the police can't drop the charge.... It is then up to the crown, and if they decide to proceed to court it then it is up to a judge.


    After getting over being outraged by the charge.... On reflection it could just be that the cops knowing they couldn't do anything to Guy the next day without real PROOF he was intoxicated, they might have decided to see if he was legally impaired in case the story didn't happen EXACTLY the way it is written... Lots of liability issues could come up so it might have been just a CTA situation.


    In any event he is a hero and obviously had enough wits about him to save 2 out of 3 people... I doubt many others drunk or stone cold sober would have had the courage, calm and know how to do what he did.

  7. If you are going to bleed it, where do you do it? Back into the water, or in a cooler, or...?


    I strictly shore fish, so if I am keeping a smallie it goes on a stringer and back into the water and bleeds out there. Disclaimer I only keep smallies from a quarry that is 100ft deep in parts so the water is always cool a few feet down. Never seen one with worms from there in over 40 yrs. The difference was amazing though once an uncle explained you have to kill it right away if you want to keep it. Never take one over a couple of lbs max either

  8. Guy is a hero regardless of the charge.....


    The police who charged him are sending the message just let people die so you won't risk getting into trouble which is pretty disturbing. (Given the number of cops I have personally seen drink or get high then drive, just because they knew they could get away with it). Guy proves doing right isn't always going turn out right.


    Once they started the process of charging him though only the crown and if that fails then lastly the courts can settle it. I hope he gets a judge with some common decency as there has not been any common sense in our justice system in years.

  9. I take pride in my fish-cleaning skills. Waste as little as possible with nice presentation.


    I'll try bleeding the keepers next time. I usually only do that with rainbow trout so why not apply that to ther species


    EXACTLY.... For people who think small mouth from cool water taste muddy. Next time if you want to keep a 2lber for a meal. Kill it immediately, by bleeding it, if you are keeping it for the table. So the fish doesn't release acids from the stress of being in the live well or on the stringer that change the taste.

  10. For all the ruckus this post has caused, one thing is clear. PEOPLE on here CARE!!!! There is a very healthy difference of what we propose as solutions, which is great IMHO. The trouble we have as Canadians is getting from the caring part to the acting part in numbers large enough to effect change!!!


    When something like this sickening situation comes out in the media it makes people's blood boil who care, but blaming anyone or anything for her plight is pointless, if we don't ACT to change it once and for all.


    Only because the money controlling folks WANT us to be divided rather than to wise up and see we have MORE than enough resources, to look after vets, seniors, the mentally ill, the disabled and any other group who can't or won't for WHATEVER reason provide for themselves in this country. Sadly though the psychopaths who run the money/power system in this country won't allow it because it will mean just a little less for them....


    It is as if the money changers know they can rely on the fact that little tiny divides between who we think deserves financial dignity, means they can deny it to all, while feathering their nests a little deeper.


    There is a poster going around the internet....


    A banker, a worker and an immigrant are sitting in a Timmies. There is a plate with 20 cookies on it. The banker being a banker with an MBA grabs 19 cookies and pockets them. Then wags her finger at the worker, you better watch it!!!! The immigrant here is going to steal your cookie if you don't stop them.


    Sadly, as a nation though we keep taking the bait and never stand up and yell at the banker. YOU are the real problem we could have all had 6.333 cookies... (leaving you one for interest you whine) To add insult to injury the banker then STILL charges us .10 cookie to hold it for us, while we use the rest room, because we ARE afraid the immigrant will get it. LOL


    Now all we really need to do is to decide does the banker keep getting 19 cookies while we beat each others brains out for the remaining cookie. Or, is it time the banker just gets 10 or maybe 6 so the rest of us can have some whole cookies too....

  11. Not sure how long he will get... The maximum allowable (which is what I would give him if I were able) still won't bring back the innocents he killed. Then with all the "over crowding" , he is going to get out early most likely...


