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River Rat

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Everything posted by River Rat

  1. one of my favorite tricks under the ice is to slow wobble a huge flatfish a few inches off the bottom on slow but steady harbor current. Fish hit em hard. also, I always keep a panther martin and some small quick fish for winter break outs....when the lower ends stack with fish and then skim over with ice....we bust it out and I like to throw a panther martin in for the first few minutes...I get many hungry, aggresive winter fish this way. Yes they don't fight as well in the super cold water but they will hit a lure in cold water. Roe will work OK but now that the salmon have come and gone, there isn't a ton of roe in the system for feed. Of course a white single can still cause srikes but artificials are my go to for cold days in Dec and most days after dec till ice out in the spring. Cheers RR
  2. if your guides are small and the rubber stops are a pain, you can use 65lbpower pro and just tie a uni know, wrap it like 10 times and it holds mainline well. They sell the little pre-tied slip ons too. I like bright colored dacron because I want to be able to see it against the float. Soemtimes a slip float will get a groove and the line will catch it, you won't see it if you can't see you float stopper. P.S. I've run deep pools with a fixed float and IMO, the slip float is much easier to use. Cheers RR
  3. JC has a new CTS 6-8lb 3pc blank available. Sweet rod and I have ordered one to replace my IMX that was broken. Super fast 3pc with lots of power for those times when you need a little in the reseve. Cheers RR
  4. You can maybe get the suspended fish with a jigging spoon but I'd go after the fish closer to bottom crawling a tube or craw. temps like that, you have to hit them on the head and keep it there. RR
  5. I've mounted two both with overhangs...no problems with either. Cheers RR
  6. Kemper, you can have mine till you get yours back....just don't eat it! I live in the Shwa so I can drop it off, I don't think my PM works here so let me know where to meet you and when. Cheers RR
  7. You are right....anyone knows the best deal is the highest volume. Joss will committ huge money to fill the store with products he believes in. Most tackles shops around won't do that. He doesn't push things that he doesn't use himself for the most part. He buys quanity on things he has confidense in, if you have confidense you can sell it no problem. Cheers RR
  8. Joss is the man. I drive there from Oshawa regular and lots come from WAY further away than that. Not just for good price, he knows what he's doing. I've had a lowrance network on my boat for two seasons plus ethernet and all works great....Joss hooked it all up in store, and sent me away with it all labled and in tact. When I installed on the boat, I just unhooked one plug at a time, ran the wire and plugged back in. He set up the ping, cones, everything for the type of fishing I do. You don't get that at Radio World. Just try to get out of his shop in less than 3 hours....customers, phone....he is one busy dude! Bring him a coffee and you'll get an extra 5% off....tell him I said that and he may add an extra 5% LOL.. RR
  9. No the foot doesn't swivel. They are made in Swedan but the rep is local in the GTA. There is no risk involved due to the reels being new but they are very differnt from what you have gotten used to. I have had both versions in my hands and it's not for me. There are plenty of reels out there, too many to suggest what is best for you. I bought a vectra years ago for being light but the quality was not good IMO..sems they have gotten better sinece then.....take your time and research, try some out at the shops or with buddies. Cheers RR
  10. I wieghed 4 over 5lbs this year.....this one was 5-9oz. Cheers RR
  11. gee thanks!....... P.S. you mean this post wasn't an essay ? LOL !
  12. why not ? I posted a smiley on another guys post....seen you do that 100 times, although sometimes you will add "I completly agree" or something like that......what's your problem ? Cheers RR
  13. LOL....get over yourself!
  14. LOL! ...get over yourself
  15. I just "finger" the mono instead of the spool......on big water on the initial run, I will sometimes use regular fingr brakes on the rim with the left hand palming as well. Makes you works harder to land those bad boys but the reward is much better. It's more "sporting" IMO when the quarry has a chance of escape. or you can just get a spinning reel or baitcaster and just crank em like a jeep on a winch. RR
  16. I used to crank fish in with spinning gear, that's how I learned back in the early 80's.....I could NEVER go back to doing that. I've never tried float fishing with a baitcaster and I own 8 or 9. Lots of what you mention makes sense on paper but I like the 1 to 1 feel I get fighting fish on the pin. I like to feel the head shakes right through the handles and put the brakes on a sreamer with my fingers, not with a drag. The baitcaster is a machine invented to make fishing easier......the float reel is a simple spool, pin and bearings. If a fish runs straight at me at 100 miles and hour and gets off, she deserves the win. I get great satisfaction from fishing big water with the center pin because every fish landed is a fish earned. I don't think I am a purist but I live for the challenge and my experience with the fish during the fight is what I remember and talk about with buddies the most. I know from my spinning days that this experience wouldn't be the same with a baitcaster for me anyway. P.S. I Can't really understand the comments about pins looking better in pictures and colors etc.....I see tons of "bling" in baitcasters too. Perhaps there are people that buy float gear to look the part but I see tons of "baitcasters" in $60K bassboats that couldn't pitch a jig 20 feet to save thier life.....that happens in all sports. just my opinion on the topic, to each their own. RR
  17. I fish with Chromer a bit and he said the Washington trip was crappy this year. From what I am hearing the Thompson may not even open this year due to low creel count. Simply not enough returns on the west coast these days.... Get up to Alasksa and hook up with Drifter16.....Dave will get you on fish but it's gonna cost you no mater what. Cheers RR
  18. wicked Dave, hit me a PM on where to get that stuff if you can. Cheers RR
  19. I've been getting fancy with beads the last few years.....the girls at the local dollar store must think I'm a cross dresser with all pearls and nail polish I have bought there! .....Dave ever tried heat glue ? mix up a batch and color to taste...... cheers RR
  20. don't know, I had mine...guy I was with didn't. It's up to him if he decides to break a law, he pays the price not me......you "think" you know alot about the US federal, state, native and conservation laws.....what does that have to do with the discussion you decided to become involved in ? RR
  21. I didn't mention any names in my post so I didn't see it as flaming? .....that fact that so many of you guys knew exactly what I was talking about kinda makes my point in a way but I wasn't really expecting this kind of response to be honest. If I posted a picture of the gazebo on coburg creek tonight saying "suicidal chromers" fresh run fish hit 30....what do you think would happen in 7 hours ? If I take a pic on big bear this winter saying "hammered 20 lakers, all over 5 lbs" ..what will that spot look like the next day ? It's like posting "free beer" on the corner of bay and bloor...... I just can't believe I'm the only one here that see's that. RR
  22. gee Louis, it sure seems like you are trying to pick a fight ..LOL ! at least I can understand this post I didn't do anything wrong. I had both licenses and was perfectly leagal. The guy with us didn't have a NY state license either (GASP!) Why are you attacking me, my knowledge of the river ? etc etc ???? high profile guy ?? advocate of rod builders ??LOL ...anything else ? ?? I once saw a guy smoke a joint on a river too....guess I should have called the cops eh ? Gotham will feel safe tonight knowing you are watching ! Cheers RR
  23. Well, thanks for being the first person to say I am entitled to my opinion. How do you think that river became the in thing to do ? really think about that and be honest with yourself. I could be off on the mortallity rate but it's a number I have seen in many articles on multiple species. If you consider that not all anglers understand where to land a fish, how fast to play them in etc...that rate seems about right to me but I guess the experts say it's too high.....ANYWAY, I was there the weekend after...those fish were beat, hard. period. That post had a HUGE impact on that pod of fish. Egos man....it's all about egos RR
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