    As for a civil suit how much of the family fortune does the guy actually have? Maybe a few million at his age? So if the survivors get it all plus 10 or more, again that isn't going to bring any one back.


    Sadly cash is the one thing Muzzo's family reportedly has lots of. So how it is a real punishment for him, compared to the people living without their love ones?


    Justice seems impossible to get in cases like this...

  12. If you're going to do it, backup everything to an external hard drive, then completely wipe the computer, then install 10 from scratch.


    I would say you're at a crossroads between upgrading the OS, sticking with your current setup, or purchasing a new laptop with 10 already installed (or one with good specs and 8 as the OS). Upgrading from 8 shouldn't be problematic at all.


    I agree clean installs are better, so if you are going to accept the upgrade, do a BACKUP of all your data and make sure you have access to the installation sources for all your programs and apps you want to keep. INCLUDING your old OS should you want to revert to it if something doesn't work in win 10.


    Then make sure you have a VALID windows key for either 7, 8, 8.1 or 10... You will need that key to validate windows 10.


    The above method is a bit quicker than when Microsoft forced you to do the upgrade, then wait until you could see it was validated, before doing a clean install. Before an update last October, using an old win key wouldn't validate a clean install of Win 10.... However, once you had validated the upgrade you could do clean installs and Microsoft's servers would recognize your system specs and validate a fresh install.


    The advantage IMHO to doing it the old way, was I was able to make sure it would all work with my older peripherals, and programs before wiping out my previous version of windows. Without having to do a complete reinstall of everything if I didn't like win 10 or it didn't work with something older I wanted to keep.


    The old way still had the option of reverting back to Win 7 and not losing anything or having to reinstall any programs or apps that doing a clean install of Win 10 I didn't like or couldn't use would have involved.

  13. I am finding most of the problems with the upgrade on a machine that passes the check that says win 10 will work on it, involves the chair to keyboard interface. That can be real tricky to fix sometimes...


    As for old peripherals not working with Win 10 it is so EASY to blame Microsoft when the truth is the manufacturer as decided to orphan your old purchase by not offering updated drivers. Perhaps so you will rush out and buy a replacement... Remember how much money was wasted by consumers over Y2K, companies and CEO's made trillions though.

  14. Boy how things have changed eh?


    What makes you think things have changed for the worse or better? It is the guberment always has been always will be. When my Grandfather retired from the CNR in 1966 they directed him through the process. It was all craps and giggles UNTIL the guberment decided he was NOT a in fact a Canadian citizen.


    Apparently the "official" who checked his parents in as they arrived from England in 1902 didn't dot all the i's and cross enough t's for him as he was less than one year old and considered a babe in arms or some nonsense....


    He was a bit outraged as he had paid income tax from the day it was implemented during WW1, property tax for over 40yrs and NEVER took a dime from the guberment for anything, until his pension.


    So crap happens always did always will when it comes to the guberment....

  15. Not sure how you would get MORE back using a pay program? Your taxes are your taxes regardless of how you calculate them. The feds now already HAVE every slip you do so it is only your deductions that would change anything and for a program to be certified for use they have to all meet the same standard.


    (Of course even if you call in you will get a different answer from what is allowable and what isn't depending on who you talk to... or CFTO used to anyhow with a segment they did on guberment incompetence each year LOL.)


    Ufile is worth it to me because of not having to re-enter all the info LOL. My time is worth something and I know how to use it. I always get a few bucks off from the coupon they email me in December as well.

  16. I think you are referring to Bombardier Inc.

    they make planes and trains.

    BRP was once part of them but was split out.

    BRP= Bombardier Recreational Products

    They make some cool stuff although I own none of them.


    The thing is without past bailouts BRP would have died in corporate infancy.... Also did they not spin off BRP so that Bombardier Inc could look worse on paper to get government WELFARE?


    Who are the directors and shareholders? They probably still share a ton of them with each other, as well LOL.

  17. I went to Home Hardware and got a couple of mop and broom rack holders. Had my bud who owns an auto upholstery business glue foam pads onto the holders. I have 4 of them in a closet. 2 where I had a slot hole cut in the bottom plywood on one side for the 10 ft plus rods and two along the back wall for the shorter rods that will fit under the shelf. Each holder has 5 clips in a ten inch length. Total cost was 18 bucks plus tax....


    I also have on all the long rods the reels in cloth bags that came with my Pflueger Presidents and float reels. So there are no handles poking out catching the lines on the other reels. After almost 10 yrs haven't had a scratch on a rod or snagged reel for having so many rods packed so closely together.


    I would take a picture but can't get enough light in the closet to get a good one.... even with a flash. I have tried. All did the same setup for my dad when he moved into an apartment and 3 other fishermen in my building have copied the setup.


    It's not like a government to mis-manage our money....yeah, right


    Anybody ever notice that once calculators got cheap in the mid 70's NOTHING any government did from the municipal level to the feds cost LESS than a million dollars.... Before that they had to work to stretch the numbers so large, after calculators it was just a matter of a few button presses. LOL.


    After having dealt with guberments ordering meals, rooms and other things in the hospitality industry it isn't so much the politicians as the managing bureaucrats who never saw a dollar they had to borrow that they couldn't spend twice. If the maximum budget was 10 K for a retreat they would find a way to spend 14 K or more....


    I have worked for a lot of BIG conservative party supporters who used to whine and chew about high taxes... Then on the other hand they would screw any government agent blind on pricing when it came to selling them something. I would say well you aren't helping lower taxes, when last week the exact same room and meal package for robonthejob corp was 89.99 per person per day. This week for the Department of Highways it was 129.50... roughly 33% more just because it was government.


    If you think that was bad you should see what they charged any insurance company LOL. What was worse was at the time we were constantly doing government groups because we were the CHEAPEST they could find after shopping around and my boss was gouging them 30%. His excuse was EVERYBODY does it and if we were the cheapest the others sure were trying to.... He justified it by saying I want my share back after, I pay in so much is damned taxes....


    Think of it like that across every department in every level for EVERY thing and you have the answer why government can't manage money. They are the single biggest customer of goods and services in the country and everybody who sells to them thinks it is an endless pot of money, and charges the accordingly.


    In the case of the service we provided any manager in the government could go and show the finance department that they had called around and took the lowest price for the service... So when it goes up the food chain to the politician how would they know they weren't getting good value for the money? A bidding process occurred and they paid for the lowest bid...

  19. Interesting Dutch, here we had a decision by our Supreme Court ( Citizens United ) that ruled corporations are people too, and basically opened the flood gates to unlimited funding for political campaigns.




    This might help to better explain the US defense spending?


    Our method leaves room for a lot of games to be played!


    If you want to read about the ways that military spending took off in the U.S. read the book Drift by Rachel Maddow. It illustrates just how and why military spending kept growing, growing, and has gone out of sight...


    Ironically, it is at the point where it has become the single biggest security threat to the U.S. because it has all but crippled them financially with paying the interest on the money they borrowed to remain strong and free.


    The most interesting point the book made to me though is that the out of control spending spending really started when neocons were able to blame rank and file personnel for having union type benefits... Totally exemplified how the loudest military supporters are ALWAYS the crappiest at looking after personnel financially when the are away fighting or come home after.

  20. They where good for me. Maybe not so much for you. But this conversation isn't about that, and frankly that is all matter of opinion and political views anyway. This is a discussion of security. If you believe proper background checks will be done on 900 refugees a day from a war torn country, many without paperwork then please PM me, I have some excellent swampland available in Florida and it shouldn't cost much to drain it.


    Erased my response because the powers that be have heard you Porkpie and totally backed off their numbers to a safer time table...


    10,000 by end of year the balance by the end of February...

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